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Monday, March 28, 2016

Day 125 - Monday

U.S. History I - Periods 2, 5, and 6: 
Essential Question:
-Does state or federal government have a greater impact in our lives?
-How has American's justified Manifest Destiny?
-Why did Americans feel so compelled to expand the country westward?
-How might the country have developed differently if no gold or other precious minerals had been discovered in the West?
-Does war cause national prosperity?
-Is economic, social, or physical coercion an effective method of achieving our national interest in domestic affairs

Themes:  Westward Expansion, Continentialism, Manifest Destiny, American Exceptionalism, Native America attrition

1. We will look at quick look a who's in and who's out and what primaries have played an important role over the last three weeks. Let's evaluate the results and the upcoming primaries.

5. How did America Justify Westward Expansion?
-Manifest Destiny Slideshow
-Textbook pages 280-287.

6. John O'Sullivan's The Great Nation of Futurity, 1839 - please annotate and then answer the questions from my printed handout.

The Diary of 14 year old Sally Hester

7. Race to the West DBQ - Americans immigrating to Mexican lands.

8. The Mormon Pioneers Trek, 1846 - National Parks and Services

9.  The West Resources:
Primary Sources from PBS - Using the timeline, explore the Primary sources on Texas Independence, The Whitman's exploration of the Oregon Trail, War with Mexico, Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo, The "Diggings" in California, Massacres of the West, and more.

The Gold Rush and the Donner Party - Powerful and impactful story about cannibalism in the West.

The Gold Rush - Great facts, maps, and timelines - Covers The Westward Expansion and has 9 videos on various topics as well.

Trails to Utah and the Pacific - How did people migrate out West + Primary Source/Interactive Maps

1. Read pages 288-299 about Texas Annexation and the U.S.-Mexican War, both sections will cover a time period of 1836 to 1848. Then create a 2-column note chart that displays the THEMES (your own original themes - no copying and pasting from the textbook and DETAILS/DEVELOPMENTS (paraphrased) based on these major questions below:
A. What made Americans want to settle in Texas?
B. What were the major events that lead to Texas joining the Union?
C. What developments caused Texans and the U.S. to go to war with Mexico?
D. Who and what played the biggest factor in U.S.-Mexican War?

U.S. HISTORY II - Period 1:

Essential Questions:
-Who is responsible for starting the Cold War?
-Why didn't the Cold War ever turn "hot"?
-How did the Cold War challenge American values, at home and abroad?
-Is the Cold War still going on? How?

Themes: Failed Conferences, The Iron Curtain, Satellite Nations, Containment, Competing Plans, Struggle over Germany

1. So what do you really think on the questions below:
"Should the U.S.A employ atomic weapons to defeat its enemies in war?" 

"How should we remember the dropping of the atomic bombs?"

2. Pacific Theater of WWII Resources:
World War II the Pacific Theater
American Propaganda
The Manhattan Project
The First Atomic Blast
The Bombing of Hiroshima
Interactive Map - Island Hopping
War in the Pacific
Major Pacific Battles

3. Questions you should be able to answer on the Pacific Theater:
-When did we really begin Island Hopping in the Pacific?
-Based off the video from yesterday, what style of fighting took place in the Pacific for both the Americans and Japanese?
-What part of the U.S. military was MOST IMPORTANT for fighting the Japanese?
-How many men did we need to win the Pacific Theater?
-Did most of the fighting take place in Japan? Why or why not?

4. Slideshow on The Death of FDR

5. Let's quickly review Chapter 26 - Section 1 - Origins of the Cold War - pages 808-814 and complete the entire short packet on World War II to Cold War: Transitioning to another kind of war.

6. The creation and role of the United Nations and why Americans ARE INVOLVED?
*The UN turns 70 this year!

7. Capitalist versus Communist Nations:

8. The Truman Doctrine - 1947
The Marshall Plan - 1947
The Berlin Airlift - 1948-1949
The Domino Theory - 1954 - 1989

9. Task: Classmates will be divided into four groups you will play an impromptu skit to display their knowledge and the role of the United States on these two plans.
-Here are the rules:
A. Everyone MUST play a role and participate
B. Facts, Evidence, Primary Sources AND VISUALS must ALL be used to support your skit.
C. You must have a plot that creates suspense
D. Don't leave your audience confused - Clarity is a very important.
E. You should have a hero and a central dilemma
F. Your skit must be 3-4 minutes in length and must be LIVE in front of the audience.
G. Due tomorrow - The Script - BUT the Execution of the Live Skit will be Wednesday.

5. Slideshows/Visuals on the Cold War
Cold War Slideshow #1 1945-1960 - The beginning of the Cold War
Cold War Slideshow #2  1960-Present day
The Cold War Slideshow

6. Cold War Resources:
The United Nations
The Cold War Museum
All sort of Cold War resource - videos, primary sources, etc 
The Miller Center - University of Virginia - Cold War Era - Lots of Primary Sources
Timeline of the Cold War

1.  Task: Based on The Truman Doctrine - 1947, The Marshall Plan - 1947, The Berlin Airlift - 1948-1949, The Domino Theory - 1954 - 1989; classmates will be divided into four groups you will play an impromptu skit to display their knowledge and the role of the United States on these 2 plans and 2 events/scenarios.
-Here are the rules:
A. Everyone MUST play a role and participate
B. Facts, Evidence, Primary Sources AND VISUALS must ALL be used to support your skit.
C. You must have a plot that creates suspense
D. Don't leave your audience confused - Clarity is a very important.
E. You should have a hero and a central dilemma
F. Your skit must be 2-3 minutes in length and must be LIVE in front of the audience.
G. Due tomorrow - The Script - BUT the Execution of the Live Skit will be Thursday.

International Studies - Period 7
Essential Questions:
1. Does NATO have a new role in the order of international relations in Europe and the World in the    21st Century?
2. Was NATO just or unjust in participating and executing their mission in your post-Cold War scenario?
3. Is the world safer today with the United Nations than it was in 1945?
4. Is the United Nations an effective peace-keeping organization?
5. What should be done to improve the effectiveness of the United Nations?

Themes:  United Nations, Peacekeeping, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Globalization, Alliances, NATO

1. Please make sure you have picked a topic on the Globalization Project 2016 and have updated by filling out Globalization Spreadsheet with the major globalization topic and double check that I HAVE APPROVED IT. 

2. I will review and take any questions you may have on the Globalization Project. 

3. The Myth of Globalization - TED talk by Peter Alfandary (We left off at the 4:00 minute mark!)

4. Globalization resources:
Globalization 101
Issues in Globalization
Global Policy Organization - Many issues and specific areas of globalization of culture, politics, economy, law, and table/charts on Globalization.
World Health Organization and Globalization

1. Please RESEARCH, ORGANIZE, and document your source materials as you research for your DIGITAL STORY-TELLING PROJECT! Be sure to use the Google folder titled "Globalization Project 2016" to access the Globalization Rubric and "To Do List" of the things you need to have completed in each of your folders. 

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