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Monday, June 8, 2015

Day 169 - Monday

U.S. History I - Periods 1, 5, and 6: 

Essential Questions:
-Was it possible to have reconciliation after the American Civil War?
-Should the Confederate States have been treated as a defeated nation or rebellious states?
-Did Reconstruction governments rule the American South well?
-When should a president be impeached and removed from office?
-Can political freedom exist without an economic foundation?
-To what extend did Jim Crow Laws create and govern a racially segregated society in the South?

Themes: State Rights vs. Federal Government, Abraham Lincoln's Assassination, Reconstruction, Civil War Amendments

1. You should have finished watching these videos at home and the questions that went with them.

2. African-Americans during Reconstruction
-The origins of the KKK should have also been watched this weekend and you were asked to submit the Reconstruction Packet (with page 7 on the KKK graphic organizer) to Google Classroom. 

3. You will all take your Reconstruction Quiz today

1. Chapter 13 - Migration and Industrialization 1877-1917 - Read pages 408-417 and as you read please create a 3-2-1 style of note-taking concept for EACH Blue Headline Section (see below), and it should look like an effective outline when you are done. You should be creating this on your own, NOT doing 8 separate sheets of 3-2-1's, but rather set it up as an effective note-taking outline.

A. The Culture of the Plains Indians
B. Settlers Push Westward
C. The Government Restricts Native Americans
D. Bloody Battles Continue
E. The Government Supports Assimilation
F. The Battle of Wounded Knee
G. Cattle Become Big Business
H. A Day in the Life of a Cowboy & The End of the Open Range (combined)
U.S. HISTORY II - Period 4:

Essential Questions:
-To what extent were the 1950's a time of great peace, progress, and prosperity for Americans?
-To what extent did the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950's expand democracy for all Americans?
-Is civil disobedience the most effective means of achieving racial equality?
-To what extent can legislation result in positive change in racial attitudes and more?
-Is violence or non-violence the most effective means of achieving racial equality?
-Did the 1960's Civil Right Movement effectively change the nation?

Themes: American Culture, Consumerism, Suburbia, Baby Boomers, Civil Right Activism, Introduction to the Civil Rights Movement, Challenging Segregation, MLK Jr., Civil Disobedience, Black Power/Black Panthers 

1. Reminder about the overview of the 1950's - Review it and be able to answer "To what extent were the 1950's a time of great peace, progress, and prosperity for Americans?

2. Timeline of Key Events during the Civil Rights Movement
 Separate, But Not Equal - Photographs - We will use to teach the background of The Civil Rights Movement

3. More Background knowledge Pre-Civil Rights Era:
-The African-American Odyssey: From Slavery to Civil Rights Movement - An incredible study of African-American History in American. We will focus on the Post-WWII era!

4. Civil Rights Era: 1948 to 1968
Separate, But Not Equal - Photographs - The Smithsonian - Highly recommend!
Jackie Robinson and Documents - Social Unrest Persists in America

5. Videos we may watch:

1. Please carefully read and begin your research on The Civil Rights Student Activity. Due Friday, June 12th. 

2. Please read SNCC (Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee) and Training Sessions  and then read/review the photographs of SNCC in action.  **Your job will be to conduct independent research as well and then form a SNCC GROUP within your class and put together a skit of 1-2 minutes or do a skit on any aspect of the Civil Rights Movement, but just confirm it with Mr. Parkin first. Skit's due on Thursday, June 11th. 

Here is a controversial video from The American Experience on sit-ins/SNCC training

Modern America Class - Period 7
Essential Questions:
1. How much do popular trends reflect and/or shape American values and traditions?
2. Does our entertainment reflect society, or does our entertainment shape our society?
3. What is Pop Culture?
4. How do we know if something is Popular Culture?

Themes: Pop Culture, Top Charts, American Exceptionalism, 1990's Decade, 1990's TV, 1990's Major Events in Politics, Culture, Sports, Science.

1. Thank you seniors for a wonderful semester of Modern America!

1. Congratulations Seniors and YOU DID A GREAT JOB!

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