Essential Questions:
- How does volunteerism demonstrate civic responsibility?
-How did America utilize it's home-front during World War II?
-How important was the home-front to the United States's victory in World War II?
-How did World War II serve as catalyst for social change in America?
1. We will have a whole class discussion on the Volunteer efforts of Americans and the Civil Responsibility of "Citizen Soldiers" during a period of National Emergency. As each group presents, students will be filling out their Citizen Soldiers Contribution Sheet.
Today's Lesson can be split into 4 sections - WAR PRODUCTION, COMMUNICATION, CONTRIBUTIONS, CIVIL RIGHTS. We will review how the National Government initiated War Productions and then communicated to the American citizen. Additionally, we will discuss the individual groups that contributed to the war cause and the aftermath of civil rights movements based on major discrimination acts that took place during World War II in America.
Group Categories:
1. Contributions and conservation
2. Communication
3. Women
4. African Americans
5. Mexican-Americans and other minority groups
Please read, analyze, watch, and discuss as a group the following resources - You must use them in chronological order:
B. America's Home front during World War II - Pages 769-774 AND 796-801
C.The Smithsonian - Home front Propaganda - What are the main ideas of the posters use pages 4-9?
D. Home front Documents - Photographs and Various Documents
- Each group must take ONE photograph and ONE document to analyze.
-How did WWII affect the lives of women and African Americans?
-Explain the meaning of Executive Order 8802?
-How did Executive Order 8802 lay the foundation for the upcoming civil rights movement in the years after WWII?
E. A series of short video clips on various topics involving Women, Food, Investments, and other subject. Look at the title of the "Playlist" and click on the video that would apply to your subject.
3. If time permits, we will review the World War II Photography Gallery from Time Magazine:
-Please look at the perspective of the photographer and evaluate ONE PHOTOGRAPH in detail. You should be looking for the following: What is the theme(s)?, What emotions are seen? What emotions does the photograph want from the viewer?, Why do you think it was created?, What does the document convey about life in World War II at the time it was created?, What questions does the photograph raise for you?
4. U.S. in World War II resources:
World War II Slideshow "The Road to War"
World War II - American at Home - PBS special
U.S. Home-front During World War II
The National WWII museum - lots of images, primary sources, outline of WWII, and WWII by the numbers!
Library of Congress - World War II Primary Sources
American Women in World War II
America's WWII in Color - PBS special
America's Homefront in World War II
World War II - Poster's on the American Homefront
World War II and America's Civil Responsibilities
1. Tomorrow we will examine Music during World War II - AND your TEST has been RESCHEDULED for THURSDAY, March 27th (During the last period of the day - Period 1 - so you will be done with your PARCC testing). You may use a 3x5 notecard to help you with this test. So please make sure you study and organize all your work on World War II Causes and the American home front. We have covered the following material in class and for homework:
Chapter 24 - Section 1 - Dictators, Causes of World War II, American response = isolationism
Chapter 24 - Section 2 - War starts in Europe
Chapter 24 - Section 4 - America Moves Toward War = Neutrality, Building up our defenses, 1940 FDR wins a 3rd Term!, "The Great Arsenal of Democracy", Lend-Lease Act, Atlantic Charter, Pearl Harbor Attacked
Chapter 25 - Section 1 - Mobilizing for the War, Expansion of U.S. Military, Women, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Mexican-Americans, and Native Americans contributions, Industrial Growth during WWII in America, Federal Gov't gains more control over the Economy (Chart on page 773).
Chapter 25 - Section 4 - The Home Front, Opportunities for Women and Minorities, Population Shift, GI Bill, Civil Rights Protest with African-Americans and Zoot-Suiters.
Chapter 24 - Section 1 - Dictators, Causes of World War II, American response = isolationism
Chapter 24 - Section 2 - War starts in Europe
Chapter 24 - Section 4 - America Moves Toward War = Neutrality, Building up our defenses, 1940 FDR wins a 3rd Term!, "The Great Arsenal of Democracy", Lend-Lease Act, Atlantic Charter, Pearl Harbor Attacked
Chapter 25 - Section 1 - Mobilizing for the War, Expansion of U.S. Military, Women, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Mexican-Americans, and Native Americans contributions, Industrial Growth during WWII in America, Federal Gov't gains more control over the Economy (Chart on page 773).
Chapter 25 - Section 4 - The Home Front, Opportunities for Women and Minorities, Population Shift, GI Bill, Civil Rights Protest with African-Americans and Zoot-Suiters.
U.S. HISTORY I - Periods 4, 5, and 6:
Essential Questions:
-Does the United States have a mission in the mid-19th century? If so, was it expansion of freedom, economics, imperialism, etc? Why?
-Which reformer or individual played the biggest role leading up to America's Civil War?
-Can legislative compromises solve moral issues?
-Was slavery a humane or evil institution?
Themes: Industrial Revolution, Transportation Revolution, Economic Revolution, Immigration, Regional Specialization, and Nationalism
1. Causes of the American Civil War Packet + Major Terms and then Cause and Effects of the Major Legislation - Wilmont Proviso, Compromise of 1850, Fugitive Slave Act, Personal Liberty Laws, and Kansas-Nebraska Act.
2. The History Channel's The Presidents - We will watch the U.S. Presidencies of Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore.
3. Historical Slavery Challenge Skits are due this week!!! Depending on the number of people in our class because of the PARCC testing, your group size my change from a small group to a larger group. You will need to work on your acting skills/improvisational and begin executing a plan to illustrate your expertise and understanding of the below situations in American History. The following will be absolutely necessary and used for grading your Slavery Skits:
A. Accuracy of the historical event (People, places, causes, effects, etc) + A Title of the Event ("Japan surrenders! End of War!")
B. Everyone MUST have a part and this is about TEAMWORK. Everyone has to have a speaking part as characters within your skit.
C. Mr. Parkin will need an outline of the skit - but nothing has to go perfectly right!
D. Improv/Drama means there is no right or wrong
E. Try to add humor, comedy, so you may use any prop that you wish - historical pictures on ipads, political cartoons, things you have at home, customs, hats, etc. This is about showing off your creativity!!!
F. Each scene must be at least 2 minutes in length
G. Everyone's skits should be informational, funny, and memorable!
E. Slavery Challenge Skit Rubric
On Monday, you will have a full class to effectively plan, but on Tuesday and Wednesday you MUST execute the Slavery Challenge Skit for one of the following scenarios:
1. The Senate Debates the Compromise of 1850
2. A Debate over the Fugitive Slave Act between Abolitionist vs. Pro-Slavery
3. Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad
4. Harriet Beecher Stowe famous novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
5. Bleeding Kansas + The Kansas-Nebraska Act - debating popular sovereignty
6. Violence in the Senate
U.S. HISTORY I - Periods 4, 5, and 6:
Essential Questions:
-Does the United States have a mission in the mid-19th century? If so, was it expansion of freedom, economics, imperialism, etc? Why?
-Which reformer or individual played the biggest role leading up to America's Civil War?
-Can legislative compromises solve moral issues?
-Was slavery a humane or evil institution?
Themes: Industrial Revolution, Transportation Revolution, Economic Revolution, Immigration, Regional Specialization, and Nationalism
1. Causes of the American Civil War Packet + Major Terms and then Cause and Effects of the Major Legislation - Wilmont Proviso, Compromise of 1850, Fugitive Slave Act, Personal Liberty Laws, and Kansas-Nebraska Act.
2. The History Channel's The Presidents - We will watch the U.S. Presidencies of Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore.
3. Historical Slavery Challenge Skits are due this week!!! Depending on the number of people in our class because of the PARCC testing, your group size my change from a small group to a larger group. You will need to work on your acting skills/improvisational and begin executing a plan to illustrate your expertise and understanding of the below situations in American History. The following will be absolutely necessary and used for grading your Slavery Skits:
A. Accuracy of the historical event (People, places, causes, effects, etc) + A Title of the Event ("Japan surrenders! End of War!")
B. Everyone MUST have a part and this is about TEAMWORK. Everyone has to have a speaking part as characters within your skit.
C. Mr. Parkin will need an outline of the skit - but nothing has to go perfectly right!
D. Improv/Drama means there is no right or wrong
E. Try to add humor, comedy, so you may use any prop that you wish - historical pictures on ipads, political cartoons, things you have at home, customs, hats, etc. This is about showing off your creativity!!!
F. Each scene must be at least 2 minutes in length
G. Everyone's skits should be informational, funny, and memorable!
E. Slavery Challenge Skit Rubric
On Monday, you will have a full class to effectively plan, but on Tuesday and Wednesday you MUST execute the Slavery Challenge Skit for one of the following scenarios:
1. The Senate Debates the Compromise of 1850
2. A Debate over the Fugitive Slave Act between Abolitionist vs. Pro-Slavery
3. Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad
4. Harriet Beecher Stowe famous novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
5. Bleeding Kansas + The Kansas-Nebraska Act - debating popular sovereignty
6. Violence in the Senate
1. Please have a google doc that is shared in your class folder with your classmates and myself. Additionally, make sure you are sharing who you picked, a summary of your skit, and when you will be presenting your skit. You must prepare for the subject as if you understand the characters and were living that scene during that time period. Additionally, you should plan for the skit using the textbook and Slavery Challenge Skit Rubric. You will need to prepare well for this assignment and illustrate that you really care about doing a good job. Bring in props as well.
1. The Senate Debates the Compromise of 1850
2. A Debate over the Fugitive Slave Act between Abolitionist vs. Pro-Slavery
3. Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad
4. Harriet Beecher Stowe famous novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
5. Bleeding Kansas + The Kansas-Nebraska Act - debating popular sovereignty
6. Violence in the Senate
International Studies - Period 2
Essential Questions:
1. How do we think about POWER in the 21st Century?
2. How do we define our interest as a country?
3. What does "hard power" and "soft power" capability and how does it impact foreign policy?
4. How is power distributed?
Themes: PEGS (Political, Economic, Geographic, Social)
1. We will continue our class discussion from yesterday on the current situation of Ukraine and how Russia, America, Ukraine, and Europe is responding to this current crisis. If not, then your homework is to update your information on Ukraine and use any resources necessary to help you understand the situation. I want to know what resources you are using and tell me if they are reliable or not.
-President Obama's Reaction - Done
-NATO'S concern - Done
-BBC News Ukraine Crisis - Done
-Sanctions on Russia + European Sanctions - Today
-Russian Response - Today
-The New Yorker - Today
2. What is Power?
3. Students will have a jigsaw activity where one member of the group becomes the "Captain" and the Captain will travel to other groups to explain their findings and then the remaining group members teach the "Captain" about their own topic on:
I. Group 1: Please read the Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS) article "Being Hard on Soft Power" and answer the following questions:
A. Compare and contrast how this article views soft power and hard power? Which is it more critical of and why?
B. Summarize this articles' viewpoints on the United States Army in Iraq?
II. Group 2: Please read Hillary Clinton's perspective on Power
A. What is America's Role in the World?
B. What is critical for America, Europe and the World in the 21st Century?
C. Summarize this articles' viewpoints on global power, which countries are emerging?
III. Group 3: Please read Harvard Kennedy School and Joseph Nye article "Lesson's Learned Since 9/11: Narratives Matter"
A. How should we challenge terrorism according to Joseph Nye?
B. How did 9/11 change America's foreign policy approach?
"Ultimately, the only power to which man should aspire is that which he exercise over himself."
Elie Wiesel, prisoner at Buchenwald.
"Simply put, power is the ability to effect the outcomes you want, and if necessary, to change the behavior of others to make this happen.
4. Video on Joseph Nye:
![A portrait of Hillary Clinton at her desk](
5. Hard Power and Soft Power Readings and Resources:
1. What is hard power? What is soft power? Please look at contemporary events that have been going on in the world the last 2 weeks or so and make a list of examples of Power Events.
1. The Senate Debates the Compromise of 1850
2. A Debate over the Fugitive Slave Act between Abolitionist vs. Pro-Slavery
3. Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad
4. Harriet Beecher Stowe famous novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
5. Bleeding Kansas + The Kansas-Nebraska Act - debating popular sovereignty
6. Violence in the Senate
International Studies - Period 2
Essential Questions:
1. How do we think about POWER in the 21st Century?
2. How do we define our interest as a country?
3. What does "hard power" and "soft power" capability and how does it impact foreign policy?
4. How is power distributed?
Themes: PEGS (Political, Economic, Geographic, Social)
1. We will continue our class discussion from yesterday on the current situation of Ukraine and how Russia, America, Ukraine, and Europe is responding to this current crisis. If not, then your homework is to update your information on Ukraine and use any resources necessary to help you understand the situation. I want to know what resources you are using and tell me if they are reliable or not.
-President Obama's Reaction - Done
-NATO'S concern - Done
-BBC News Ukraine Crisis - Done
-Sanctions on Russia + European Sanctions - Today
-Russian Response - Today
-The New Yorker - Today
2. What is Power?
3. Students will have a jigsaw activity where one member of the group becomes the "Captain" and the Captain will travel to other groups to explain their findings and then the remaining group members teach the "Captain" about their own topic on:
I. Group 1: Please read the Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS) article "Being Hard on Soft Power" and answer the following questions:
A. Compare and contrast how this article views soft power and hard power? Which is it more critical of and why?
B. Summarize this articles' viewpoints on the United States Army in Iraq?
II. Group 2: Please read Hillary Clinton's perspective on Power
A. What is America's Role in the World?
B. What is critical for America, Europe and the World in the 21st Century?
C. Summarize this articles' viewpoints on global power, which countries are emerging?
III. Group 3: Please read Harvard Kennedy School and Joseph Nye article "Lesson's Learned Since 9/11: Narratives Matter"
A. How should we challenge terrorism according to Joseph Nye?
B. How did 9/11 change America's foreign policy approach?
"Ultimately, the only power to which man should aspire is that which he exercise over himself."
Elie Wiesel, prisoner at Buchenwald.
"Simply put, power is the ability to effect the outcomes you want, and if necessary, to change the behavior of others to make this happen.
Joseph S. Nye Jr., 2002
4. Video on Joseph Nye:![A portrait of Hillary Clinton at her desk](
5. Hard Power and Soft Power Readings and Resources:
- Strategic Studies Institute article "Hard Power and Soft Power: The utility of Military Force..."
- The American Academy of Political and Social Sciences article "Hard Power, Soft Power, and Smart Power"
- Robert Cooper's "Hard Power, Soft Power and the Goals of Diplomacy"
- Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS) "Being Hard on Soft Power"
- An insightful College Paper written by Tim Quirk that gives good perspective on Hard Power vs. Soft Power.
- Soft Power and China in the 21st Century
- Hillary Clinton and the Art of Smart Power
- Harvard Kennedy School and Joseph Nye article "Lesson's Learned Since 9/11: Narratives Matter"
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