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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day 142 - Wednesday

U.S. History II  - Period 1: 
Essential Questions:
- Who is responsible for starting the Cold War?
-Why didn't the Cold War ever turn "hot"?
-How did the Cold War challenge American values, at home and abroad?
-Is the Cold War still going on? How?

Themes: Failed Conferences, The Iron Curtain, Satellite Nations, Containment, Competing Plans, Struggle over Germany

1. Some of you guys need to work on improving your Thesis Statements, so please use the examples of Thesis Statements/Tips for writing an Effective Thesis Statement below:
University of Purdue Writing Lab
University of North Carolina - Tips and Examples of good Thesis Statements
Weak versus Strong Thesis Statements - University of Arizona and really great examples of thesis statements.

2. If you have successfully completed your thesis statement, then please work on your Bibliography of at least 3 sources that should include at least 2 statistics, paraphrased information, expert opinions, quotes, etc that would support your thesis statement and what you are trying to argue in your research paper.  Remember you need to submit at least 9 (3x5 note-cards) with a minimum of 3 note-cards coming from credible sources (2 of which need to be primary source based).

3. Cold War Slideshow #1 1945-1960 - We will explore the early concepts, events, and key players that participate in the Cold War Era in the 1940's and 1950's.

4. Documents we will work with today:
The Berlin Potsdam Conference - Political and Economic Principles - 1945
Winston Churchill's "Iron Curtain Speech" - 1946
The Truman Doctrine - 1947
The Marshall Plan - 1947

5. Video of Iron Curtain Speech

6. Cold War Slideshow #2  1960-Present day

7. Other Cold War Resources:
The Cold War Museum
All sort of Cold War resource - videos, primary sources, etc 
The Miller Center - University of Virginia - Cold War Era - Lots of Primary Sources
Timeline of the Cold War

1. I will be checking tomorrow in class -> Please write a detailed summary of Struggle over the Berlin Airlift (page 813) and the formation of NATO (page 814).  In your summary, please include were these U.S. and Soviet actions, and what were the reactions by the other superpower, and what were the effects of each of these events/actions? Finally, which superpower, U.S.A or the Soviet Union was more successful in achieving its aims during the 1945-1949 era? Please state your reasons and explain why.

2. You may need an think and write an EFFECTIVE THESIS STATEMENT because I asked you for a revision, if so you must SUBMIT it by this Friday.  Additionally, your BIBLIOGRAPHY of at least 3 sources (2 primary at least) are due on Monday, May 5th for your Research Paper.  Please see the Research Paper Format/Due Date. Additionally, I strongly encourage you to check out the Slideshows and Cold War Resources above to help you with your research process for your Bibliography. 
U.S. HISTORY I - Periods 4, 5, and 6:
Essential Questions:

-What military lessons can we learn from the fighting in the American Civil War?
-How and why did President Lincoln's position on slavery, race, and emancipation change over time?
-Was the American Civil War worth it's costs? 

Themes: American Civil War, Key Battles/Turning Points, Key Leadership, Emancipation of Slavery,

1. We will utilize today as a research day for your projects.  Sadly, we did not get the library, so it will be completed in class.

2. The Civil War Slideshow - We will continue our review on the leadership of the American Civil War, problems on both sides, substitutes, and Civil War Carnage.

3. For Friday - How did African-Americans Experience the American Civil War?
-Emancipation Proclaimation

4. Review Guide and The American Civil War Battles Sheet - Please use the textbook - Chapter 11 - pages 336-373, the slideshow above, and the additionally resources below to help you understand WHEN, WHERE, WHO, and the IMPACT these battles had on American in the Civil War. (Do NOT complete the "Nature of Battle" Section.), but everything else in your packet should be completed please.

5. Civil War Battle Resources:
-Timeline of American Civil War Battles
-Battle Summaries
-Civil War Animated Battles
-Civil War Battles/Timeline/Summaries
-Map of Western Battles
-Map of Major Battles from 1863-1865

6. Civil War Projects - Here are the themes, due date, and procedures.

7. American Civil War Resources:
-A huge collection of resources on nearly every topic on the Civil War
-Primary Sources from the Library of Congress
-Civil War Battles and Primary Sources - Civil War Trust Organization
-Primary Sources - Maps, Confederates and Union transcripts
-The 10 costliest battles of the American Civil War
-Important Women in the American Civil War

1. Please complete your research on your theme and use the Student Folders I have shared with you to create a Google Document that illustrates a working outline with Primary Sources, Chicago Citation Page, and your final product with the name of your topic and your Last Name in the Title of the Google Document.  Finally, please make sure you have BOTH Confederate and Union perspectives for your project. Additionally, please make sure you can PROVE how these themes IMPACTED the American Civil War. 

International Studies - Period 2 
Essential Questions:
1. How do we think about POWER in the 21st Century?
2. What is "terrorism"?
3. How do you think the United States and other countries should work toward preventing terrorist from attacking again?

4. What do you believe is the role of the United States on an international level?
5. What do you think fuels anti-American sentiment?
6. Can the United States play a global role without fueling anti-American sentiment? If so, how?

ThemesTaliban Operations, Middle East Foreign Policy, Global cooperation/Global Diplomacy, Soft Power, Hard Power, Afghanistan War, Pakistan, Al-Qaeda Operations, National Security

1.  We are in the Library's MAC/Computer Lab on the left hand side of the Library as your walk in. Your 4th Quarter and Final Project is Terrorism and National Security Threats and is worth 50% of your 4th Quarter Grade.  Please make sure you drop all of your outlines, working Chicago-Style Citations, and case-studies should be in the Google Folder I shared with you yesterday.

2. Resources for this Terrorism project to get you started...
A MUST READ ON TERRORISM TODAY - Council of Foreign Relations
Major Terrorist Attacks Since 9/11
The Evolution of Islamic Terrorism - A PBS Special
A list of Terrorist Groups according to many World Powers
Major Terrorist Attacks in Israeli
The Root Causes of Terrorism in the Middle East - US State Dept Report
Map of Terrorist Attacks and a World-wide List
Charts, Graphs, Data and a darn good article on Terrorism
U.S. Department of State - Counter-terrorism Page
University of Rutgers - Al-Qaeda's Survival and Success
War, Terror, U.S. Foreign Policy | Afghanistan History, Culture, Literature The War in Afghanistan | The Course of the Iraq War |Debate About the Iraq War | Iraq and Democracy | Historical Parallels to Iraq | Iraq and the Media | The Soldiers | Times Topics and Resources

3. A really great video that you SHOULD WATCH!!
"America at a Crossroads: Jihad and the Men and Idea Behind Them"

4. And another I would highly recommend...TED Talk on the New Face of Evil...

5. Vice Videos -

6. Syria: Al-Qaeda's New Home

1. Here is your Final Project for International Studies - Terrorism and National Security Threats - which is worth 50% of your Quarter 4 Grade.  Please read it over and have a firm grasp of WHAT 3 COUNTRIES you will select and the use the checklist. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Day 141 - Tuesday

U.S. History II  - Period 1: 
Essential Questions:
- Who is responsible for starting the Cold War?
-Why didn't the Cold War ever turn "hot"?
-How did the Cold War challenge American values, at home and abroad?
-Is the Cold War still going on? How?

Themes: Failed Conferences, The Iron Curtain, Satellite Nations, Containment, Competing Plans, Struggle over Germany

1. Examples of Thesis Statements/Tips for writing an Effective Thesis Statement:
University of Purdue Writing Lab
University of North Carolina - Tips and Examples of good Thesis Statements
Weak versus Strong Thesis Statements - University of Arizona and really great examples of thesis statements.

2. Your Thesis Statement is due today and I will collect your Research Paper Format and CALENDAR of due dates paper and I will be after school for you all to come back to collect.  You MUST come to Room 234 at 2:00pm to collect your thesis statements to see if you are all set to continue your research or if you need revision to help re-focus your research.

3. Cold War Slideshow #1 1945-1960 - We will explore the early concepts, events, and key players that participate in the Cold War Era in the 1940's and 1950's.

4. Documents we will work with today:
The Berlin Potsdam Conference - Political and Economic Principles - 1945
Winston Churchill's "Iron Curtain Speech" - 1946
The Truman Doctrine - 1947
The Marshall Plan - 1947

5. Video of Iron Curtain Speech

6. Cold War Slideshow #2  1960-Present day

7. Other Cold War Resources:
The Cold War Museum
All sort of Cold War resource - videos, primary sources, etc 
The Miller Center - University of Virginia - Cold War Era - Lots of Primary Sources
Timeline of the Cold War

1. Please write a detailed summary of Struggle over the Berlin Airlift (page 813) and the formation of NATO (page 814).  In your summary, please include were these U.S. and Soviet actions, and what were the reactions by the other superpower, and what were the effects of each of these events/actions? Finally, which superpower, U.S.A or the Soviet Union was more successful in achieving its aims during the 1945-1949 era? Please state your reasons and explain why.

2. You need a THESIS STATEMENT tomorrow and BIBLIOGRAPHY of at least 3 sources (2 primary at least) are due on May 5th for your Research Paper.  Please see the Research Paper Format/Due Dates. Please check out the Slideshows and Cold War Resources above to help you find a specific topic you would be interested in learning more about and do your research over the break to find sources that can lead you to an argumentative/debatable point = THESIS STATEMENT!
U.S. HISTORY I - Periods 4, 5, and 6:
Essential Questions:

-What military lessons can we learn from the fighting in the American Civil War?
-How and why did President Lincoln's position on slavery, race, and emancipation change over time?
-Was the American Civil War worth it's costs? 

Themes: American Civil War, Key Battles/Turning Points, Key Leadership, Emancipation of Slavery,

1. The Civil War Slideshow - We will continue our review on the leadership of the American Civil War, problems on both sides, substitutes, and Civil War Carnage.

2. How did African-Americans Experience the American Civil War?
- Slideshow
-Emancipation Proclaimation

3.  Review Guide and The American Civil War Battles Sheet - Please use the textbook - Chapter 11 - pages 336-373, the slideshow above, and the additionally resources below to help you understand WHEN, WHERE, WHO, and the IMPACT these battles had on American in the Civil War. (Do NOT complete the "Nature of Battle" Section.

4. Civil War Battle Resources:
-Timeline of American Civil War Battles
-Battle Summaries
-Civil War Animated Battles
-Civil War Battles/Timeline/Summaries
-Map of Western Battles
-Map of Major Battles from 1863-1865

5. Civil War Projects - Here are the themes, due date, and procedures.

6. American Civil War Resources:
-A huge collection of resources on nearly every topic on the Civil War
-Primary Sources from the Library of Congress
-Civil War Battles and Primary Sources - Civil War Trust Organization
-Primary Sources - Maps, Confederates and Union transcripts
-The 10 costliest battles of the American Civil War
-Important Women in the American Civil War

1. Please download Review Guide and The American Civil War Battles Sheet  and use the textbook - Chapter 11 - pages 336-373, the slideshow above, and the additionally resources below to help you understand WHEN, WHERE, WHO, and the IMPACT these battles had on American in the Civil War. (Do NOT complete the "Nature of Battle" Section.), but the rest should be completed.  You must complete "Northern and Western Battles" tonight for homework. 

2. Please complete your research on a theme and use the Student Folders I have shared with you select a theme, pick a partner, and create a google document that illustrates your plan/research/citation pages/primary sources (No 2 people/partners/group can pick the same theme) and make sure you understand this is primarily a Primary Source study of the Civil War Themes - Please make sure you have BOTH Confederate and Union perspectives for your project. Additionally, please make sure you can PROVE how these themes IMPACTED the American Civil War. 

International Studies - Period 2 
Essential Questions:
1. How do we think about POWER in the 21st Century?
2. What is "terrorism"?
3. How do you think the United States and other countries should work toward preventing terrorist from attacking again?

4. What do you believe is the role of the United States on an international level?
5. What do you think fuels anti-American sentiment?
6. Can the United States play a global role without fueling anti-American sentiment? If so, how?

ThemesTaliban Operations, Middle East Foreign Policy, Global cooperation/Global Diplomacy, Soft Power, Hard Power, Afghanistan War, Pakistan, Al-Qaeda Operations, National Security

1.  We will finish the Road to 9/11 Video Guide and Questions and watching "The Road to 9/11" documentary.

2. Your 4th Quarter and Final Project: Terrorism and National Security Threats

3. Resources for this Terrorism project to get you started...
A MUST READ ON TERRORISM TODAY - Council of Foreign Relations
Major Terrorist Attacks Since 9/11
The Evolution of Islamic Terrorism - A PBS Special
A list of Terrorist Groups according to many World Powers
Major Terrorist Attacks in Israeli
The Root Causes of Terrorism in the Middle East - US State Dept Report
Map of Terrorist Attacks and a World-wide List
Charts, Graphs, Data and a darn good article on Terrorism
U.S. Department of State - Counter-terrorism Page
University of Rutgers - Al-Qaeda's Survival and Success
War, Terror, U.S. Foreign Policy | Afghanistan History, Culture, Literature The War in Afghanistan | The Course of the Iraq War |Debate About the Iraq War | Iraq and Democracy | Historical Parallels to Iraq | Iraq and the Media | The Soldiers | Times Topics and Resources

4. A really great video that you SHOULD WATCH!!
"America at a Crossroads: Jihad and the Men and Idea Behind Them"

5. And another I would highly recommend...TED Talk on the New Face of Evil...

6. Vice Videos -

Syria: Al-Qaeda's New Home

1. Here is your Final Project for International Studies - Terrorism and National Security Threats. Please read it over and be ready to begin research over the break and have firm grasp of WHAT REGION you will select and the scope of the project. We will start immediately when you get back and the due date will be Friday, May 16th. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Day 140 - Monday

U.S. History II  - Period 1: 
Essential Questions:
- Who is responsible for starting the Cold War?
-Why didn't the Cold War ever turn "hot"?
-How did the Cold War challenge American values, at home and abroad?
-Is the Cold War still going on? How?

Themes: Failed Conferences, The Iron Curtain, Satellite Nations, Containment, Competing Plans, Struggle over Germany

1. Your Thesis Statement is due today and I will collect your Research Paper Format and CALENDAR of due dates paper and I will be after school for you all to come back to collect.  You MUST come to Room 234 at 2:00pm to collect your thesis statements to see if you are all set to continue your research or if you need revision to help re-focus your research.

2. Cold War Slideshow #1 1945-1960 - We will explore the early concepts, events, and key players that participate in the Cold War Era in the 1940's and 1950's.

3. Documents we will work with today:
The Berlin Potsdam Conference - Political and Economic Principles - 1945
Winston Churchill's "Iron Curtain Speech" - 1946
The Truman Doctrine - 1947
The Marshall Plan - 1947

4. Video of Iron Curtain Speech

5. Cold War Slideshow #2  1960-Present day

6. Other Cold War Resources:
The Cold War Museum
All sort of Cold War resource - videos, primary sources, etc 
The Miller Center - University of Virginia - Cold War Era - Lots of Primary Sources
Timeline of the Cold War

1. Please write a detailed summary of Struggle over the Berlin Airlift (page 813) and the formation of NATO (page 814).  In your summary, please include were these U.S. and Soviet actions, and what were the reactions by the other superpower, and what were the effects of each of these events/actions? Finally, which superpower, U.S.A or the Soviet Union was more successful in achieving its aims during the 1945-1949 era? Please state your reasons and explain why.

2. You need a working BIBLIOGRAPHY of at least 3 sources (2 primary at least) are due on Monday, May 5th for your Research Paper.  Please see the Research Paper Format/Due Dates. Please check out the Slideshows and Cold War Resources above to help you find a specific topic you would be interested in learning more about and do your research over the break to find sources that can lead you to an argumentative/debatable point = THESIS STATEMENT!
U.S. HISTORY I - Periods 4, 5, and 6:
Essential Questions:

-What military lessons can we learn from the fighting in the American Civil War?
-How and why did President Lincoln's position on slavery, race, and emancipation change over time?
-Was the American Civil War worth it's costs? 

Themes: American Civil War, Key Battles/Turning Points, Key Leadership, Emancipation of Slavery,

1. The Civil War Slideshow - We will continue our review on the leadership of the American Civil War, problems on both sides, substitutes, and Civil War Carnage.

2. How did African-Americans Experience the American Civil War?
- Slideshow
-Emancipation Proclaimation

3.  Review Guide and The American Civil War Battles Sheet - Please use the textbook - Chapter 11 - pages 336-373, the slideshow above, and the additionally resources below to help you understand WHEN, WHERE, WHO, and the IMPACT these battles had on American in the Civil War. (Do NOT complete the "Nature of Battle" Section.

4. Civil War Battle Resources:
-Timeline of American Civil War Battles
-Battle Summaries
-Civil War Animated Battles
-Civil War Battles/Timeline/Summaries
-Map of Western Battles
-Map of Major Battles from 1863-1865

5. Civil War Projects - Here are the themes, due date, and procedures.

6. American Civil War Resources:
-A huge collection of resources on nearly every topic on the Civil War
-Primary Sources from the Library of Congress
-Civil War Battles and Primary Sources - Civil War Trust Organization
-Primary Sources - Maps, Confederates and Union transcripts
-The 10 costliest battles of the American Civil War
-Important Women in the American Civil War

1. Please download Review Guide and The American Civil War Battles Sheet  and use the textbook - Chapter 11 - pages 336-373, the slideshow above, and the additionally resources below to help you understand WHEN, WHERE, WHO, and the IMPACT these battles had on American in the Civil War. (Do NOT complete the "Nature of Battle" Section.), but the rest should be completed.  You must complete "Northern and Western Battles" tonight for homework. 

2. Please complete your research on a theme and use the Student Folders I have shared with you select a theme, pick a partner, and create a google document that illustrates your plan/research/citation pages/primary sources (No 2 people/partners/group can pick the same theme) and make sure you understand this is primarily a Primary Source study of the Civil War Themes - Please make sure you have BOTH Confederate and Union perspectives for your project. Additionally, please make sure you can PROVE how these themes IMPACTED the American Civil War. 

International Studies - Period 2 
Essential Questions:
1. How do we think about POWER in the 21st Century?
2. What is "terrorism"?
3. How do you think the United States and other countries should work toward preventing terrorist from attacking again?

4. What do you believe is the role of the United States on an international level?
5. What do you think fuels anti-American sentiment?
6. Can the United States play a global role without fueling anti-American sentiment? If so, how?

ThemesTaliban Operations, Middle East Foreign Policy, Global cooperation/Global Diplomacy, Soft Power, Hard Power, Afghanistan War, Pakistan, Al-Qaeda Operations, National Security

1.  We will finish the Road to 9/11 Video Guide and Questions and watching "The Road to 9/11" documentary.

2. Your 4th Quarter and Final Project: Terrorism and National Security Threats

3. Resources for this Terrorism project to get you started...
A MUST READ ON TERRORISM TODAY - Council of Foreign Relations
Major Terrorist Attacks Since 9/11
The Evolution of Islamic Terrorism - A PBS Special
A list of Terrorist Groups according to many World Powers
Major Terrorist Attacks in Israeli
The Root Causes of Terrorism in the Middle East - US State Dept Report
Map of Terrorist Attacks and a World-wide List
Charts, Graphs, Data and a darn good article on Terrorism
U.S. Department of State - Counter-terrorism Page
University of Rutgers - Al-Qaeda's Survival and Success
War, Terror, U.S. Foreign Policy | Afghanistan History, Culture, Literature The War in Afghanistan | The Course of the Iraq War |Debate About the Iraq War | Iraq and Democracy | Historical Parallels to Iraq | Iraq and the Media | The Soldiers | Times Topics and Resources

4. A really great video that you SHOULD WATCH!!
"America at a Crossroads: Jihad and the Men and Idea Behind Them"

5. And another I would highly recommend...TED Talk on the New Face of Evil...

6. Vice Videos -

Syria: Al-Qaeda's New Home

1. Here is your Final Project for International Studies - Terrorism and National Security Threats. Please read it over and be ready to begin research over the break and have firm grasp of WHAT REGION you will select and the scope of the project. We will start immediately when you get back and the due date will be Friday, May 16th. 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Day 139 - Thursday

U.S. History II  - Period 1: 
Essential Questions:
- Who is responsible for starting the Cold War?
-Why didn't the Cold War ever turn "hot"?
-How did the Cold War challenge American values, at home and abroad?
-Is the Cold War still going on? How?

1. Research Paper Format and CALENDAR of due dates.

2. Cold War Slideshow #1 1945-1960 - The beginning of the Cold War
Cold War Slideshow #2  1960-Present day

3. Cold War Resources:
The Cold War Museum
All sort of Cold War resource - videos, primary sources, etc 
The Miller Center - University of Virginia - Cold War Era - Lots of Primary Sources
Timeline of the Cold War

1. You need a SPECIFIC TOPIC and THESIS STATEMENT for your Research Paper when you get back from the break.  Please see the Research Paper Format/Due Dates. Please check out the Slideshows and Cold War Resources above to help you find a specific topic you would be interested in learning more about and do your research over the break to find sources that can lead you to an argumentative/debatable point = THESIS STATEMENT!
U.S. HISTORY I - Periods 4, 5, and 6:
Essential Questions:

-Does the United States have a mission in the mid-19th century? If so, was it expansion of freedom, economics, imperialism, etc? Why?
-Which reformer or individual played the biggest role leading up to America's Civil War?
-Can legislative compromises solve moral issues?
-Was slavery a humane or evil institution?

Themes: Sectionalism, Big Government vs. State Rights, Nationalism, Slavery, American Civil War

1. The Civil War Slideshow - We will continue our review on the advantages and disadvantages, and the leadership of the American Civil War this week.

2. Review Guide and The American Civil War Battles Sheet - Please use the textbook - Chapter 11 - pages 336-373, the slideshow above, and the additionally resources below to help you understand WHEN, WHERE, WHO, and the IMPACT these battles had on American in the Civil War. (Do NOT complete the "Nature of Battle" Section.

3. Civil War Projects - Here are the themes, due date, and procedures.

4. American Civil War Resources:
-A huge collection of resources on nearly every topic on the Civil War
-Primary Sources from the Library of Congress
-Civil War Battles and Primary Sources - Civil War Trust Organization
-Primary Sources - Maps, Confederates and Union transcripts
-The 10 costliest battles of the American Civil War
-Important Women in the American Civil War
-Battle Summaries

1. Please complete your research on a theme and use the Student Folders I have shared with you select a theme (No 2 people/partners/group can pick the same theme) and make sure you understand this is primarily a Primary Source study of the Civil War Themes - Please make sure you have BOTH Confederate and Union perspectives for your project. Additionally, please make sure you can PROVE how these themes IMPACTED the American Civil War. 
International Studies - Period 2 
Essential Questions:
1. How do we think about POWER in the 21st Century?
2. What is "terrorism"?
3. How do you think the United States and other countries should work toward preventing terrorist from attacking again?

4. What do you believe is the role of the United States on an international level?
5. What do you think fuels anti-American sentiment?
6. Can the United States play a global role without fueling anti-American sentiment? If so, how?

ThemesTaliban Operations, Middle East Foreign Policy, Global cooperation/Global Diplomacy, Soft Power, Hard Power, Afghanistan War, Pakistan, Al-Qaeda Operations, National Security

1.  We will continue the Road to 9/11 Video Guide and Questions. We are going to finish watching "The Road to 9/11" documentary.

2. Your 4th Quarter and Final Project: Terrorism and National Security Threats

3. Resources for this Terrorism project to get you started...
A MUST READ ON TERRORISM TODAY - Council of Foreign Relations
Major Terrorist Attacks Since 9/11
The Evolution of Islamic Terrorism - A PBS Special
A list of Terrorist Groups according to many World Powers
Major Terrorist Attacks in Israeli
The Root Causes of Terrorism in the Middle East - US State Dept Report
Map of Terrorist Attacks and a World-wide List
Charts, Graphs, Data and a darn good article on Terrorism
U.S. Department of State - Counter-terrorism Page
University of Rutgers - Al-Qaeda's Survival and Success
War, Terror, U.S. Foreign Policy | Afghanistan History, Culture, Literature The War in Afghanistan | The Course of the Iraq War |Debate About the Iraq War | Iraq and Democracy | Historical Parallels to Iraq | Iraq and the Media | The Soldiers | Times Topics and Resources

4. A really great video that you SHOULD WATCH!!
"America at a Crossroads: Jihad and the Men and Idea Behind Them"

5. And another I would highly recommend...TED Talk on the New Face of Evil...

Vice Videos -

Syria: Al-Qaeda's New Home

1. Here is your Final Project for International Studies - Terrorism and National Security Threats. Please read it over and be ready to begin research over the break and have firm grasp of WHAT REGION you will select and the scope of the project. We will start immediately when you get back and the due date will be Friday, May 16th. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day 138 - Wednesday

U.S. History II  - Period 1: 
Essential Questions:
- Who is responsible for starting the Cold War?
-Why didn't the Cold War ever turn "hot"?
-How did the Cold War challenge American values, at home and abroad?
-Is the Cold War still going on? How?

1. How do you guys think the Debates went the last 2 days?
Team 1: "Should the U.S.A employ atomic weapons to defeat its enemies in war?"  
Team 2: "How should we remember the dropping of the atomic bombs?"

2. How does the Cold War Start?

3. Cold War Resources:
The Cold War Museum
All sort of Cold War resource - videos, primary sources, etc 
The Miller Center - University of Virginia - Cold War Era - Lots of Primary Sources
Timeline of the Cold War

4. Introduction to your Research Paper - Due Date is May 16th.

1. Please read Chapter 26 - Section 1 - Origins of the Cold War - pages 808-814 and complete Page 4 on the politic cartoon + questions on World War II to Cold War: Transitioning to another kind of war.

2. You need a GENERAL TOPIC picked for your Research Paper by tomorrow. 
U.S. HISTORY I - Periods 4, 5, and 6:
Essential Questions:

-Does the United States have a mission in the mid-19th century? If so, was it expansion of freedom, economics, imperialism, etc? Why?
-Which reformer or individual played the biggest role leading up to America's Civil War?
-Can legislative compromises solve moral issues?
-Was slavery a humane or evil institution?

Themes: Sectionalism, Big Government vs. State Rights, Nationalism, Slavery, American Civil War

1. The Civil War Begins Packet - review for a few minutes and then move to the slideshow.

2. The Civil War Slideshow - We will continue our review on the advantages and disadvantages, and the leadership of the American Civil War this week.

3. Civil War Projects - Here are the themes, due date, and procedures.

1. Please begin your research on a theme and use the Student Folders I have shared with you select a theme (No 2 people/partners/group can pick the same theme) and make sure you understand this is primarily a Primary Source study of the Civil War Themes - Please make sure you have BOTH Confederate and Union perspectives for your project. Additionally, please make sure you can PROVE how these themes IMPACTED the American Civil War. 
International Studies - Period 2 
Essential Questions:
1. How do we think about POWER in the 21st Century?

2. How do we define our interest as a country?

3. What does "hard power" and "soft power" capability and how does it impact foreign policy?

4. How is power distributed?

Themes: PEGS (Political, Economic, Geographic, Social)

1.  The Iranian Revolution: How did this help or strain relationships with the Middle East? The last 2 minutes.

2. Can I see you print up and completed 15 terms on Road to 9/11 Video Guide and Questions. We are going to begin watching "The Road to 9/11" documentary.

1. Please watch the below video:
Understanding Islam and the Quran:

2. What is it Wahhabism and Why should Americans care about Wahhabism?

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Day 137 - Tuesday

U.S. History II  - Period 1: 
Essential Questions:
- Should the U.S.A employ atomic weapons to defeat its enemies in war?
-How did World War II serve as catalyst for social change in America?

1. Execution of your Debate #2 will happen TODAY, but you MUST HAVE a your Atomic Bomb Debate Organizer.  Also, do you have the PRIMARY SOURCE Atomic Bomb Debate Format doc that I shared with you yesterday to let me know what documents you will be using for the debate.


Team 1: "Should the U.S.A employ atomic weapons to defeat its enemies in war?"  - Just need the conclusion by Team NO. 

Team 2: "How should we remember the dropping of the atomic bombs?" - Will complete a debate today. 

*Please use the following resource below to organize a constructive debate. 

Photographs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Leo Szilard's Petition to The President (1945)

Leaflet dropped over Japan

U.S. Strategic Bomb Survey (1946)

Surviving the Atomic Bomb (1945)

Primary Sources - A collection of different sources for a Debate on the Dropping the Bombs

Primary Source Documents from the Harry S. Truman Library: On the Decision to Drop the Atomic Bombs

Debate Format

Debate Question 1(Team 1)"Should the U.S.A employ atomic weapons to defeat its enemies in war?" 

OPENING STATEMENTS with your arguments: (3 minutes EACH) 
-This means that 2 speakers will discuss - One Proposition and One Opposition.
1. Team  A STARTS
2. Team B  

CROSS DEBATE: 6 minutes of Open Debate (TOTAL) - One student speaks at a time and the other team has to listen.  No one can dominate or speak for more than 30 seconds at a time.

Summary speech: (TWO MINUTES EACH) One team speaks at a time to give their final statements to sway the decision of the Debate Judge (Mr. Parkin).  You may use this time to counterattack any arguments the other team made.
1. Team A
2. Team B

Debate Question 2 (Team 2) -"How should we remember the dropping of the atomic bombs?"

OPENING STATEMENTS with your arguments: (3 minutes EACH)
-This means that 2 speakers will discuss - One Proposition and One Opposition.
1. Team  A STARTS
2. Team B  

CROSS DEBATE: 6 minutes of Open Debate (TOTAL) - One student speaks at a time and the other team has to listen.  No one can dominate or speak for more than 30 seconds at a time.

Summary Speech: (TWO MINUTES EACH) One team speaks at a time to give their final statements to sway the decision of the Debate Judge (Mr. Parkin).  You may use this time to counterattack any arguments the other team made.
1. Team A
2. Team B

1. Please read Chapter 26 - Section 1 - Origins of the Cold War - pages 808-814 and complete the first 3 pages on World War II to Cold War: Transitioning to another kind of war
U.S. HISTORY I - Periods 4, 5, and 6:
Essential Questions:

-Does the United States have a mission in the mid-19th century? If so, was it expansion of freedom, economics, imperialism, etc? Why?
-Which reformer or individual played the biggest role leading up to America's Civil War?
-Can legislative compromises solve moral issues?
-Was slavery a humane or evil institution?

Themes: Sectionalism, Big Government vs. State Rights, Nationalism, Slavery, American Civil War

1. The Civil War Begins discussion will continue from yesterday on (pages 338-341 Stop at BULL RUN) the completed handout titled The Civil War Begins.

2. What happens at Fort Sumner?

3. The Civil War Slideshow - Please download and we will review this week.

1. The Civil War Begins Packet - Please read textbook pages 338-345 and complete pages 4-7 (including the Political Cartoon analysis.
International Studies - Period 2 
Essential Questions:
1. How do we think about POWER in the 21st Century?

2. How do we define our interest as a country?

3. What does "hard power" and "soft power" capability and how does it impact foreign policy?

4. How is power distributed?

Themes: PEGS (Political, Economic, Geographic, Social)

1. "The Middle East and the West: The Clash with Islam" - Please read, listen, and be ready to discuss some of the key points that were made in the article and Podcast.  You should bullet point the highlights and controversial element of why the U.S.A clashes with Islam.

2. The Iranian Revolution: How did this help or strain relationships with the Middle East?

3. Understanding Islam and the Quran:

4. What is it Wahhabism and Why should Americans care about Wahhabism?

1. Please download, PRINT UP, and REVIEW the Road to 9/11 Video Guide and Questions. You need to complete the 15 identification terms BEFORE we start the video tomorrow. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Day 136 - Monday

U.S. History II  - Period 1: 
Essential Questions:
- Should the U.S.A employ atomic weapons to defeat its enemies in war?
-How did World War II serve as catalyst for social change in America?

1. Execution of your Debate will happen TODAY, but you MUST HAVE a your Atomic Bomb Debate Organizer.  Also, do you have the PRIMARY SOURCE Atomic Bomb Debate Format doc that I shared with you yesterday to let me know what documents you will be using for the debate.


Team 1: "Should the U.S.A employ atomic weapons to defeat its enemies in war?" 

Team 2: "How should we remember the dropping of the atomic bombs?"

*Please use the following resource below to organize a constructive debate. 

Photographs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Leo Szilard's Petition to The President (1945)

Leaflet dropped over Japan

U.S. Strategic Bomb Survey (1946)

Surviving the Atomic Bomb (1945)

Primary Sources - A collection of different sources for a Debate on the Dropping the Bombs

Primary Source Documents from the Harry S. Truman Library: On the Decision to Drop the Atomic Bombs

Debate Format

Debate Question 1(Team 1)"Should the U.S.A employ atomic weapons to defeat its enemies in war?" 

OPENING STATEMENTS with your arguments: (3 minutes EACH) 
-This means that 2 speakers will discuss - One Proposition and One Opposition.
1. Team  A STARTS
2. Team B  

CROSS DEBATE: 6 minutes of Open Debate (TOTAL) - One student speaks at a time and the other team has to listen.  No one can dominate or speak for more than 30 seconds at a time.

Summary speech: (TWO MINUTES EACH) One team speaks at a time to give their final statements to sway the decision of the Debate Judge (Mr. Parkin).  You may use this time to counterattack any arguments the other team made.
1. Team A
2. Team B

Debate Question 2 (Team 2) -"How should we remember the dropping of the atomic bombs?"

OPENING STATEMENTS with your arguments: (3 minutes EACH)
-This means that 2 speakers will discuss - One Proposition and One Opposition.
1. Team  A STARTS
2. Team B  

CROSS DEBATE: 6 minutes of Open Debate (TOTAL) - One student speaks at a time and the other team has to listen.  No one can dominate or speak for more than 30 seconds at a time.

Summary Speech: (TWO MINUTES EACH) One team speaks at a time to give their final statements to sway the decision of the Debate Judge (Mr. Parkin).  You may use this time to counterattack any arguments the other team made.
1. Team A

2. Team B

1. Please prepare for your debate by filling out the Atomic Bomb Debate Organizer and utilize arguments after reading over and examining the sources above.  You should also fill the Atomic Bomb Debate Format doc by listing who is on what team and what documents you will be responsible for bringing up during the debate. Day 2 of the Debate will continue tomorrow...please prepare for your major arguments and the closing statements. 
U.S. HISTORY I - Periods 4, 5, and 6:
Essential Questions:

-Does the United States have a mission in the mid-19th century? If so, was it expansion of freedom, economics, imperialism, etc? Why?
-Which reformer or individual played the biggest role leading up to America's Civil War?
-Can legislative compromises solve moral issues?
-Was slavery a humane or evil institution?

Themes: Sectionalism, Big Government vs. State Rights, Nationalism, Slavery, American Civil War

1. A quick review of what lead to the Southern States to succeed from the Union using pages 330-331 in your textbook, The Civil War Trust Group gives a few reasons, and a Primary Source on South Carolina Secession.

2. Chapter 11 - Section 1 - The Civil War Begins (pages 338-341 Stop at BULL RUN) and complete the handout titled The Civil War Begins.

3. The Civil War Slideshow - Please download and we will review this week.

4. Fort Sumner 

1. The Civil War Begins Packet - Please read textbook pages 338-345 and complete pages 1-3 (including the Map on the Civil War).
International Studies - Period 2 
Essential Questions:
1. How do we think about POWER in the 21st Century?

2. How do we define our interest as a country?

3. What does "hard power" and "soft power" capability and how does it impact foreign policy?

4. How is power distributed?

Themes: PEGS (Political, Economic, Geographic, Social)

1. Can you explain the difference between National Security and Global Security?
-Israel and National Security - What are the keys to Israel providing National Security in this instance?
-Russian Destabilization near Ukraine Border - Do you think Russia's mobilization is a threat to global security?

2. What did you gather and think about the article and podcast (8.55 minutes) from National Public Radio (NPR) on "The Middle East and the West: World War I and Beyond."

3. "The Middle East and the West: The U.S. Role Grows" - We will listen, read, and discuss about the U.S. Role in the Middle East.

1. "The Middle East and the West: The Clash with Islam" - Please read, listen, and be ready to discuss some of the key points that were made in the article and Podcast.  You should bullet point the highlights and controversial element of why the U.S.A clashes with Islam.

2. DO NOT watch this yet on the Iranian Revolution: How did this help or strain relationships with the Middle East? We will watch in class on Friday.