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Friday, October 3, 2014

Day 24 - Happy Friday!!!

U.S. History I - Periods 1, 5, and 6: 

Essential Questions:
-How did the French and Indian War help inspired a sense of unity and shared identity among the colonist?
-Did Great Britain lose more than it gained from its victory in the French-Indian War?
-Were the colonist justified in resisting British policies after the French-Indian War?
-Was the American War for Independence inevitable?
-Would you have been a revolutionary in 1776? 

 Themes: Self-government, Individualism, Equality/Liberty vs. Hierarchy/Order, Opportunity vs. Control

1. Using Chapter 4 - Section 1 The Stirrings of Rebellion - pages 96-99(stop at Battles of Lexington and Concord) and the complete pages 1 & 2 of Causes of the American Revolution Packet please get in 5 groups "Expert Groups" and complete Round 2 and Round 3. You have 10 minutes to complete these tasks:

A. Round 1 will be EXPERTS - Learn about your assigned group using the homework handout and at least ONE credible internet source, and ONE visual. - Done!

B. Round 2 - Pick 2 Captains from your group - They will jigsaw and move to the other groups as "traveling teachers" and the rest of you will stay seated as other groups rotate and come to your group to educate you on their assigned act. The "traveling teachers" will be teaching the groups they go to visit about their assigned act and illustrating a credible source and a visual.

C. Round 3 - When your Captains from your group come back, the rest of the group must teach them about the other acts you all learned about.

2. Let's examine as a class The Boston Massacre - using your SOAPS Activity examination.
-The Boston Massacre Trials - An Account, 2001 by Doug Linder, Professor at UMKC School of Law
-Now an Alternative Perspective in the Boston Massacre Analysis - Please complete with ONE partner and your notes from last night's homework assignment.
-A different perspective - From the Boston Massacre Historical Society

1. If you did not finish in class today, please complete the rest of the Boston Massacre: An Alternative Perspective Analysis - The WHOLE document is due on Tuesday before class please!

2. Due Tuesday of next week @11:59pm: Create a TIMELINE of at least 12 events or significant contributions that lead to the American Revolution (Your Timeline should range from 1764 to 1777). On this timeline please distinguish which events were instigated by The British (in Red please), and which events initiated by The Colonist (in Blue please).  This means your Timeline will be color-coded.
U.S. HISTORY II - Period 4:

U.S. Curriculum Essential Questions:
-Was it possible for the U.S.A. to maintain neutrality in World War I?
-Should the United States fight wars to make the world safe for democracy?
-Was the treaty of Versailles a fair and settlement for lasting world peace?

Themes: Individualism, Diversity, PEGS (Political, Economic, Geographic, Social)

1. Take out your World War I Outlines: We are going to introduce World War I.  Our focus will be on Causes, "The Spark", Location of fighting, style of fighting, and America's early decisions to prepare for for or neutrality.

2. World War I Resources:
World War I  Background - A PBS Special and in-depth study of "The Great War"
World War I - Everything you need to know and one of the BEST WEB RESOURCES!
America Enters the War - Office of the Historian -
American in World War I - A very complete study and great outline explaining in chronological order our history in The Great War.
U.S. in World War I - Good visuals and easy to follow study.

3. Videos:
World War I - Long video, but INCREDIBLE storytelling!  You will not be able to watch in one sitting, but over the course of a few days or a weekend, this would be the one to watch!


4. Crash Course: John Green "American in World War I"


5. President Woodrow Wilson Video - YouTube clip from a teacher on Taft AND Wilson.
    Woodrow Wilson - The White House org
    Woodrow Wilson Biography - from the University of Virginia

1. None for the weekend!
International Studies - Period 2
Essential Questions:
1. Does the world need the United Nations? Why or why not?

2. Should we enforce the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in countries not our own? If so, how? If not, why?
3. Is the world safer today with the United Nations than it was in 1945?
4. Is the United Nations an effective peace-keeping organization?
5. What should be done to improve the effectiveness of the United Nations?

Themes: World Peace, War vs. Peace, Sustainable Change, Non-Government Organizations, The United Nations, Peace-keeping Operations

1. I am grading your UN/Peacekeeping Test - Please be patient

2. Did everyone pick ONE Current Peacekeeping Mission?
-Please understand you need to access your UN Peacekeeping Project (via Google Drive), and understand that this is due in 11 days from now on Tuesday, October 14th for final submission and presentation.

Important documents for your Peacekeeping Project:

  1. The Human Rights + Peacekeeping - Standards for UN Peace Operations


The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights

3. Peacekeeping Operations - Current operations - Where and Why? Effectiveness?
 Peacekeeping Website - To explore and understand what Peacekeepers do on a regular basis.
Main Website for the UN Peacekeeping

4. An impressive viewing of MANY UN Peacekeeping videos - Nearly 5 hours worth of short clips from many Peacekeeping Operations.

1. If you have not selected a Peacekeeping Mission then you MUST do it by tonight! Everyone gets to pick ONE Current Peacekeeping Mission, and no double dipping as you all will present 7 individual presentations and you have 17 options. Provide basic summary of the Current Peacekeeping Operation/Mission...who, what, when, where, why? Give us the numbers, maps, images, and potential video footage of Peacekeepers in action. Then include how has your mission grown in the last few years? What are the CHALLENGES of your individual Peacekeeping Operation?  Detail at least 3 primary sources that enlighten us about the mission's objectives and shed light on the success or failure of the mission. Here is your UN Peacekeeping Project due Tuesday, October 14th for final submission and presentation.

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