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Friday, October 14, 2016

Day 28 - Friday

U.S. History I - Periods 1, 2 & 7: 
Essential Questions:
-Were the colonist justified in resisting British policies after the French-Indian War? 
- How can an individual influence his or her society?
- In what ways and why do people protest?
-When is revolutionary change justified?
-Was the American War for Independence inevitable?

-Would you have been a revolutionary in 1776? 

Themes: French-Indian War outcome/impacts, American ideals, Line of Proclamation, Salutary Neglect, Stamp Act, The Boston Massacre

1. Please download the Road to Revolution slideshow. Use it, review it, and get familiar with the links built into it to help you visualize and conceptualize the major events leading up the the American Revolution.

2. Please review the Engraving of the Boston Massacre carefully and make some notes on the imagery used. What sticks out as observation notes?

3. Please complete the various activities in the packet titled "Boston Massacre looking at multiple perspectives activity" All 5 pages should be completed, and you must follow the order from Page 1 to Page 5 - NO skipping around please.

4. Quick movie to display the major causes of the American Revolution:

5. Boston Massacre Resources:
-Paul Revere's Engraving Explained
-The Boston Massacre Trials - An Account, 2001 by Doug Linder, Professor at UMKC School of Law as an alternative perspective
-Massachusetts Historical Society's perspective
-Two Bullets recovered
-An 1856 perspective by a painter
-Notes by John Adams - Primary Source

1. Yes if you don't finish in class then it's due by 11:59 pm tonight, please see Google Classroom.


U.S. HISTORY II - Period 3:
Essential Questions:

-Was American expansion overseas justified?
-Did the press cause the Spanish-American War?
-Was the acquisition of the Panama Canal Zone and act of justifiable imperialism?
-Does the need for self-defense give the US the right to interfere in the affairs of Latin America? (Think about the Roosevelt Corollary, "Dollar Diplomacy," and "Watchful Waiting")

Themes: American Exceptionalism, Imperialism, Social Darwinism, "White Man's Burden",

1. Please use your textbook - Chapter 18 - Section 2 "The Spanish-American War" pages 552-557 and create a 2-column chart focusing on the MAJOR THEMES/TAKEAWAYS on the left side and DEVELOPMENTS/DETAILS/CAUSE-EFFECT CONCEPTS on the right side or your chart.

2. We will discuss using a fishbowl activity how Rudyard Kipling's "White Man's Burden" was annotated and looking at the tone/attitude of "White Man's Burden".
- What message was Rudyard Kipling sending imperialist?
-Break down each passage and interpret the meaning behind your assigned stanza. We are going to practice the historical thinking skill of close reading and annotate this infamous poem.
-Step 1: Read the entire Poem
-Step 2: Read your Stanza again
-Step 3: Annotate your Stanza by breaking down each line and meaning behind it
-Step 4: Answer the following question: What message was Rudyard Kipling sending imperialist?
-Step 5: Write your annotation.

***If you have not yet EDITED THE DOCUMENT, then please do using Google Class to located the "White Man's Burden" document.

3. Spanish-American War Resources:
Causes of the War
Library of Congress - General information on the Spanish-American War
Spanish-American War Slideshow
PBS Special on All Events surrounding America's Quest for Imperialism
A Price for Freedom in the Spanish-American War
Images of the Spanish-American War and Primary Sources
Headlines from the Spanish-American War
Cartoons from the Spanish-American War
Political Cartoon from the Spanish-American War

1.  Yes if you don't finish in class then it's due by 11:59 pm tonight, please see Google Classroom.

International Studies - Period 4
Essential Questions:
1. Does the world need the United Nations? Why or why not?
2. Should we enforce the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in countries not our own? If so, how? If not, why?
3. Is the world safer today with the United Nations than it was in 1945?
4. Is the United Nations an effective peace-keeping organization?
5. What should be done to improve the effectiveness of the United Nations?
6. Why do states/countries follow the rules and principles of international law most of the time?

Themes: Humanitarianism, United Nations, International Law, International Criminal Court, ICJ

1. You MUST PICK ONE EVENT that you want to focus for the UN Mock Trial. Please post on "Picking the War Crime" spreadsheet. Additionally, each team should create a GOOGLE DOC that illustrates how you will organize your research, understanding and selection of primary sources, expert witnesses, and building a clear path to successfully defend or prosecute the United Nations for failure to prevent a genocide or act of inhumanity. The UN Mock Trial will begin on Wednesday, October 26th with Opening Statements and Direct Questioning.

2. International Court of JusticeWhy do states/countries follow the rules and principles of international law most of the time?
Statue of the Court
Court Rules
Chambers & Committees
ICJ breakdown and international law
Current and past cases + ICJ current cases
International Criminal Court
International Law - EQ, Process, and expert

3. United Nation Resources:
Peacekeeping Missions
United Nations History
United Nations Multimedia Room
United Nations School bus Virtual Field Trip
United Nations Research Guide A-Z on EVERYTHING you can imagine!
United Nations Peacekeeping Missions
University of California organized a UN resources guide - Honestly, the BEST and more ORGANIZED I have seen yet on how to research issues concerning the United Nations.
UN Charter and Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Prezi on the 30 Articles
UN charter
UN preamble, purpose, and principles
Universal Declaration of Rights
Outline of the Universal Declaration of Rights

1. Yes, see Google Classroom. 

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