U.S. History I - Periods 1, 5, and 6:
Essential Questions:-How did early American settlements influence democracy during colonial life?
-How was the first permanent English settlement in North America established in 1607?
-What influence did geography play in the settlement?
Themes: Mercantilism, Colony-building, economic relationships
1. Pre-Test on US History I
2. Colonial Food: A struggle for survival - In small groups, make a grocery list for one month.
3. The Middle Colonies - The goal is for you guys to understand that every part of early America was distinct and unique when building their communities.
- What were they?
-What made them important?
4A. America and it’s Colonies - What questions gave you problems? Let's discuss the content in this article and the primary source cartoons.
4B. Please analyze the Join or Die Cartoon below and answer the two questions that follow.
This cartoon, published by Benjamin Franklin on May 9, 1754 in the Pennsylvania Gazette. (Photo Credit: Library of Congress)
A. What is the key message in this statement?
B. What do the 8 segments represent on the snake and why are there only eight segments on the snake?
5. North America Map - circa 1713
1. Re-read the study guide/article titled America and it’s Colonies and then read Chapter 3 - Section 1 - England and it's Colonies - pages 66-71 and complete the handout British Laws - Positive and Negative.
2. Study Guide for your Test later this week (Thursday or Friday):
Chapter 2-
Jamestown Settlement
joint-stock company
Powhatan Tribe
Headright system
Puritans + New England settlement (Massachusetts Bay Colony)
Purtians leave - Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson
Pequot Wars + Metacom/King Phillips War
Middle Colonies - Quakers, William Penn, Where are they?
Chapter 3
The 13 Colonies - what did they offer? Raw materials? Labor?
Navigation Acts
The Glorious Revolution's effect on the Colonist - salutary neglect + "Power of the Purse"
The Great Awakening: George Whitefield and the European Enlightenment (idean of government, natural laws, John Locke + Jean Jacques Rousseau).
The Agricultural South vs. the Commercial North
The French-Indian War
U.S. HISTORY II - Period 4:
U.S. Curriculum Essential Questions:
-Was American expansion overseas justified?
-Did the press cause the Spanish-American War?
-Was the acquisition of the Panama Canal Zone an act of justifiable imperialism?
-Does the need for self-defense give the US the right to interfere in the affairs of Latin America? (Think about the Roosevelt Corollary, "Dollar Diplomacy," and "Watchful Waiting")
Themes: Individualism, Diversity, PEGS (Political, Economic, Geographic, Social)
1. Group Activity today using my catalog of Spanish-American War DBQ'S (Document-Based Questions) please select one document AND one political cartoon and pick ONE cartoon or primary source account to examine as a group and then teach it to the rest of the class. You will project it onto your ipad and then present your understand on the big screen in class.
2. Spanish-American War Resources:
Causes of the War
Library of Congress - General information on the Spanish-American War
Spanish-American War Slideshow
PBS Special on All Events surrounding America's Quest for Imperialism
A Price for Freedom in the Spanish-American War
Images of the Spanish-American War and Primary Sources
Headlines from the Spanish-American War
Cartoons from the Spanish-American War
Political Cartoon from the Spanish-American War
3. Teddy Roosevelt Resources:
Theodore Roosevelt - A PBS special on TR's Foreign Policy Adventures
Teddy Roosevelt Association - Lots of pictures and stories of keeping his legacy alive.
Progressive President's Foreign Policy - U.S. State Department
Teddy Roosevelt's Broad Powers - A pretty darn good essay
Whitehouse.org - Theodore Roosevelt Number 26
Theodore Roosevelt: Progressive Crusader - The Heritage Foundation of American Leadership
President Theodore Roosevelt Video - Similar to the ones we watch in class!! A must see!
4. William Howard Taft - The White House website
William Taft - VERY NICE biography and legacy page from the University of Virginia
Presidential Video on William Howard Taft - Just like the ones we watch in class!! A must see!
5. President Woodrow Wilson Video - Youtube clip from a teacher on Taft AND Wilson.
Woodrow Wilson - The White House org
Woodrow Wilson Biography - from the University of Virginia
1. Please carefully read Chapter 18 - Section 3 - the second half - pages 561 to 564 and complete a 3-2-1 Activity these territorial interest AND write a THESIS STATEMENT on America's acquisition of these new lands or foreign influence.
International Studies - Period 2
Essential Questions:
1. What does international studies mean?
2. How do people create permanent change in a global world?
1. What will YOU do to make Peace at Burlington High School? Peace Day Awareness Campaign is on and you all need to document your adventures and SHOW ME!
*Peace Day was on Sunday, September 21st, - WHAT happened on Peace Day?
2. Peace Day Activities 2014
Video from the UN
Peace One Day LIVE
3. Makes sure you DOCUMENT the evidence of your ambassador campaign to promote Peace Day. You cannot just say you did something, but you need to PROVE IT! I have an evidence document on our Google Classroom Page - please post to it!
4. What is Peace Day? Do you think Peace Day is sustainable?
1. The Ambassador Rubric to ensure you understand how you will be graded. Your goal is to effectively contribute to how you will make Burlington High School aware of Peace Day. You decided to contribute morning announcements to be aware of Peace Day itself and then finalize your execution of the Peace Day Table. How is the social media aspect going? Remember this will be a project grade based on your contributions to organizing Peace Day activities at Burlington High School. You should see yourselves as Peace Day Ambassadors that advocate "Who will you make Peace with on Peace Day? Contribute and implement a plan in our brain-storming session!!!
2. Monday all proof of what you did will be presented to the entire class and Mr. Parkin. You can put this in a presentation app or program to share pictures, videos, or any other evidence of your contributions. This will count for 45% of your grade. (Project Breakdown = Presentation 45%, Reflection essay 45%, Mr. Parkin's observations 10% = Grand total equals 100% for a Project Grade). The Reflection essay and Presentations that illustrate EVIDENCE of your contributions as an ambassador and the school observing Peace Day should be documented and will be due on Tuesday, September 23rd.Proof/Evidence from Peace Day MUST BE documented (recorded by picture, film, and illustrated as a primary source) Finalize your awareness campaign of Peace-Day at Burlington High School for Monday. WILL YOU DO to help BHS students become aware of Peace Day? Brainstorm ideas, create meaningful activities/awareness, and implement it at this school using this Google Doc. Implementation will happen on Friday and Monday!
3. Peace Day resources: What will you execute for an Awareness Campaign at BHS over the next 2 (Friday and Monday) to help our school recognize "Peace Day"...
Peace One Day
International Day of Peace
Peace Events on Peace Day
The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF) Organization
The United Nation's Peace Day
Fellowship of Reconciliation (blog on Peace Day)
Peace Day Facebook - Has some good images, ideas, and foundations/resources.
Peace Day Ideas - On a facebook page, but it might help you promote it at BHS
The Nobel Peace Prize
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