Essential Question:
-How did the Market Revolution of the 19th Century radically shift commerce (trade) and a way of life for millions of Americans?
-How revolutionary was the Market Revolution in the early 19th Century in American History?
-Why was Industrialization so complex and yet dynamic?
Themes: Market Revolution, Industrialization, Cotton Gin, Transportation Revolution, Immigration, Population shifts-How revolutionary was the Market Revolution in the early 19th Century in American History?
-Why was Industrialization so complex and yet dynamic?
1. American Politics 2016
-Who's STILL IN and who is now OUT?
-The Polls - RealClearPolitics - Polls - Ughhhh so predictable?!
-Your guide to the 2016 presidential candidates - The Washington Examiner
2. Industrialization Resources will be utilized to facilitate conversations and note-taking for a Jigsaw Activity - Please use the Essential Question above to guide your research and to provide you a direction of creating a major argument regarding your topic.
A. Population and Immigration
Immigration Percentage Charts
-Foreign Born Immigrants per state 2000
-Where were Immigrants coming from? Pie Charts
-Basic Immigration in American in the 1700-1850's Slideshow
-Immigration in America 1830-1860
-German and Irish Immigrant Chart in USA
-Chart #2 - Germans and Irish vs the rest of Immigrants
-A fascinating study of Population Density (Look at 1700 vs. 1950) What maps are most important and why? What patterns do you see? What argument can these data charts provide us?
-Population Chart #2
-Population Growth in the Future? Wow...just take a look at the first few pages of this study. What are your reactions to this United Nations study and projections?
B. Agricultural Revolution
Cotton Production 1820 versus 1860
American Immigrants and Agricultural Life - Database
The Agricultural Revolution Article VS. The New Agricultural Revolution - What is it? How does Agriculture impact societies? What is the major argument that EACH of these articles/essays present?
Growing a Nation: The Story of American Agriculture
Crops and Livestock: The Story of American Agriculture
Farmers and the Land: The Story of American Agriculture
C. Transportation expansion
Map of USA expanding infrastructure - Roads and Canals
Maps of American Railroads expansion from East Coast to the West
Development of Railroads from 1830-1990's
Transportation Revolution
National Road video
D. Industrial/Product expansion
US Industry Map in Early 1800's
Francis Cabot Lowell Video - What was most significant about the Lowell Cotton Mills in New England?
Textile Industrial History
Inventions in the early 1800's
More inventions from 1800-1850's
The Economic Revolution - covers a ton of topics
"The Market Revolution"
2. HONOR'S ONLY - On Tuesday you will have a multiple choice (50% & Essay 50% TEST) on the Market Revolution, America's First Industrial Revolution, Immigration, and the era of Urbanization from 1800-1850.
3. College Prep - Period 6 - Organize your binders for Monday. I am going to check them all on Monday.
-Who's STILL IN and who is now OUT?
-The Polls - RealClearPolitics - Polls - Ughhhh so predictable?!
-Your guide to the 2016 presidential candidates - The Washington Examiner
2. Industrialization Resources will be utilized to facilitate conversations and note-taking for a Jigsaw Activity - Please use the Essential Question above to guide your research and to provide you a direction of creating a major argument regarding your topic.
A. Population and Immigration
Immigration Percentage Charts
-Foreign Born Immigrants per state 2000
-Where were Immigrants coming from? Pie Charts
-Basic Immigration in American in the 1700-1850's Slideshow
-Immigration in America 1830-1860
-German and Irish Immigrant Chart in USA
-Chart #2 - Germans and Irish vs the rest of Immigrants
-A fascinating study of Population Density (Look at 1700 vs. 1950) What maps are most important and why? What patterns do you see? What argument can these data charts provide us?
-Population Chart #2
-Population Growth in the Future? Wow...just take a look at the first few pages of this study. What are your reactions to this United Nations study and projections?
B. Agricultural Revolution
Cotton Production 1820 versus 1860
American Immigrants and Agricultural Life - Database
The Agricultural Revolution Article VS. The New Agricultural Revolution - What is it? How does Agriculture impact societies? What is the major argument that EACH of these articles/essays present?
Growing a Nation: The Story of American Agriculture
Crops and Livestock: The Story of American Agriculture
Farmers and the Land: The Story of American Agriculture
C. Transportation expansion
Map of USA expanding infrastructure - Roads and Canals
Maps of American Railroads expansion from East Coast to the West
Development of Railroads from 1830-1990's
Transportation Revolution
National Road video
D. Industrial/Product expansion
US Industry Map in Early 1800's
Francis Cabot Lowell Video - What was most significant about the Lowell Cotton Mills in New England?
Textile Industrial History
Inventions in the early 1800's
More inventions from 1800-1850's
The Economic Revolution - covers a ton of topics
"The Market Revolution"
1. HONOR'S ONLY - Please read the directions, essential question, and documents D-F tonight for homework in the Lowell Girls DBQ. This essay will be started on Monday and completed in class on Tuesday.2. HONOR'S ONLY - On Tuesday you will have a multiple choice (50% & Essay 50% TEST) on the Market Revolution, America's First Industrial Revolution, Immigration, and the era of Urbanization from 1800-1850.
3. College Prep - Period 6 - Organize your binders for Monday. I am going to check them all on Monday.
U.S. HISTORY II - Period 1:
Essential Questions:
-How did the United States respond to the attack at Pearl Harbor?
How does volunteerism demonstrate civic responsibility?
-How did America utilize it's home-front during World War II?
-How important was the home-front to the United States's victory in World War II?
-How did World War II serve as catalyst for social change in America?
Themes: Pearl Harbor Attack reaction, The American Homefront, Citizen Soldiers, Social Change, Top-Down Control
1. Your Mini-Presentation Project Presentations will continue today in class. Each student should be filling out the other group's topics on the Citizen Soldiers Contribution Sheet.
2. WAR PRODUCTION, COMMUNICATION, CONTRIBUTIONS, CIVIL RIGHTS are the major themes. Each of you must be ready to present your case to the class on Thursday. As each group presents their area of expertise, while the students in the audience will be actively filling out their Citizen Soldiers Contribution Sheet. You should have created a multimedia presentation on your topic with your group mates and today you will present it in class.
3. Group Categories:
-Focus on Large corporations, volunteer groups, etc (NOT on Women!!)
II. Communication
-How did the US government communicate the message of volunteerism and selling the war to America?
III. Women
-What did women do to contribute to the war effort, both at home and abroad?
IV. African Americans, Mexican-Americans, Japanese-Americans, AND any other minority groups
-What did African Americans and other minority groups do to contribute to the war effort? What was their experience like during the war, both at home and abroad?
4. World War II Homefront Resources:
American Troops in World War II
The Smithsonian - Home front Propaganda
Home front Documents - Photographs and Various Documents
A series of short video clips on various topics involving Women, Food, Investments, and other subject. Look at the title of the "Playlist" and click on the video that would apply to your subject.
World War II Photography Gallery from Time Magazine:
U.S. Home-front During World War II
The National WWII museum - lots of images, primary sources, outline of WWII, and WWII by the numbers!
Library of Congress - World War II Primary Sources
American Women in World War II
America's WWII in Color - PBS special
1. Please post your Citizen Soldiers Contribution Sheet to google classroom by 11:59 PM tonight (Friday). SO IF YOU DID NOT DO THIS, THEN PLEASE COMPLETE it for homework tonight.
International Studies - Period 7
Essential Questions:
1. Does NATO have a new role in the order of international relations in Europe and the World in the 21st Century?
2. Was NATO just or unjust in participating and executing their mission in your post-Cold War scenario?
3. Is the world safer today with the United Nations than it was in 1945?
4. Is the United Nations an effective peace-keeping organization?
5. What should be done to improve the effectiveness of the United Nations?
Themes: United Nations, Peacekeeping, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Globalization
1. Peacekeeping Missions - Let's examine where and why peacekeeping missions are currently happening?
-UN Peacekeeping Operations
-Check out the data/facts on current Peacekeeping Missions (please look at the tabs on the right hand side as well that share Troops, Fatalities, Gender, Reports, and the actual data-maps on the right hand side of this website.)
2. Peacekeeping Resources:
-United Nations Peacekeeping Missions
-University of California organized a UN resources guide - Honestly, the BEST and most ORGANIZED I have seen yet on how to research issues concerning the United Nations.
-An impressive viewing of MANY UN Peacekeeping videos - Nearly 5 hours worth of short clips from many Peacekeeping Operations.
3. What is NATO will continue? U.S. State Dept - What is NATO?
The Washington Treaty (aka The North Atlantic Treaty)
What is NATO's mission? Which decisions does it make and why would it be consulted?
-Current NATO missions
-Topics and more on Current NATO missions
1. If you have not download the NATO or Peacekeeping Mission Project please do so.
2. Please begin your research on your recent NATO/Peacekeeper mission (1992 to present day). You need to pick separate missions, so please fill out the signup sheet here on the Google Document.
3. You MUST create a Google Folder with your topic and last name on it.
-You must have a basic outline in your Google Folder & Below are items to include on your outline:
-Who is involved in your Google Folder?
-How long have they been there?
-Why Peacekeepers or NATO troops are there?
-Where and what did the situation look like that caused peacekeepers or NATO troops to be engaged in the situation?
-What does the current situation look like? In other words, how effective was the Peacekeeper or NATO situation?
-What challenges did/do Peacekeepers or NATO troops face?
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