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Friday, February 12, 2016

Day 101 - Friday - Happy February Break - Think SNOW and go SKI

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U.S. History I - Periods 2, 5, and 6: 
Essential Question:
-Was the Monroe Doctrine a policy of expansion or self-defense? 
-Was the Monroe Doctrine a disguise for American Imperialism?
-Was John Quincy Adams deserving of his presidency?
-How revolutionary was the Market Revolution in the early 19th Century in American History?

Themes: Major Themes in American History in 1820, James Monroe Presidency, John Quincy Adam's Legacy - Cheater or Victim?, Market Revolution, Industrialization

1. Please review all of the following visuals under "Industrialization" and try to make sense of what America is going through from 1820-1860.
Industrialization Resources:
American population growth from 1820 to 1860
Map of USA expanding infrastructure - Roads and Canals
Maps of American Railroads expansion from East Coast to the West
Development of Railroads from 1830-1990's

2. Please read this article on "The Market Revolution" IN-CLASS and review the images to give you visual support in your understanding of this revolutionary industrial era in American History.

3. Please watch the John Green video on "Market Revolution" and answer the questions on Google Classroom:
A. What are the factors that contributed to the Market Revolution?

B. How did the Market Revolution of the 19th Century radically shift commerce (trade) and a way of life for millions of Americans?

4. As soon as we get back from February break we will put together our BIG PAPER collage of the 2016 Presidential Candidates using your clear color visuals, glue sticks, string and popsicle sticks from last night's homework assignment.  We need these items in order to complete our Big Paper Rollout on following the 2016 election.
-New Hampshire Primary Results
-The Polls - RealClearPolitics
-Your guide to the 2016 presidential candidates - The Washington Examiner

1. Just make sure you have posted your responses to the 2 questions on the Market Revolution on Google Classroom...
A. What are the factors that contributed to the Market Revolution?

B. How did the Market Revolution of the 19th Century radically shift commerce (trade) and a way of life for millions of Americans?

....Otherwise you have NO homework, have a wonderful February Break!

U.S. HISTORY II - Period 1:
Essential Questions:
-Did the United States foreign policy during the 1930's help promote World War II? 
-Could the United States have prevented the outbreak of World War II?
-Should the United States sell arms to other nations?
-Should the United States have aided the Allies against the Axis Powers?
-Does the American security depend upon the survival of its Allies?
-Was war between the United States and Japan inevitable in World War II?
-How did the United States respond to the attack at Pearl Harbor?

Themes:  America's involvement in WWII 1939-December 7th 1941, Lend-Lease Act, Pearl Harbor Attack.

1. Please watch The Century: America's Time - 1941-1945: The American Homefront. What were the three most interesting concepts you learned about the American Homefront from this video (4-6 sentence in total)

2. World War II Resources:
U.S. Home-front During World War II
The National WWII museum - lots of images, primary sources, outline of WWII, and WWII by the numbers!
The Holocaust
Library of Congress - World War II Primary Sources
American Women in World War II
America's WWII in Color - PBS special

3. How does America react to Pearl Harbor
Headline News
Eye Witness Accounts of People's Reactions
Reactions/Headlines/Internment of Japanese-Americans

1. Just complete the The Century: America's Time - 1941-1945: The American Homefront. What were the three most interesting concepts you learned about the American Homefront from this video (4-6 sentence in total) and put it on Google Classroom by 11:59 pm on Friday, February 12th.

International Studies - Period 7
Essential Questions:
1. What does international studies mean?
2. Should we enforce the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in countries not our own? If so, how? If not, why?
3. Is the world safer today with the United Nations than it was in 1945?
4. Is the United Nations an effective peace-keeping organization?
5. What should be done to improve the effectiveness of the United Nations?

Themes:  United Nations, Peacekeeping, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Globalization

1. You will be tested on the United Nation's history, principles, organization, and Peacekeeping Missions.

2. We will watch the Human Rights video and then make sure you can answer "What are Human Rights and how are they coded?" and "When in history have Human Rights been threatened or violated?"

3. Then please WATCH this second awesome video on the 30 Articles of Human Rights under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and answer the question "How do Human Rights build more equitable and good in a global society?"

4. Please watch A Brief History of the United Nations video:
Brief History of the United Nations:

5. Please Watch Ban-Ki-Moon - Secretary-General of the United Nations - daily operations.

6. Peacekeeping Missions - You the link to examine where and why peacekeeping missions are currently happening?
UN Peacekeeping Operations - Additionally, check out the data/facts on current Peacekeeping Missions - please look at the tabs on the right hand side as well that share Troops, Fatalities, Gender, Reports, and the actual data-maps on the right hand side of this website.
-What statistics/facts pop out the most to you?  Why?
-What evaluations can we make from this data?

7. United Nation Resources:
United Nations History
United Nations Member States
United Nations Multimedia Room
United Nations School bus Virtual Field Trip
United Nations Research Guide A-Z on EVERYTHING you can imagine!
United Nations Peacekeeping Missions
University of California organized a UN resources guide - Honestly, the BEST and most ORGANIZED I have seen yet on how to research issues concerning the United Nations.

1. None and enjoy your February Break!

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