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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Day 119 - Thursday

U.S. History I - Periods 1, 5, and 6: 

Essential Questions:
-Does state or federal government have a greater impact in our lives?
-How has American's justified Manifest Destiny?
-Does the United States have a mission to expand democracy and freedom?
-Why did Americans feel so compelled to expand the country westward?
-What might 19th century Native Americans have said about Manifest Destiny? 
-How might the country have developed differently if no gold or other precious minerals had been discovered in the West?
-Does war cause national prosperity?
-Is economic, social, or physical coercion an effective method of achieving our national interest in domestic affairs

Themes: State Rights vs. Federal Government, Prohibition, Social Justice, Prison Reform, Education Reform, Women's Rights, and Abolitionism

1. The "Other Side" was not so happy with all of the changes going on in America from 1816-1860. Several groups of people and individuals spoke out against these rapid changes going on in America.  As a result, we will be briefly covering the reform movements in America during the above time period.  Please complete pages 1-4 the outline on The Land of Reform using Chapter 8 pages 240-258.

2. Please download the Antebellum [before the American Civil War] Reformers and review slides #1- #15.

3. Reform Movements of the 19th Century
First Age of Reform - Lots of Primary sources
Pre-Civil War Reform - Scroll down to this section on our online textbook and read the summary and click on the links to help you understand more specific reform movements

4. Crash Course with John Green

1. If you did not finish your in-class assignments, then you should for homework.
U.S. HISTORY II - Period 4:

Essential Questions:
- Who is responsible for starting the Cold War?
-Why didn't the Cold War ever turn "hot"?
-How did the Cold War challenge American values, at home and abroad?
-Is the Cold War still going on? How?

Themes: Failed Conferences, The Iron Curtain, Satellite Nations, Containment, Domino Theory, Korean War. 

1. Several of you were absent yesterday for the Field Trip to NYC, so please make sure you study for the Quiz you missed yesterday and be ready to take it on Monday during class.

2. If you have not yet posted The Korean War Podcasts, then please do so immediately to the Google "Folder titled "Podcast on Korean War and Script". You must post to Google Classroom's wall addressing TWO specific people and their podcasts.  Your post should be a reflection and comments regarding the students execution using the Podcast Rubric as a guide.

3. Furthermore, please write your OWN REFLECTION responding to the following questions and posting on Google Classroom in Assignments
A. Did you enjoy creating podcasts in an academic environment? Why?
B. How did podcasting compare to written assignments you have done in other classes or in mine?
C. In your opinion, what are the benefits and drawbacks?
D. Would you like to produce your own podcasts or other media projects in the near furture (4th Quarter)? Please explain why or why not.

4. Cold War Slideshow #1 1945-1960 - The American home front will be explored post-WWII.

1. Read "Two Nations Live on Edge" pages 828-833.  Please outline how the U.S. and the Soviet Union lived on Edge.  Questions to strongly address in your outlines: What are the major themes of the 1950's? What major event(s) almost caused war? Who is leading America and the USSR? What type of operations lead to global conflicts between these superpowers?
Modern America Class - Period 7
Essential Questions:
1. How much do popular trends reflect and/or shape American values and traditions?
2. Does our entertainment reflect society, or does our entertainment shape our society?
3. What is Pop Culture?
4. How do we know if something is Popular Culture?

Themes: Pop Culture, Top Charts, American Exceptionalism, 1980's Decade, 1980's TV, 1980's Major Events in Politics, Culture, Sports, Science.

1. Please work and try your very best to complete the Music Assignments - Music in the 1980's and homework and post it to Google Classroom.

2. Here is the 1980's Interview Podcast Project and Instructions.

6. 1980's Links to get you started:
-What happened in the 1980's - - Toys, Sports, Furniture, Events, Fashion, Appliances, and Music are all categories you can investigate.
-History Channel - The 1980's - Cars, The Politics, Cold War and Pop Culture
-The 1980's Playlist - Popular Music from the 1980's
-Ronald Reagan and Reaganism

1.You should absolutely have picked the one or two person(s) you will be interviewing for your Oral History Interview Project on the 1980's and started a list of a few questions on how you would introduce this person as a credible source on the 1980's,

2. Please make sure you are nearly done posting to Music Forum on Google Classroom. You have three assignments that are due on Music. 

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