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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Day 143 - Thursday

U.S. History I - Periods 2, 5, and 6: 
Essential Question:
-Does state or federal government have a greater impact in our lives?
-How has American's justified Manifest Destiny?
-Why did Americans feel so compelled to expand the country westward?
-How might the country have developed differently if no gold or other precious minerals had been discovered in the West?
-Does war cause national prosperity?
-Is economic, social, or physical coercion an effective method of achieving our national interest in domestic affairs

Themes:  Westward Expansion, Continentialism, Manifest Destiny, American Exceptionalism, Native America attrition, The Gold Rush, Diverse Immigration

1. REVISED Thesis Statements should be shared on the spreadsheet!

2. The Antebellum South Slideshow will be examined today and then we will discuss the the Nat Turner Primary Sources as evidence to answer the question; Was Nat Turner a madman or a hero?
Nat Turner Timeline
Nat Turner Questions

3. Reform Movements of the 19th Century
First Age of Reform - Lots of Primary sources
Pre-Civil War Reform - Scroll down to this section on our online textbook and read the summary and click on the links to help you understand more specific reform movements

5. We will look at quick look a who's in and who's out and what primaries have played an important role over the last week. Let's evaluate the results and the upcoming primaries.
1. Due by MONDAY, MAY 2ND - Please begin reading Chapter 10 - The Union in Peril - Pages 302-309. I would like you to outline in the form of a Top-Down Web into 3 Major Categories:
A. Differences between the North and South - Create a compare and contrast flow chart to illustrate the differences on your top-down web.

B. Slavery in Territories - highlights should include the cause-effect relationship of the Wilmot Proviso and California Statehood.

C. The Senate Debates - Fugitive Slave Act, Clay's Compromise of 1850 (terms), California, Popular Sovereignty, Calhoun Goals/Webster's Goals, response to the compromise, Stephen Douglas and Millard Filmore's views on slavery.

U.S. HISTORY II - Period 1:

Essential Questions:
-Who is responsible for starting the Cold War?
-Why didn't the Cold War ever turn "hot"?
-How did the Cold War challenge American values, at home and abroad?
-Is the Cold War still going on? How?

Themes: Failed Conferences, The Iron Curtain, Containment, Containment, Domino Theory, The Domestic Cold War, House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), Blacklist, Alger Hiss, The Rosenbergs

1. Reminder that the thesis statements are due by THIS FRIDAY, April 29th BEFORE class.

2. Did you complete your homework last night on REVIEWING the HUAC Primary Sources, and the two films on HUAC and Hollywood Ten, please write a 6-10 sentence RESPONSE on Google Classroom. Your response should illustrate a strong thesis statement, clear and strong opinions, and gives your genuine reflection on HUAC's effectiveness on American civilians and the home front.

3. Cold War Slideshow #1 1945-1960 - The American home front will be explored post-WWII &
   The Cold War Slideshow - Start at Slide #25

4. Please review the House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) Primary Sources
-Last night you should have watched the film on the The Red Scare and HUAC:


5. AndThe Hollywood Ten movie below:

6.  Let's examine your responses from the HUAC Primary Sources, and the two films on HUAC and Hollywood Ten, please write a 8-12 sentence RESPONSE on Google Classroom. Your response should illustrate a strong thesis statement, clear and strong opinions, and gives your genuine reflection on HUAC's effectiveness on American civilians and the home front.
8. Cold War Resources:
Cold War Slideshow #1 1945-1960 - The American home front will be explored post-WWII.
The Cold War Slideshow
The United Nations
The Cold War Museum
All sort of Cold War resource - videos, primary sources, etc 
The Miller Center - University of Virginia - Cold War Era - Lots of Primary Sources
Timeline of the Cold War

1.  You have Thursday - Sunday to prepare for your Silent Conversation on Monday - Using the Joseph McCarthy DBQ please review documents #1-6 and annotate them with your thoughts, perspectives, and anything that may help you answer the Debate Question at the top of the DBQ.  We will have a Silent Conversation Debate on Monday

International Studies - Period 7
Essential Questions:
1. Is globalization a path to a brighter future?
2. Has globalization made human beings more isolated or integrated in the global society?

Themes:  Globalization, sustainability, Race to the Top, Race to the Bottom, global equability, interconnected communities, global marketplace

1. Round I Winners who will be moving on to Round 2...CONGRATS!
 - Global Economy
- Medicine/Healthcare
- NGO's and Humanitarianism 
-Infectious Disease

2. You should be preparing for your H2H SECOND ROUND MATCH-UPS for the Debate on Globalization Topics. Here is Thursday's (today) lineup:

A. Agriculture Sustainability (Ryan) versus Human Settlement (Shane) needs to finish! 
B. Global Economy (Delaney) versus Infectious Disease (Marissa)
C. NGO's/Humanitarianism (Zack) versus China, The Next World Giant (Billy)

3. Globalization resources:
Globalization 101
Issues in Globalization
Global Policy Organization - Many issues and specific areas of globalization of culture, politics, economy, law, and table/charts on Globalization.
World Health Organization and Globalization

1. Please prepare for the Head to Head ROUND 2 Debates, specifically Global Economy vs China, The Next World Giant AND THEN Medicine vs. Winner of Group A (Agriculture vs Human settlement).  I passed out the hard copy version of the debates and the electronic version is in the Globalization Project Folder so all teams still in it should prepare for the H2H for Round 2. 

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