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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Day 105 - Tuesday

U.S. History I - Periods 1, 2 & 7: 
Essential Questions:
-How revolutionary was the Market Revolution in the early 19th Century in American History?
-Were the forces of nationalism or sectionalism impacting the country the most from 1820-1860? 
-Was the Age of Jackson an age of democracy?

Themes: Andrew Jackson's Presidency, The Bank Wars, The Nullification Crisis, The Indian Removal Act of 1830.

1. How was the Andrew Jackson movie last night? Concerns, questions, evaluation? We will continue to investigate the legacy of The Age of Jackson and how President Andrew Jackson had both positive and negative impacts on the United States of America from 1829-1837.  You will have a Trial of Andrew Jackson being introduced to you this week. Later this week you all will be preparing for either the Defense of Andrew Jackson or the Prosecution of Andrew Jackson.
-Andrew Jackson Packet
-Andrew Jackson DBQ

2. Using the Andrew Jackson DBQ students will work in groups of 5 to analyze, interpret, and work building their historical thinking skills using the "What does this Primary Source Tell Us"?. Each group will then present their Primary Source, analysis, HTS, and their opinions on their individual document in a roundtable discussion.

3. Andrew Jackson Resources:
The Age of Jackson - focuses on dismantling the Bank, Veto Power, and Indian Removal using a Primary source for each.
Andrew Jackson and His World - Caroline Berkin, Professor of History at New York University
The Indian Removal Act - Elliot West, Professor of History, The University of Arkansas
Andrew Jackson and the Constitution - Matthew Warshauer, Professor of History, Central Connecticut State University
Perspectives of the Trial of Tears
Andrew Jackson and the Bank Wars
The Nullification Crisis

1. YES, check Google Classroom!

U.S. HISTORY II - Period 3:
Essential Questions:
-Should the United States have aided the Allies against the Axis Powers?
-Does the American security depend upon the survival of its Allies?
-Was war between the United States and Japan inevitable in World War II?

Themes: American Isolationism, WWII Propaganda, Pearl Harbor

1. You will have most of the period today to work with your groups, but first we need to finish up the last two videos below. Thank you for sharing your Google docs and please continue to research, learn, and manage your individual and team fishbowl activity.

2. Japanese-Internment Resources:
Children of the Camps - Whoa and scary!
Japanese Internment - Background and Life in the Camps and tons of resources at the end!
Life Behind the Wire - Great information about Japanese-Americans and the next page covers "Rebuilding"
Photographs of Japanese-Americans in Camps - Library of Congress

3. Below are videos on Japanese-Americans (Unfortunately we have to skip around a little bit) OR a few selected Youtube videos below:

5. The Japanese-American Internment Fishbowl Activity with your groupmates will happen on WEDNESDAY. Google Classroom has a bunch of resources for you all to focus on and to collaborate together.

6. Not until Friday - Please watch The Century: America's Time - 1941-1945: The American Homefront. What were the three most interesting concepts you learned about the American Homefront from this video (4-6 sentence in total)

7. World War II Resources:
Causes of World War II -
-Early Phases of the War - Europeans, Americans, and 1939-1941.
-World War II Leaders - The basics
-WWII Leaders - Aggressors, Defenders, Victims, etc - A MUST SEE!!!
-Fascism versue Communism
-Maps of World War II
America in World War II Slideshare
The Atlantic Charter
American Army in World War II - A US Military Army collective and brief history 
U.S. Home-front During World War II
The National WWII museum - lots of images, primary sources, outline of WWII, and WWII by the numbers!
Library of Congress - World War II Primary Sources
American Women in World War II
America's WWII in Color - PBS special
Summary of WWII

1. Yes, check Google Classroom. 

International Studies - Period 4
Essential Questions:
1. Have the forces of good and evil changed overtime, and if so, how and why?
2. How do we think about POWER in the 21st Century?
3. What is National Security? 
4. How should we deal with extremist?
5. How does terrorism differ from planned acts of military aggression?
6. Is the United States and it's global alliances winning or losing the War on Terrorism?

Themes: Human Rights, Terrorism, Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, Fatwa, Jihan

1. A quick review of the key terms on The Road to 9/11 Handout with key terms and questions.

2We will begin watching A PBS special titled "The Road to 9/11" when you get back from the break, so the questions on The Road to 9/11 Handout with key terms and questions will be posted on Google Classroom. 

3. U.S. News and World Report: Afghanistan or ISIS? Has American Foreign Policy Shifted it's concern from Afghanistan to Syria?

4. Terrorism Resources:
Visuals on the History of Terrorism
History of Terrorism - Online Textbook
A brief history of Terrorism - The US State Department viewpoint
The Changing Face of Terrorism - BBC Website runs through the origins, spread, and modern terrorism today
Types of Terrorism -
"Why Are They So Angry with Us?"  
The Middle East and the West, National Public Radio, 5-part series, December 2015

1. Yes, check Google Classroom!

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