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Friday, September 8, 2017

Day 4 - Happy First Friday and showing Grit.

Day 4 - Friday

US History I Classes, APUSH, and International Studies students finished taking The Grit Test and watching Angela Duckworth's Ted Talk today.  My approach was building a mindset that the power of passion and perseverance is a marathon and not a sprint.  Building character and intelligence takes a ton of practice and my lesson is designed to get all students thinking about the power treating the brain like a muscle. It needs to be worked, it needs practice, it needs challenges, it needs to go through trials and tribulations that encourages leaning into struggle as a means to building muscle memory and resiliency.

Students had to brainstorm, "What is Grit?" then they worked through their grit test and the Ted Talk to build clarity on grit. As an exit ticket, students had to answer the following two questions on Google Classroom with the understanding that the whole class can see their responses. I kindly reminded students about recognizing the norms of writing to a public audience and that PROOFREADING needs to be a point of emphasis when writing.

A. What does grit mean to you?

B. How will you use it in history class this year to succeed? 

AP History students also completed The Fixed Mindset versus Growth Mind, a theory greatly supported by Dr. Carol Dweck of Stanford University. We applied the Growth mindset to the power of Grit and how we can apply this to a challenging year of AP U.S. History. Finally, we finished our class today reviewing the AP Historical Thinking Skills through a visual approach I saw on Twitter @MrPereiraCA . We are building familiarity with Historical Thinking Skills and can't wait to introduce some of the key historical thinking concepts with my freshmen U.S. History Classes.

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