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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Day 112 - Tuesday

U.S. History I - Periods 1, 5, and 6: 

Essential Questions:
-Does state or federal government have a greater impact in our lives?
-How has American's justified Manifest Destiny?
-Does the United States have a mission to expand democracy and freedom?

Themes: State Rights vs. Federal Government, Andrew Jackson's Presidency, Jacksonian Democracy, Immigration, Native Americans, Indian Removal Act, Nullification Crisis, Bank Wars

1. Andrew Jackson Presidency Video and the next 4 presidents (Martin Van Buren, William H. Harrison, John Tyler, and James K. Polk) will be introduced and explored using video questions and The History Channel: The Presidents.
-Period 1 will start from Van Buren
-Period 5 - will start from Van Buren
-Period 6 finished

2. Westward Expansion Overview - Please read and let's discuss the contents and try to define Westward Expansion (page 280-284 in your textbook will help).

3. Manifest Destiny Slideshow

4. John O'Sullivan's The Great Nation of Futurity, 1839

5. Race to the West DBQ - Americans immigrating to Mexican lands.

1. Complete the Map Activity on Westward Expansion packet (pages 4-6) by Wednesday.
U.S. HISTORY II - Period 4:

Essential Questions:
- Who is responsible for starting the Cold War?
-Why didn't the Cold War ever turn "hot"?
-How did the Cold War challenge American values, at home and abroad?
-Is the Cold War still going on? How?

Themes: Failed Conferences, The Iron Curtain, Satellite Nations, Containment, Competing Plans, Struggle over Germany

1. Finish FDR Death - Slideshow 

2. American in the early Cold War Era - Read and we will reflect upon what America looks like Post-WWII.

3. Containment, The Truman Doctrine, The Marshall Plan, and the Berlin Airlift will be quickly reviewed today using textbook pages 811-814 and the following resources:
Containment - 1946 - 1991
The Long Telegram sent to the US State Department - Feb 22, 1946
The Long Telegram - 1946
The Truman Doctrine - 1947
George Marshall - Who and Why?
The Marshall Plan - 1947 and the Shorter Version of the Marshall Plan with Questions

4. Cold War Slideshow #1 1945-1960 - We will continue to explore the early concepts, events, and key players that participate in the Cold War Era in the 1940's and 1950's.

3. Slideshows/Visuals on the Cold War
Cold War Slideshow #1 1945-1960 - The beginning of the Cold War
Cold War Slideshow #2  1960-Present day
The Cold War Slideshow

4. Cold War Resources:
The United Nations
The Cold War Museum
All sort of Cold War resource - videos, primary sources, etc 
The Miller Center - University of Virginia - Cold War Era - Lots of Primary Sources
Timeline of the Cold War

1. Please write a detailed summary of Struggle over the Berlin Airlift (page 813) and the formation of NATO (page 814).  In your summary, please include were these U.S. and Soviet actions, and what were the reactions by the other superpower, and what were the effects of each of these events/actions? Finally, which superpower, U.S.A or the Soviet Union was more successful in achieving its aims during the 1945-1949 era? Please state your reasons and explain why.
Modern America Class - Period 7
Essential Questions:
1. How much do popular trends reflect and/or shape American values and traditions?

2. Does our entertainment reflect society, or does our entertainment shape our society?
3. What is Pop Culture?
4. How do we know if something is Popular Culture?

Themes: Pop Culture, Top Charts, American Exceptionalism, 1970's Decade, 1970's TV, 1970's Major Events in Politics, Culture, Sports, Science.

1.Iran-Hostage Crisis
-Slideshow on Iran-Hostage Crisis
-Operation AJAX

2. Jimmy Carter on TV addressing the situation

3. President Carter's Malaise Speech

4. 1970's Resources:
The 1970's Overview
Playlist of 1970's Songs

1. Dig up all you can about 1980 please. Compile a comprehensive of trends, fashion, pop culture, and important dates and put them in a detailed and developed digital format. You can make this picture/visual base or whatever you want, but it needs to be complete and finished product.

1980's Links to get you started:
-What happened in the 1980's - - Toys, Sports, Furniture, Events, Fashion, Appliances, and Music are all categories you can investigate.
-History Channel - The 1980's - Cars, The Politics, Cold War and Pop Culture
-1980 Year in Review - Facts and Trivia on 1980.

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