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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Day 62 - Tuesday

U.S. History I - Periods 1, 5, and 6: 
Essential Questions:
-What do we want from Government?
-Does our state government or federal government have more of an impact in our lives?
-Does the system of checks and balances provide us with an effective and efficient government? 
-Is a strong federal system the most effective government for the United States? Which level of government, federal or state, can best solve our nation's problems? 

Themes: Federalism, State Rights vs. Federal Government, Liberty vs. Hierarchy, U.S. Constitution, State Rights vs. Federal Rights, Bill or Rights, Checks and Balances, Amendments 11-27

1. Who are the Federalist? Who are the Anti-federalist?
Anti-federalist vs. Federalist Chart

2. Anti-Federalist vs. Federalist - DBQ based questions (Needs to be finished in the first 10 minutes of class.
3. U.S. Constitution Resources:
Map of the US Population in 1790
Massachusetts Vote on Ratification
United States Government Brief Slideshow
Current U.S. Government Slideshow
Branches of Government + U.S. Constitution Outline

4. We will go to the Library to begin your mini-project of Selling the Bill of Rights.  I will pick your partner(s) and you both should begin working on this immediately.  It is due on Friday, December 5th.

1.  Make sure you have made a significant contribution to Selling the Bill of Rights - You and a partner should begin working on this immediately.  It is due on Friday, December 5th.

2. Examples of Marketing Campaigns - Check out the YouTube Videos
U.S. HISTORY II - Period 4:

Essential Questions:
-Who was Herbert Hoover and how did his leadership affect the American people during the Great Depression?
-How did the Great Depression affect the lives of millions of Americans?
-What affect did the Dust Bowl have on Americans during the Great Depression?
-What was the New Deal and how did it affect the American people during the Great Depression?
-What affect did the Stock Market Crash of 1929 have on the American people during the Great Depression?
-What were the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), The Works Progress Administration (WPA), and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and how did the affect the American people during the Great Depression?
-Who was Franklin Delano Roosevelt and how did his leadership affect the American people during the Great Depression?

1.  I have shared with you a Folder titled "GD Digital Story Telling Student Folder 2014" for you to access your project, Tips for DST, your Rubric, and updating your topics on the Google spreadsheet.

2. Day 1 in the Library for your Digital Story Telling Project.

2. A few reminders...
  • If you have NOT downloaded iMovie on your ipad, then please go to the student help desk and do it.  You should see Mrs. Scheffer. You can do this throughout the day or the first 15 minutes of class today. 
  • You need to submit a script on your Google Doc page you shared with ALL OF US on the Google Folder I created for everyone to have a place to drop their project. 
  • Review the DST Rubric and remember you need to hit some minimums of 8+ Primary Sources, 25 facts regarding your topic and subject (these could be connections you built based on causes and effects on your topic), and 3-4 minute movie that syncs your voice recording with the images/primary sources you are showing, and the presentation of your project. 
  • Due Date: Monday morning @ 7:00am, December 8th we start the project presentations.  I will pick them at random, so everyone be prepared and you will be asked to put the final link at the beginning of your Google Document that you shared with us that includes your storyboard. 
3. Here are Tips for Digital Story Telling: Please read carefully.

A. What you have to say DOES matter!
B. Show US A STORY, don't just tell us a story!
C. Images should be quality, not quantity! You want your images to show emotion!!!
D. Size does matter, I recommend as a means to find quality pictures
E. Story boarding is a "Visual Outline" just as much as a written script
Story boarding allows students to "structure" their story and "sync" images to words. One advantage is that it enhances revision of the story once students see how the words work with the images.  At times, it is wise to rim, or even omit narration altogether if the image creates enough of an impact. There are several effective methods of storyboarding.  Powerpoint can rend a quick and easy version for you to follow along and to visually see the story.  A Word document or Google document using text and image boxes can also suffice.  All students need to do is insert images in order, and copy and past the corresponding narration into a digital story program such as iMovie, Windows Movie Maker, Haiku Deck, Microsoft Photo Story 3, YouTube video, Move Note, Notability, EduCreations, or Touch Cast to illustrate a real movie like effect with you voice recording telling the story.  The most important advantage of story boarding is that it creates an effective blueprint for the movie. So please plan this stage of your Digital Story well by organizing yourself and following the rubric provided.

F. When recording your voice over - SLOOOOOOWWWW DOOOOWNNNN!
Your audience needs time to process the images and a slower pacing is a much more effective way to ensure they will see what you have studied in the image. 

G. Choosing a soundtrack: Instrumental vs. lyrical. 
Pacing, emotion, and point of view of the audience are all enhanced with appropriate music.  I would select one piece of music if you want to use it, but do not use more than one as frequent music changes can confuse the audience.

3. Please utilize your time wisely and WORK TOGETHER with your partners to PLAN this project.  You need to plan well in order to execute your project well. You MUST CREATE a google document that you share with me as an EDITOR so that I can review what and who has done the planning and can approve your storyboard.

1.  You should be getting fully invested into your research (which means you are becoming an expert on your topic) and double-checking the requirements/rubric for this project.  You need to plan out what you want to say as important matters, facts, and evidence for your topic.  Please make sure you have created your storyboard on the google doc topic so that everyone can access it and then make sure you have collected meaningful PRIMARY SOURCES and facts that can connect to your topic. Moreover, use databases from the BHS library and credible sources that will help you seek the truth in your investigative hunt to understand your theme and topic on the Great Depression. Presentations will begin on MONDAY, December 8th, 2014.   Please provide a Google Document that illustrates planning, organization, research, works cited page, and your actually Digital Story in it.
- Review of the expectations of the Digital Storytelling Project
-Digital Storytelling Rubric
-Digital Storytelling Resources and Topics

2. Let me know if you have any questions Digital Story Sample from Youtube on the Great Depression:
International Studies - Period 2
Essential Questions:
1. How do we think about POWER in the 21st Century?

2. How should we deal with extremist?
3. Do you think ordinary people can create change or movement for a cause?

Themes: War vs. Peace, Sustainability Change, Hard Power, Soft Power, Smart Power, The Taliban, Islamic State in Syria (ISIS), Malala Yousafzai

1. Malala's Nobel Peace Prize Speech, 2014
-Do you think Malala deserves to win the Nobel Peace Prize?

2. What is National Security?

3. Please watch the video below on Former NATO Admiral James Stavridis.  As you watch this video please answer the following questions:

A. What is Global Security?
B. Who provides it?

4. Read this article titled "Global Security versus National Security?" and create a T-chart illustrating the differences between these two securities. Then write a ONE paragraph reaction to the article on your thoughts about the contents of the article.
Global Security Resources:
Department of Defense - 21st Century Security for Americans
Wikipedia - U.S. Commission on National Security
Council on Foreign Relations - National Security in the 21st Century - Hart-Rudman Commission
Wikipedia - Major U.S. Intelligence Reforms/Laws

5. Afghanistan - Where, Who, What, Why analysis study before we begin exploring the Taliban and U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. In-depth study of Afghanistan War

6. Casualties in Afghanistan

7. U.S. News Political Cartoons on Afghanistan
Afghanistan Strategy

8. U.S. News and World Report: "Bring on the Zero Option"

1. Please make sure you have finished your outline of Afghanistan using the following tow links:  Afghanistan - Where, Who, What, Why analysis study before we begin exploring the Taliban and U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East AND In-depth study of Afghanistan War.

2. Spend 5 minutes looking a multiple political cartoons and pick ANY political cartoon in my U.S. News Political Cartoons on Afghanistan to analyze and break down. Have a written synopsis for tomorrow's class.

3. Due Monday, December 8th - After watching the movie titled "Road to 9/11" please answer the following questions below from the movie and previously studied material from our case study/debate on the Taliban:

Obama's War Questions
1. Are we winning or losing this war?

2. Can this war be won?

3. Is there a competition for hearts and minds? If so, who is winning the hearts and minds of Afghans? Who is winning the hearts and minds of Americans?

4. What progress have we made in Afghanistan? What progress have we made in Pakistan?

5. What is President Obama's new strategy for this war?

6. Does the film have an agenda? What perspective and tone does it give to Americans? Cite specific evidence.

Essential Questions on Taliban Rule in Afghanistan:
• What is the relationship between Islam and the Taliban?
• How does the Taliban try to control Afghan women?
• How has the experience of Afghan women changed with the Taliban’s emergence?
• What was the United States’ role in the Taliban coming to power?
• How is clothing used as a means of oppression in Afghanistan?

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