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Thursday, October 8, 2015

Day 27 - Thursday

U.S. History I - Periods 2, 5, and 6: 
Essential Question:
-What can we infer about the values and beliefs of settlers?
-How did the French and Indian War help inspired a sense of unity and shared identity among the colonist?
-Did Great Britain lose more than it gained from its victory in the French-Indian War?
-Were the colonist justified in resisting British policies after the French-Indian War? 

Themes: Settlements on the East Coast and Southwest, Colonial life and struggles, Mercantilism, Colony-building, economic relationships

1. Please read Chapter 4 - Section 1 The Stirrings of Rebellion - pages 96-99 (stop at Battles of Lexington and Concord) and complete pages 1 & 2 of Causes of the American Revolution Packet please get in 5 groups.

A. Round 1 will be EXPERTS - Learn about your assigned group using the homework handout and at least ONE credible internet source, and ONE visual.

B. Round 2 - Pick 2 Captains from your group - They will jigsaw and move to the other groups as "traveling teachers" and the rest of you will stay seated as other groups rotate and come to your group to educate you on their assigned act. The "traveling teachers" will be teaching the groups they go to visit about their assigned act and illustrating a credible source and a visual.

C. Round 3 - When your Captains from your group come back, the rest of the group must teach them about the other acts you all learned about.

2. We will create a TIMELINE of 12 events or significant contributions that lead to the American Revolution. Create a TIMELINE of at least 12 events or significant contributions that lead to the American Revolution (Your Timeline should range from 1764 to 1777). On this timeline please distinguish which events were instigated by The British (in Red please), and which events initiated by The Colonist (in Blue please).  This means your Timeline will be color-coded.

3. The Boston Massacre + Boston Massacre looking at multiple perspectives activity

1. Due by Friday - Create a TIMELINE of 12 events or significant contributions that lead to the American Revolution. Create a TIMELINE of at least 12 events or significant contributions that lead to the American Revolution (Your Timeline should range from 1764 to 1777). On this timeline please distinguish which events were instigated by The British (in Red please), and which events initiated by The Colonist (in Blue please).  This means your Timeline will be color-coded.

U.S. HISTORY II - Period 1:

Essential Questions:
-Was American expansion overseas justified?
-Did the press cause the Spanish-American War?
-Was the acquisition of the Panama Canal Zone and act of justifiable imperialism?
-Does the need for self-defense give the US the right to interfere in the affairs of Latin America? (Think about the Roosevelt Corollary, "Dollar Diplomacy," and "Watchful Waiting")

Themes: Historical thinking methods, evaluating sources, Thinking like an historian, PEGS (Political, Economic, Geographic, Social), The Beginning of the Progressive Era

1. Sorry gang it has taken so long to get to this....but did anyone have trouble on the Hawaii and Spanish-American War Packet? Turn to a friend and discuss and then we will address any issues/concerns/questions you make have.

2. White Man's Burden today in 2015? You were asked to re-create the poem with a NEW TITLED and create ONE new line.

3. Group Activity:
Using my catalog of Spanish-American War DBQ'S (Document-Based Questions) please select one document AND one political cartoon and pick ONE cartoon or primary source account to examine as a group and then teach it to the rest of the class. You will project it onto your ipad and then present your understand on the big screen in class.

5. Spanish-American War Resources:
Causes of the War
Library of Congress - General information on the Spanish-American War
Spanish-American War Slideshow
PBS Special on All Events surrounding America's Quest for Imperialism
A Price for Freedom in the Spanish-American War
Images of the Spanish-American War and Primary Sources
Headlines from the Spanish-American War
Cartoons from the Spanish-American War
Political Cartoon from the Spanish-American War

6. The Panama Canal Resources:
Video on the construction of the Panama Canal
-What were the Foreign Policy missions of President Theodore Roosevelt, William H. Taft, and Woodrow Wilson called and give ONE prime example of each policy. (Hint: You may use pages 568-571 in your textbook

1. Due Friday - Please read and review the topic "Panama Canal" in your textbook on pages 566 through 567. Then read "A Man, A Plan, A Canal, Panama" and then finally read "How did the US Obtain the Panama Canal" and then be able to answer the following 2 questions:
A. Explain the advantages to the United States of having a canal that connected both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans under US control and the reasons the US was in a far better position to than any other country to build it?

B. Be prepared to debate the issue, "Did the US steal the Panama Canal from Columbia or merely behaved rationally in its own best interest?" One's will be Colombians and Two's will be American Patriots.

International Studies - Period 7
Essential Questions:
Does the world need the United Nations? Why or why not?
2. Should we enforce the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in countries not our own? If so, how? If not, why?
3. Is the world safer today with the United Nations than it was in 1945?
4. Is the United Nations an effective peace-keeping organization?
5. What should be done to improve the effectiveness of the United Nations?

Rwanda Genocide Essential Questions:
1. How did the character of Paul Ruseabagina, as the hotel manager in "Hotel Rwanda" display courage?
2. How does a society recover from a genocide?
3. Does Rwanda have a future?

Themes: Humanitarianism, World Peace, War vs. Peace, Sustainable Change, Non-Government Organizations

1. We will watch Hotel Rwanda. Please relate it to our Genocide discussion yesterday and Peacekeeping responsibilities from our study of the United Nations.
-Student Film Worksheet while watching the movie
-Student Rwandan Genocide Project

2. A primary Source from Rwanda's Genocide:

3. An impressive viewing of MANY UN Peacekeeping videos - Nearly 5 hours worth of short clips from many Peacekeeping Operations.

4. Human Rights - What are Human Rights?

5. United Nation Resources:
United Nations History
United Nations Multimedia Room
United Nations School bus Virtual Field Trip
United Nations Research Guide A-Z on EVERYTHING you can imagine!
United Nations Peacekeeping Missions
University of California organized a UN resources guide - Honestly, the BEST and more ORGANIZED I have seen yet on how to research issues concerning the United Nations.

1. After watching Hotel Rwanda please use your critical thinking skills to relate this Hollywood material to our Genocide discussion and UN peacekeeping responsibilities from our study of the United Nations and complete the Student Film Worksheet below and prepare for the Rwandan Genocide Project.
-Student Film Worksheet while watching the movie
-Student Rwandan Genocide Project - MAKE a decision by Tuesday on WHAT YOU WANT TO do as an authentic learning experience.

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