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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Day 136 - Tuesday

U.S. History I - Periods 1, 5, and 6: 

Essential Questions:
-Does state or federal government have a greater impact in our lives?
-Does the United States have a mission to expand democracy and freedom?
-Does war cause national prosperity?
-Is economic, social, or physical coercion an effective method of achieving our national interest in domestic affairs

Themes: State Rights vs. Federal Government, Fugitive Slave Act, Clay's Compromise of 1850 (terms), Popular Sovereignty, Calhoun Goals/Webster's Goals, response to the compromise, Stephen Douglas and Millard Fillmore's views on slavery.

1. We will finish the last 15 minutes of watching more of 12 Years a Slave today and selected scenes and then have a class discussion about slavery during the Antebellum period.  You may use any of the resources below to connect to the movie we just watched. 

2. We will list to the newest NPR podcast on Modern Slavery in Today's World and then discuss what you all found on modern-day slavery?  Can slavery be universally stopped? Should there be a war on slavery today?

***3. Alternative Assignment for those of you who DO NOT have permission to watch the movie  is Slave Narratives in the 19th Century and Activity/Questions and is due on Monday evening by 11:59pm.

4. Slavery Resources and Personal Narratives:
Antebellum South Slideshow 
Solomon Northup Slideshow 
Primary Source Accounts of Slave Narratives
Slavery: Then and Now

1. Please finish working on your questions on 12 Years a Slave Questions OR work on the Alternative Assignment for those of you who DO NOT have permission to watch the movie using Slave Narratives in the 19th Century and Activity/Questions as they are due at 11:59 tonight. 
U.S. HISTORY II - Period 4:

Essential Questions:
- Who is responsible for starting the Cold War?
-Why didn't the Cold War ever turn "hot"?
-How did the Cold War challenge American values, at home and abroad?
-Is the Cold War still going on? How?
-Did America learn foreign policy lessons from the Bay of Pigs and The Cuban Missile Crisis?

Themes: Containment, Domino Theory, CIA covert missions, Bay of Pigs, The Cuban Missile Crisis, The Berlin Wall Crisis

1. Space Race - 1961-1969
-Space Race History Channel Article - Review the Gallery, Audio and we will watch two short video clips to ensure your understanding of this competitive space race.
-JFK Presidential

2. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library
-Listen to the JFK speech and review the gallery

3. John F. Kennedy Assassination
-JFK Assassination Slideshow
-John F. Kennedy Presidential Library (lots of audio and videos on the right-hand side)

4. Most of our class period will be dedicated to John F. Kennedy's Tragedy in Dallas and preparing for Thursday's debate.
JFK and the single gunman question
JFK Assassination from the JFK Library
In-Depth Study and Historian who questions The Conspiracy - May be the most complete site I have seen on the JFK assassination

5. John F. Kennedy Resources:
JFK Library - Life of Kennedy and a whole heck of lot more!
Historic Speeches by JFK - JFK Library
JFK Cabinet, Headlines, and more - Online database on Presidents
JFK at a glance and his Domestic and Foreign policies - The Miller Center - University of Virginia
JFK through photos - A photo walk of JFK through the Presidential Years

6. Cold War Resources:
1. Tonight you MUST PREPARE for your John F. Kennedy's Tragedy in Dallas Debate.  Please utilize the resources below to come up with your arguments and evident to support your debate question: "Was JFK assassinated by a single gunman?" 

HALF the class will be divided up into Lee Harvey Oswald Supports and the other half will be Conspiracy theorist of multiple gunman.  DECIDE which side you will fall on...but you MUST DO YOUR RESEARCH USING THE BELOW SITES! Please fill out the Graphic Organizer so that you have some data points on the theory that you support tonight!

JFK and the single gunman question
JFK Assassination from the JFK Library
In-Depth Study and Historian who questions The Conspiracy - May be the most complete site I have seen on the JFK assassination.
Modern America Class - Period 7
Essential Questions:
1. How much do popular trends reflect and/or shape American values and traditions?
2. Does our entertainment reflect society, or does our entertainment shape our society?
3. What is Pop Culture?
4. How do we know if something is Popular Culture?

Themes: Pop Culture, Top Charts, American Exceptionalism, 1980's Decade, 1980's TV, 1980's Major Events in Politics, Culture, Sports, Science.

1. We will watch "Back to the Future"

5. 1980's Links to get you started:
-What happened in the 1980's - - Toys, Sports, Furniture, Events, Fashion, Appliances, and Music are all categories you can investigate.
-History Channel - The 1980's - Cars, The Politics, Cold War and Pop Culture
-The 1980's Playlist - Popular Music from the 1980's
-Ronald Reagan and Reaganism

1. Write a summarization of the 1980's and what you liked most about the decade and what you liked least about the decade. What surprised you the most? Would you want to have been a young adult in this decade, why or why not? Please post to Google Classroom. 

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