How is your perception influenced by the world around you?
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie author of Americanah, one of the New York Times 10 best sellers of 2013.
U.S. History I - Periods 2, 5, and 6:
Essential Questions:
-What is historical thinking?
-How will you succeed in my class?
Themes: Historical thinking methods, evaluating sources, Thinking like an historian, PEGS (Political, Economic, Geographic, Social)
1. We will finish your first Top-Down Webs on "What is History?", What are documents? What do historians do and why should history be important for YOU? What are PEGS in Mr. Parkin's Classroom? Contrasting values in historical thinking? Historical Thinking Chart - Stanford University
2. Lunchroom Fight Activity I and LFA II Activity
3. The Americas to 1620 - An essay +
4. Blank U.S.A Map
Homework: (Due on Friday BEFORE class)
1. Due Friday - Using the Blank U.S.A Map/I have a bigger hard copy you will get in class tomorrow - please complete the directions below:
A. Label the MAJOR land masses that present challenges to Natives and Explorers.
B. Label WHERE Europeans established Settlements/Regions of occupation to your map.
C. Color-code your map by European countries established regions and MAKE A KEY at the top of the map to illustrate an easy way to follow your make.
D. Add in any major cities/towns from the Colonial Era up to 1750.
*The goal is to figure out visually how America was a battle ground so to speak for Europeans exploring and staking a claim in the "New World."
U.S. HISTORY II - Period 1:
Essential Questions:
-What is historical thinking?
-How will you succeed in my class?
U.S. Curriculum Essential Questions:
-Was American expansion overseas justified?
-Did the press cause the Spanish-American War?
-Was the acquisition of the Panama Canal Zone and act of justifiable imperialism?
-Does the need for self-defense give the US the right to interfere in the affairs of Latin America? (Think about the Roosevelt Corollary, "Dollar Diplomacy," and "Watchful Waiting")
Themes: Historical thinking methods, evaluating sources, Thinking like an historian, PEGS (Political, Economic, Geographic, Social)
1. We will finish your first Top-Down Webs on "What is History?" by discussing shapes, sizes, colors, and the examples you all created.
2. How do we know our history? What are documents? What do historians do and why should history be important for YOU?
3. What are PEGS in Mr. Parkin's Classroom? Contrasting values in historical thinking? Historical Thinking Chart - Stanford University
4. Make Your Case! - Please review the scenario, talk it over with a partner and answer the questions.
5. The Progressive Era to a New Era - America from 1900-1929 - An essay by Daniel Rodgers Professor of History at Princeton University
1. Chapter 17 - Section 1 - The Origins of Progressivism - Read pages 510-518 and create a TOP-DOWN WEB that works like an outline that illustrates organization, cause and effect analysis, and major events or themes that are easily understandably. You will be taking risks and making decisions without Mr. Parkin nodding his head and saying "YES, this will be perfect!" I am looking for you all to develop your understanding of the Progressives by creating and designing an outline of YOUR OWN. Your outline should NOT just include one word bubbles/shapes, but should not be overly wordy by explaining too much. I am looking for you to make connections.
*Remember Top-Down Webs are new for many of you - so SHAPES, SIZE, COLORS, and PLACEMENT are all important features that should be purposeful, not just throwing random information together. The 4 GOALS of the Progressive Movement should be A MAJOR aspect of your outline and then try to connect them to the areas of reforming American society.
International Studies - Period 7
Essential Questions:
1. What does international studies mean?
2. What is Peace Day?
3. What are the most important things individuals can or should do on behalf of a peaceful world?
Themes: Peace Day, Humanitarianism, Creating a campaign
1. Thoughts, reflections, evaluations of Jeremy Gilley's journey and video titled Day After Peace Test?
2. We will discuss some of the basics questions below and what was involved in the Peace Day Video.
A. What is the United Nations?
B. What is the mission of the United Nations?
C. What is Peace Day? When is Peace Day? What typically happens on Peace Day?
D. Is global peace, even for just one day, possible? Your opinion/argument is valid, but make sure you can justify it."Peace Day." What is it? What is happening in 2015 to support this global movement?
3. What will YOU do to make Peace at Burlington High School. Peace Day Awareness Campaign is on and you all need to initiate some plans and get this rolled out for the rest of this week and next. Announcements should be made at 2:00pm the week before Monday, September 21st and you need to figure out a way to spread the word on your Peace Day Message. I say create a Peace Day Message, put it on social media, and create awareness throughout BHS to help educate your peers and teachers.
4. Makes sure you DOCUMENT the evidence of your ambassador campaign to promote Peace Day. You cannot just say you did something, but you need to PROVE IT! I will have an evidence document on our Google Classroom Page - please post to it!
1. Continue your BRAIN-STORMING session on Peace-Day. Peace day is only 12 days away, WHAT WILL YOU DO to help BHS students become aware of Peace Day? Think how, where, when you will IMPLEMENT a Peace Day Campaign. We can and will do this in 12 days! Peace Day is Monday, September 21st, 2015.
2. Please answer the question, "What will you do to spread Peace Day at Burlington High School in 2015?" It is posted on Google Classroom!
3. Peace Day resources: What will you plan at BHS over the next 12 days to make our school recognize "Peace Day"...
Peace One Day
International Day of Peace
Peace Events on Peace Day
The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF) Organization
The United Nation's Peace Day
Fellowship of Reconciliation (blog on Peace Day)
Peace Day Facebook - Has some good images, ideas, and foundations/resources.
Peace Day Ideas - On a facebook page, but it might help you promote it at BHS
The Nobel Peace Prize
4. The Ambassador Rubric to ensure you understand how you will be graded. Your goal is to effectively contribute to how you will make Burlington High School aware of Peace Day. You decided to contribute morning announcements to be aware of Peace Day itself and then finalize your execution of the Peace Day Table. How is the social media aspect going? Remember this will be a project grade based on your contributions to organizing Peace Day activities at Burlington High School. You should see yourselves as Peace Day Ambassadors that advocate "Who will you make Peace with on Peace Day? Contribute and implement a plan in our brain-storming session!!!
5. Monday all proof of what you did will be presented to the entire class and Mr. Parkin. You can put this in a presentation app or program to share pictures, videos, or any other evidence of your contributions. This will count for 45% of your grade. (Project Breakdown = Presentation 45%, Reflection essay 45%, Mr. Parkin's observations 10% = Grand total equals 100% for a Project Grade). The Reflection essay and Presentations that illustrate EVIDENCE of your contributions as an ambassador and the school observing Peace Day should be documented and will be due on Monday, September 22nd.
6.Proof/Evidence from Peace Day MUST BE documented (recorded by picture, film, and illustrated as a primary source) Finalize your awareness campaign of Peace-Day at Burlington High School for Monday. WILL YOU DO to help BHS students become aware of Peace Day? Brainstorm ideas, create meaningful activities/awareness, and implement it at this school using this Google Doc. Implementation will happen on Friday and Monday!
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