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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Day 36 - Tuesday

U.S. History I - Periods 1, 5, and 6: 

Essential Questions:
-Were the colonist justified in resisting British policies after the French-Indian War?
-Was the American War for Independence inevitable?
-Would you have been a revolutionary in 1776? 

 Themes: Self-government, Individualism, Equality/Liberty vs. Hierarchy/Order, Opportunity vs. Control

1. We are in the Library for today - Thursday!
MUST HAVES for the Battles Project
A. Dump and share your notes and projects in your class folders in the American Revolution Project Folder as a home-base to post your classes projects.

B. You are doing research, so you need to have a working Works Cited Page.  Please use the APA - Turabian/Chicago Style Research.
-Straight from the University of Chicago - A sample guide to Chicago-Style Citations
-A Turabian Generator - It will do a works cited for you!
-Another Turabian Citation Machine
-A Guide to Turabian Works Citation

C. Be ENGAGING and give a presentation that highlights the SO WHAT FACTOR!  Do NOT get bogged down in the little details, but give us the BIG PICTURE! Here is a document that reviews "What makes an A+ Presentation?"

D. Here is your Battles Project Rubric and the ORDER OF YOUR PROJECTS:

Valley Forge/Philadelphia Campaign

New York/New Jersey Campaign

Saratoga Campaign

Ordinary Soldiers & Civilian Experiences/Unsung Heros 

The Southern Campaign

Yorktown Campaign

2. You should definitely use the Critical Periods in the American Revolution slideshow as a MAJOR RESOURCE to help you understand the sequence and major themes of the War for Independence.

3. Other Resources:
Overviews and National Park Services Battlefields:
Early Battles in the American Revolution
A really nice overview/timeline - History Place
National Parks Services Overview
An absolute goldmine of information: primary sources, battlefields, art, timelines, and pictures, etc. - Lots of information and good perspective of the soldiers/colonist
National Parks Tour the American Revolution Battlefields
More National Park Resources

Primary Sources and the American Revolution:
National Archives and Military Records - Pictures of the American Revolution
Massachusetts Historical Society - Primary Sources - American Revolution
Gilder Lehrman - American History Learning - One of the very best online collection of Primary Sources
U.S. Constitution Organization - Primary Sources - American Revolution

Art and the American Revolution:
Art and Primary Sources - A teacher's web
American Revolutionary Art
British Perspective of Art during the American Revolution

Random Sites with good American Revolution Resources:

1. YOU SHOULD have been productive today and keep going at it tonight on the research and putting together the layout of your project.  The DUE DATE is FRIDAY, October 24th AT 7:30am.  Your project is due in 3 days from now!

2. Every group needs to share their project outline and FINAL product in the folder I shared with you for your class and SHOW ME PROOF YOU ARE WORKING ON AN OUTLINE OF RESEARCH/DATA/PRIMARY SOURCES/PERSPECTIVE every day.
U.S. HISTORY II - Period 4:

U.S. Curriculum Essential Questions:
-Was it possible for the U.S.A. to maintain neutrality in World War I?
-Should the United States fight wars to make the world safe for democracy?
-Was the treaty of Versailles a fair and settlement for lasting world peace?

Themes: Individualism, Diversity, PEGS (Political, Economic, Geographic, Social)

1. We will continue our review of pages 587-593 and PAGES 594-598 STOP at "The War Encourages Social Change"and have your outline out that details the major points of emphasis, the main ideas, and WHY IT IS IMPORTANT (this is your own rationale and you need to use logic to convince me) using a 3-2-1 Activity chart to guide you with my questions below.

2. Questions to consider - In the Jigsaw Activity - Download and use as an outline -The War at Home

John "Black Jack Pershing":
Was John J. Pershing the right American General for the Job?
CPI, Sedition Acts, and more - Slideshow
How effective was John J. Pershing? - Primary Source #1 and Primary Source #2

Committee of Public Information:
Did the CPI undermine people's Civil Rights? How did it impact Private Businesses? Did it manipulate the minds of the American Public? Was it an effective use of government funds to sell the war to the nation?
CPI, Sedition Acts, and more - Slideshow
American Propaganda Machine - The CPI and George Creel
President Wilson, George Creel and Charles Gibson and the CPI
George Creel and CPI
Four-Minute Men
"Food will win the war" - Propaganda and the WIB

Immigration/Espionage and Sedition Acts:
Did the Espionage and Sedition Acts undermine people's Civil Rights? How? Should it have been overthrown by the U.S. Supreme Court?
CPI, Sedition Acts, and more - Slideshow
-Anti-immigrant hysteria
-Espionage and Sedition Acts
Espionage and Sedition Act of 1918
More on Espionage and Sedition Act from WWI
This has happened before, but 1918 was different!?!?!
Video on Alien-Sedition Acts of 1918

WWI and US Economy"
How did the U.S. government gain control over the Economy?
Economics of WWI
War Finance Corp - William MaAdoo
Detailed Essay on the War Finance Corp - Great introduction and Graphs/Charts at the end
WWI Era Economics and Transforming American Culture and Economy - Harvard Press
Weapons Americans produced
Shell-Shock in WWI - Video
More Shell-shock

3. General WWI Resources:
World War I  Background - A PBS Special and in-depth study of "The Great War"
World War I - Everything you need to know and one of the BEST WEB RESOURCES!
America Enters the War - Office of the Historian -
American in World War I - A very complete study and great outline explaining in chronological order our history in The Great War.
U.S. in World War I - Good visuals and easy to follow study.
World War I - American Songs
World War I Propaganda
American Propaganda Posters
The Economics of World War I
Casualty Charts - All Forces

4. Crash Course: John Green "American in World War I"


5. President Woodrow Wilson Video - YouTube clip from a teacher on Taft AND Wilson.
    Woodrow Wilson - The White House org
    Woodrow Wilson Biography - from the University of Virginia

1. Answer the following questions using pages 594-601.
A. How did the War affect the U.S. Government?
B. Did the changes brought to Women, African-Americans, and Immigrants represent positive outcomes for these minority groups? Why or why not?
C. Why do you think the flu spread so quickly among the troops?
D. Do you think World War I had a positive or negative effect on American Society?
International Studies - Period 2
Essential Questions:
1. Does the world need the United Nations? Why or why not?

2. Should we enforce the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in countries not our own? If so, how? If not, why?
3. Is the world safer today with the United Nations than it was in 1945?
4. Is the United Nations an effective peace-keeping organization?
5. What should be done to improve the effectiveness of the United Nations?

Themes: World Peace, War vs. Peace, Sustainable Change, Non-Government Organizations, The United Nations, Peace-keeping Operations

1. ORDER OF PROJECTS: (Friday is LONG 2)
Thursday - Zyimira - UNFICYP - Cyprus, 1964 - Done
Friday - Brendan - UNDOF - Syria, 1974 (Don't confuse with UNSIMS, also in Syria from 2012) - Done
Friday - Abbey - MONUSCO - Democratic Republic of Congo, 1999 - Done
Friday - Josh - UNAMA - Afghanistan, 2001 - Done, except the Quiz - Tuesday
Monday - Mary - MINUSTAH - Haiti, 2004 - Done
Monday - Ian - UNAMID - Darfur/Sudan, 2007 - 1/2 Done
Tuesday - Coni - MINUSMA- Mali, 2013

2. Please REVIEW THE RUBRIC and understand you need to access your UN Peacekeeping Project (via Google Drive) for final submission and presentation.

3. Peacekeeping Operations - Current operations - Where and Why? Effectiveness?
 Peacekeeping Website - To explore and understand what Peacekeepers do on a regular basis.
Main Website for the UN Peacekeeping

4. An impressive viewing of MANY UN Peacekeeping videos - Nearly 5 hours worth of short clips from many Peacekeeping Operations.

1.  Here is your UN Peacekeeping Project.

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