U.S. History I - Periods 1, 2 & 7:
Essential Questions:
-When is revolutionary change justified?
-What does it mean to have a representative government and live in a democratic society?-Why were states afraid of centralized authority and a strong central government post-American Revolution?
Themes: Federalist, Anti-Federalist, Balance of Powers, Federalism, Separation of Powers, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.
1. Mr. Parkin's Notes - Review guide on Chapter 5 - Section 1
Chart - Anti-Federalist versus Federalist
3. Strong versus Weak Governments - Thomas Jefferson in John Adams, an HBO mini-series
5. Directions for this activity of Strong Governments Need - IGNORE the Due Date on here - The DUE DATE IS ACTUALLY Wednesday, November 30th for your group to execute and then present your illustration.
***What does every strong government need - mini-project - group activity - Here is the Rubric
1. Yes, check Google Classroom.
U.S. HISTORY II - Period 3:
Essential Questions:
-Should the United States fight wars to make the world safe for democracy?
-How did a war fought to 'save the world for democracy' end up threatening civil rights in America?
-What happens when individuals’ civil liberties are breached?
-Was the decade of the 1920's a time of innovation or conservationism?
-Should the USA limit immigration?
-Was the treaty of Versailles a fair and settlement for lasting world peace?
Themes: American Exceptionalism, Isolationism, Interventionism, Causes of World War I
1. We will utilize WWI Entry Slideshow and focus on 3 questions for a class discussion:
A. Why propaganda in American newspapers and the media?
B. Is there a common thread you see in this propaganda?
C. Do you think it effectively changed American's viewpoints about the Central Powers?
2. We will examine WWI Notes/American Perspective. Our focus will be on American mobilization efforts, and how we produced a changing tide in "the war to end all wars".
3. John "Black Jack Pershing":
Was John J. Pershing the right American General for the Job?
CPI, Sedition Acts, and more - Slideshow
How effective was John J. Pershing? Go to "Great War" section please
- Primary Source #1 (quotes and excerpts from a letter on the battlefield) and
- Primary Source #2 (recording)
4. We will begin a jigsaw activity tomorrow, as students were assigned to a specific section of Thursday night's homework on Chapter 19 - Section 3 - The War at Home - pages 594-601. There were 4 major headings:
Group A - "Selling the War"
Group B - "Attacks on Civil Liberties Increase"
Group C - "The War Encourages Social Change"
5. The Homefront Resources:
A. Committee of Public Information:
Did the CPI undermine people's Civil Rights? How did it impact Private Businesses? Did it manipulate the minds of the American Public? Was it an effective use of government funds to sell the war to the nation?
CPI, Sedition Acts, and more - Slideshow
American Propaganda Machine - The CPI and George Creel
President Wilson, George Creel and Charles Gibson and the CPI
George Creel and CPI
Four-Minute Men
"Food will win the war" - Propaganda and the WIB
B. Immigration/Espionage and Sedition Acts:
Did the Espionage and Sedition Acts undermine people's Civil Rights? How? Should it have been overthrown by the U.S. Supreme Court?
CPI, Sedition Acts, and more - Slideshow
-Anti-immigrant hysteria
-Espionage and Sedition Acts
Espionage and Sedition Act of 1918
More on Espionage and Sedition Act from WWI
This has happened before, but 1918 was different!?!?!
Video on Alien-Sedition Acts of 1918
C. WWI and US Economy"
How did the U.S. government gain control over the Economy?
Economics of WWI
War Finance Corp - William MaAdoo
Detailed Essay on the War Finance Corp - Great introduction and Graphs/Charts at the end
WWI Era Economics and Transforming American Culture and Economy - Harvard Press
Weapons Americans produced
Shell-Shock in WWI - Video
More Shell-shock
6. Geography, Maps, and Trench Warfare
Maps & Battles
The "spark" - Car they were driving
World War I Map Series
Trench Warfare/Stalemate
Trenches in World War I
Read about Life in the Trenches
Trench Warfare - Why, How, Life in Trenches, Pictures, Diagrams
WWI Life in the Trenches
PBS.org Trench Warfare and video footage
7. World War I Resources:
World War I Background - A PBS Special and in-depth study of "The Great War"
World War I - Everything you need to know and one of the BEST WEB RESOURCES!
World War I Maps and early Battles
Interactive Map on Early Stages and Battles of WWI - PBS.org
America Enters the War - Office of the Historian - Whitehouse.gov
American in World War I - A very complete study and great outline explaining in chronological order our history in The Great War.
U.S. in World War I - Good visuals and easy to follow study.
1. Yes, check Google Classroom.
International Studies - Period 4
Essential Questions:
1. Does NATO have a new role in the order of international relations in Europe and the World in the 21st Century?
2. Was NATO just or unjust in participating and executing their mission in your post-Cold War scenario?
3. Is the world safer today with the United Nations than it was in 1945?
4. Is the United Nations an effective peace-keeping organization?
5. What should be done to improve the effectiveness of the United Nations?
Themes: Humanitarianism, United Nations, International Law, International Criminal Court, ICJ
1. Vanessa and Josif will be presenting their Current Events today on Greece's economic crisis and the Greece-Turkey-Cyprus Conflict.
2. We will look at and share your NATO outlines.
-What is NATO will continue? U.S. State Dept - What is NATO?
The Washington Treaty (aka The North Atlantic Treaty)
What is NATO's mission? Which decisions does it make and why would it be consulted?
***Questions to answer while the video is being played. What key events has NATO been a part of? What current operations/recent operations have they had and where they successful?
4. NATO Resources:
-U.S. State Dept - What is NATO?
-The Washington Treaty (aka The North Atlantic Treaty)
-Decisions NATO makes and why
-Current NATO missions
-Topics and more on Current NATO missions
5. Updated Current Events format and Current Event Rubric should be reviewed CAREFULLY, which both should guide your lesson on Current Events.
1. Yes, check Google Classroom.
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