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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Day 33 - Tuesday

U.S. History I - Periods 2, 5, and 6: 
Essential Question:
-How did the French and Indian War help inspired a sense of unity and shared identity among the colonist?
-Were the colonist justified in resisting British policies after the French-Indian War? 
-Was the American War for Independence inevitable?
-Would you have been a revolutionary in 1776? 

Themes: Settlements on the East Coast and Southwest, Colonial life and struggles, Mercantilism, Colony-building, economic relationships

1. The Boston Massacre + Boston Massacre looking at multiple perspectives activity + A different viewpoint from Alonzo Chappel

2. Boston Massacre Resources:
-Paul Revere's Engraving Explained
-The Boston Massacre Trials - An Account, 2001 by Doug Linder, Professor at UMKC School of Law as an alternative perspective
-Massachusetts Historical Society's perspective
-Two Bullets recovered
-An 1856 perspective by a painter
-Notes by John Adams - Primary Source

3. Thomas Paine's Common Sense
-Archives and brief statement
-Thomas Paine's Common Sense broken down into 4 parts
-The New Yorker and Thomas Paine's Controversy

4. Olive Branch Petition and 3 questions to consider
-The actual Olive Branch Petition
-Quick scene from John Adams HBO mini-series on the Olive Branch - John Dickinson versus John Adams

5. Major American Petitions for Independence (pages 105-112 in your textbook)

1. You will be divided into 3 groups that will read, examine, and create two-column notes on a specific section of the Declaration of Independence. In class you were to already have your group and specific section of this almighty document.

2. DUE Thursday: Please complete the Major American Petitions for Independence (pages 105-112 in your textbook) packet for Thursday's class.  You must work independently on this packet in class and what you do not finish you should finish for homework.  This packet will cover the Olive Branch PetitionCommon Sense, and The American Declaration of Independence.

U.S. HISTORY II - Period 1:

Essential Questions:
-Was American expansion overseas justified?
-Did the press cause the Spanish-American War?
-Was the acquisition of the Panama Canal Zone and act of justifiable imperialism?
-Does the need for self-defense give the US the right to interfere in the affairs of Latin America? (Think about the Roosevelt Corollary, "Dollar Diplomacy," and "Watchful Waiting")

Themes: Historical thinking methods, evaluating sources, Thinking like an historian, PEGS (Political, Economic, Geographic, Social), The Beginning of the Progressive Era

1. You all will finish your Test on American Imperialism at the beginning of the 20th Century, specifically the DBQ section.

2. The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Why is this "the spark" of the war? We will investigate and discuss the major causes of WWI.

3. World War I Maps and early Battles

4. Trench Warfare
WWI Life in the Trenches Trench Warfare and video footage

1. Please read Chapter 19 - Section 1 - World War I begins - pages 582-586. Please OUTLINE the following in a 2-column chart.

What is Trench Warfare? Describe the trenches and the multiple layers of which an offensive opponent would have maneuvers in order to penetrate their defensive trench position?

Why American Neutrality at first?

How does the World War I eventually hit home?

Give the major reasons why America declares war?


International Studies - Period 7
Essential Questions:
Does the world need the United Nations? Why or why not?
2. Should we enforce the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in countries not our own? If so, how? If not, why?
3. Is the world safer today with the United Nations than it was in 1945?
4. Is the United Nations an effective peace-keeping organization?
5. What should be done to improve the effectiveness of the United Nations?

Rwanda Genocide Essential Questions:
1. How did the character of Paul Ruseabagina, as the hotel manager in "Hotel Rwanda" display courage?
2. How does a society recover from a genocide?
3. Does Rwanda have a future?

Themes: Humanitarianism, World Peace, War vs. Peace, Sustainable Change, Non-Government Organizations

1. Presentations begin today for all of you to complete your Student Rwandan Genocide Project. Everything that is owed should be submitted in your Google Folder titled "Rwandan Genocide"

2. A primary Source from Rwanda's Genocide:

3. An impressive viewing of MANY UN Peacekeeping videos - Nearly 5 hours worth of short clips from many Peacekeeping Operations.

4. Human Rights - What are Human Rights?

5. United Nation Resources:
United Nations History
United Nations Multimedia Room
United Nations School bus Virtual Field Trip
United Nations Research Guide A-Z on EVERYTHING you can imagine!
United Nations Peacekeeping Missions
University of California organized a UN resources guide - Honestly, the BEST and more ORGANIZED I have seen yet on how to research issues concerning the United Nations.

1.  None.

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