Essential Questions:
-Were railroads and banks doing what was best for America in the late 19th century?
-Has rapid industrial development been a blessing or a curse for Americans?
-Were big business leaders "captains of industry" or "robber barons?"
1. Quarter 1 Binder Checks will be tomorrow - Go on aspen to see all the assignments and please make sure you are organized by subject matter (The West, Industrialization, Immigration and Urbanization) or type of work (HW, Handouts, Projects, Graded Work, etc). ALL FILES/Photos should be named properly if you are doing an electronic binder.
2. We will watch 30 minute video on Ellis Island's Virtual Field Trip.
3. Use the remainder of the class to complete your readings, note-taking, and ask me questions on the Immigration DBQ.
1. Binder Checks will be tomorrow. Go on aspen to see all the assignments and please make sure you are organized by subject matter (The West, Industrialization, etc) or type of work (HW, Handouts, Projects, Graded Work, etc).
2. Please read over the 7 documents of the Immigration DBQ and organize your thoughts, highlights, statistics, notes, and please write or type out highlight or take notes/ask questions in the margins on the background. Your notes should focus on what will help you form your thesis statement and support it with topic sentences. You should be looking for information that you can paraphrase, cite in quotes, statistics that would support your thesis statement. You should focus on highlighting and note-taking on the document-based question: Should the U.S. "golden door" remain open? Or should the United States restrict and limit future immigration by allowing entry only to those who are educated?
2. Your DBQ will count as ONE test grade, and for many of you it's redemption time based off those first essays from the Battle of Little Big Horn. This is your first graded assignment for Quarter 2. Your DBQ is DUE ON THURSDAY WHEN YOU COME TO CLASS...NO exceptions or excuses!
U.S. HISTORY I - Periods 4, 5, and 6:
Essential Questions:
-How do you think like an Historian?
-Were the colonists justified in resisting British policies after the French and Indian War?
-Was the American War for Independence inevitable?
-Would you have been a revolutionary in 1776?
Themes: Mercantilism, Independence, Revolutions
1. Your final Quarter 1 Binder Checks will be tomorrow - Go on aspen to see all the assignments and please make sure you are organized by subject matter (13 Colonies, The American Revolution, The New Nation) or type of work (HW, Handouts, Projects, Graded Work, etc). ALL FILES/Photos should be named properly if you are doing an electronic binder.
2. A quick warm up with Experimenting with the Confederation Handout Activity
3. Pop Quiz (We did NOT get to this quiz yet, so study for it tonight on Chapter 5 - Section 1 - "Experimenting with a Confederation") - Period 6 did not get to this today.
4. Shay's Rebellion: America's First Civil War: As you watch the video below, please complete the Multiple Choice Test (66 questions = 1 point each = 66 total points & ONE essay question worth 34 points). Mr. Parkin will hand out a paper-copy in class.
1. Periods 4, 5, and 6 - Pop Quiz (We did NOT get to this quiz yet, so study for it tonight on Chapter 5 - Section 1 - "Experimenting with a Confederation") - I PROMISE the quiz will be tomorrow!
2. ALL U.S. HISTORY I CLASSES - Your final Quarter 1 Binder Checks will be tomorrow - Go on aspen to see all the assignments and please make sure you are organized by subject matter (13 Colonies, The American Revolution, The New Nation) or type of work (HW, Handouts, Projects, Graded Work, etc). ALL FILES/Photos should be named properly if you are doing an electronic binder.
3. For Thursday Night - ALL PERIODS- Please finish "Shays' Rebellion: America's First Civil War video test and tomorrow you will write one of the essay question from Shays' Rebellion: America's First Civil War" questions #5, #9, and #12 in class. You may use the Test and notes on the side margins to help you prepare to write about ONE of these questions for your in-class written essay.
International Studies - Period 3
Essential Questions:
1. Does NATO have a new role in the order of international relations in Europe and the World in the 21st Century?
2. Was NATO just or unjust in participating and executing their mission in your post-Cold War scenario?
3. What does "hard power" and "soft power" capability and how does it impact foreign policy?
1. Students will finish their jigsaw activity where one member of the group becomes the "Captain" and the Captain will travel to other groups to explain their findings and then the remaining group members teach the "Captain" about their own topic on:
I. Group 1: Please read the Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS) article "Being Hard on Soft Power" and answer the following questions:
A. Compare and contrast how this article views soft power and hard power? Which is it more critical of and why?
B. Summarize this articles' viewpoints on the United States Army in Iraq?
II. Group 2: Please read Hillary Clinton's perspective on Power
A. What is America's Role in the World?
B. What is critical for America, Europe and the World in the 21st Century?
C. Summarize this articles' viewpoints on global power, which countries are emerging?
III. Group 3: Please read Soft Power and China in the 21st Century
A. What is soft power according to this article?
B. Why are we concerned and skeptic of China's power?
C. Why does China and it's foreign policy matter?
IV. Group 4: Please read Harvard Kennedy School and Joseph Nye article "Lesson's Learned Since 9/11: Narratives Matter"
A. How should we challenge terrorism according to Joseph Nye?
B. How did 9/11 change America's foreign policy approach?
2. Hard Power vs. Soft Power - After reading the article from South Asia Global Affairs and watching Joseph Nye Jr. short video clip last night, what did you discover about "hard power" and "soft power"?
A. What is "Hard Power"?
B. What is "Soft Power?"
C. How do they impact foreign policy (the relationships between countries)?
D. Give examples of both Soft Power and Hard Power by making a T-chart comparing and contrasting.
Elie Wiesel, prisoner at Buchenwald.
"Simply put, power is the ability to effect the outcomes you want, and if necessary, to change the behavior of others to make this happen.
Joseph S. Nye Jr., 2002
![A portrait of Hillary Clinton at her desk](
5. Hard Power and Soft Power Readings and Resources:
- Strategic Studies Institute article "Hard Power and Soft Power: The utility of Military Force..."
- The American Academy of Political and Social Sciences article "Hard Power, Soft Power, and Smart Power"
- Robert Cooper's "Hard Power, Soft Power and the Goals of Diplomacy"
- Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS) "Being Hard on Soft Power"
- An insightful College Paper written by Tim Quirk that gives good perspective on Hard Power vs. Soft Power.
- Soft Power and China in the 21st Century
- Hillary Clinton and the Art of Smart Power
- Harvard Kennedy School and Joseph Nye article "Lesson's Learned Since 9/11: Narratives Matter"
1. Please read Robert Cooper's "Hard Power, Soft Power and the Goals of Diplomacy". You should read at least the first 8 pages (Questions A - G) and then we can finish the next 8 pages in class tomorrow. It's a good read and one that will easily spark debate - hint we are going to debate soft power and hard power in this class!! Here is what I want you to analyze about the article:A. Is Robert Cooper a reliable source? What is the author's point of view? Proof it please!
B. What are his views on America and Europe regarding hard power and soft power?
C. What does America want to maintain in the 21st Century?
D. What do you think Robert Cooper means when he says "[The European Union] It relies on law, on negotiation, on multilateral organisation."?
E. Who are the "Realists"?
F. What spreads American values? Why?
G. What cases or claims (situation/country study) do you think is the most important Robert Cooper makes? Do you support it or disagree with it? Why
H. What is the most important form of legitimacy in International relations?
I. What does the European Union (EU) offer for soft power?
J. What should all governments do in order to be legitimate?
K. Does Robert Cooper support hard power or soft power? Cite SPECIFIC evidence!
L. Why do you think Robert Cooper wrote this article?
M. Is the source believable? What pieces of evidence are most believable or not believable?
N. What words or phrases does Robert Cooper use to convince me that he or she is right?
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