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Friday, June 3, 2016

Day 168 - Friday

U.S. History I - Periods 2, 5, and 6: 
Essential Question:
-Does state or federal government have a greater impact in our lives?
-Why did the Election of Abraham Lincoln trigger the Civil War?
-Does war cause national prosperity?
-Who were the heroes and the losers of the American Civil War?
-What military lessons can we learn from the fighting in the American Civil War?
-How and why did President Lincoln's position on slavery, race, and emancipation change over time?
-Was the American Civil War worth it's costs? 

Themes:  State Rights vs. Federal Government, Abraham Lincoln's Dilemma, Secession, Anaconda Plan, The Confederate Army of the United States vs. The Union Army, Key Battles/Turning Points

1. We will quickly wrap up any questions you have on Mr. Parkin's Civil War Slideshow and resources below. 

2. Students will begin planning their timelines and outlines on their specifically assigned theater of the American Civil War in order to present their case for their stand alone gallery walk and then follow up debate question "Which theater of the American Civil War was MOST IMPORTANT in determining the outcome of the American Civil War?"

3. American Civil War Resources:
-Fort Sumner Falls
-Overview of the American Civil War
-The Civil War Slideshow
-Civil War Battlefields
-A huge collection of resources on nearly every topic on the Civil War
-Primary Sources from the Library of Congress
-Civil War Battles and Primary Sources - Civil War Trust Organization
-Primary Sources - Maps, Confederates and Union transcripts
-The 10 costliest battles of the American Civil War
-Important Women in the American Civil War
-Battle Summaries
-Battles by Campaigns and Regions
1. Due on Monday NOW - Yes, it has been updated - to Monday before class of next week - Gallery Walk Activity on Theaters of War. You need to all work effectively as a group and individual using a Google doc to manage your time and delegate responsibilities quickly to the group-members. You need to have a stand alone project where the rest of your classmates will be able to walk around class on Monday and interpret your research and be able to easily make sense of your theater of war. Here is the rubric.

U.S. HISTORY II - Period 1:

Essential Questions:
-Why didn't the Cold War ever turn "hot"?
-Is the Cold War still going on? How?
-Why is the 1960's such a violent decade?
-Why was the Vietnam War so divisive? 

Themes: Failed Conferences, The Iron Curtain, Containment, Containment, Domino Theory, The Domestic Cold War, President Eisenhower, President John F. Kennedy

1. We will quickly watch Civil Rights in the 1950's & Civil Rights in the 1960's

2. You will be working on reading The Civil Rights a Basic Overview of the Civil Rights Era using Partner Reading (Pick one partner and read on and off paragraphs) taking clear notes and asking questions so that you discuss what you are reading to develop a clear understanding of the Civil Rights Era. You must read BOTH PART I AND PART II.

3. Civil Rights Resources you and your partner will review and examine:

5. The Vietnam War  - Please find a partner and read and review The Vietnam War, Part I: The Early Years and Escalation by Alan Taylor and the 46 photographs
-Who's perspective are the photographs from? How do you know this?
-Pick ONE photograph and tell me in your own words how it represents "The Vietnam Conflict"?
-What is the MAIN IDEA of this article by The Atlantic?
-What other ways could Americans have changed the course of the The Vietnam Conflict?
-Would you recommend this article? Why? Why not?

6. American home front Resources:

7. Cold War and Lyndon B. Johnson's Foreign Policy
1. Your research paper is DUE ON TUESDAY, JUNE 7TH, take your comments, editing tips, and Peer Editing handout to thoroughly revise and edit your final draft for submission. Here is a sample of formatting your Title Page, Paper, and Bibliography. This is a hard deadline and I will not accept late papers at all!

2. Due on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8TH - Making sense of the Civil Rights Era
A. Please read and check out Chapter 29 - "Taking on Segregation"  - The start of the Civil Rights Movement - pages 906 - 913.   Please outline the following concepts with 3-5 bullet points that tell a story and the impact of these themes during the 1950's-1960's:
I. The Segregation System 
II. Brown vs. Board of Education
III. Little Rock
IV. Montgomery Bus Boycott and the South
V. MLK Jr. and the SCLC

B. Please read and evaluate Chapter 29 - Section 2 "The Triumphs of a Crusade" - pages 916-922 and complete a WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, and IMPACT on each of these themes below  This outline should illustrate the impact of these themes below during the 1950's- 1960's:
I. Freedom Riders/Riding for Freedom
II. Standing Firm
III. Marching to Washington, DC
IV. Fighting for Voting Rights

International Studies - Period 7
Essential Questions:
1. Why do some people choose violence as an attempt to bring about change?
2. Does one country have a right to intervene in the affairs of another?
3. What is the difference between a freedom fighter and a terrorist?
4. What does Global Terrorism look like?

Themes:  Terrorism, Extremist, Global Security, September 11, 2001

1. The ISLAMIC STATE - Who, what , where, why, when?
-ISIS insurgency database article
-Social Media and Terrorism
-Americans and ISIS
-Islamic State and Treatment of Women
-ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. How did he become the worlds most powerful jihadist?
-Syrian Terrorist Leader
-ISIS leader encourages attacks on Europe and America
-ISIS Strategy since Paris and Brussels attacks
-OP-ED "Competing perspectives on Countering ISIS"
-Support for Military Action Against ISIS - Chart
-Al-Qaeda and ISIS - feuding or working together?
-Global Issues and Context BHS Database research on ISIS

2. From ISIS to the Islamic State - Vice News You tube


4. Resources about Islam and the Middle East
Map of the Middle East - Major Islamic Cities
Map of the Middle East - University of Texas
Muslim Distribution - Shia and Sunni Map
Muslims in the Middle East Map
Maps pre-1948 Palestine 
Maps of Jerusalem 
Maps of Israel and Palestinian conflict
Differences between Sunnis and Shiites - Chart
The Origins of the Shiite and Sunni Split - NPR Radio Broadcast - Meaning it's a podcast for you to listen to or you can read the article as well.
What is the difference between Sunnis and Shia Muslims - Article
Sunnis and Shiites Schism

1. None, enjoy your weekend!

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