U.S. History I - Periods 1, 5, and 6:
Essential Questions:
-Does state or federal government have a greater impact in our lives?
-Was the Monroe Doctrine a policy of expansion or self-defense?
-Was the Monroe Doctrine a disguise for American Imperialism?
Themes: Founding Fathers as Presidents, State Rights vs. Federal Government, James Monroe and John Q. Adams Presidencies.
1. Please watch the Presidents' Videos on President James Monroe and John Q. Adams using pages 2-5 on the Themes from 1812-1860 Packet below.
James Monroe Video
John Quincy Adams
2. Please read the Missouri Compromise Debate, and then complete the Missouri Compromise Primary Source Examination in partners. What is the tone? Whose perspective is it? What is the main argument?
4. James Monroe Resources:
Monroe's Domestic Affairs
Monroe's Foreign Affairs
5.The Monroe Doctrine - The Seventh Annual Speech, December 2, 1823
-Monroe Doctrine DBQ
6. Transportation Revolution - See the difference!
Essential Questions:
How does volunteerism demonstrate civic responsibility?
-How did America utilize it's home-front during World War II?
-How important was the home-front to the United States's victory in World War II?
-How did World War II serve as catalyst for social change in America?
1. You will have today's class period to really put a dent into this project by SHOWING ME PROGRESS! YOU MUST have a Google Doc in the Student Folder I shared with you yesterday, and illustrate that everyone is contributing to the management, research, and execution stages of your project.
-Remember that your project is about the Volunteer efforts of Americans and the Civil Responsibility of "Citizen Soldiers" during a period of National Emergency of World War II. As each group presents, students will be filling out their Citizen Soldiers Contribution Sheet, so please download this sheet.
- WAR PRODUCTION, COMMUNICATION, CONTRIBUTIONS, CIVIL RIGHTS are the major themes. Over the next few days our focus is going to be how the National Government initiated War Productions and then communicated to the American citizen. Additionally, we will discuss the individual groups that contributed to the war cause and the aftermath of civil rights movements based on major discrimination acts that took place during World War II in America.
-At home you should please continue researching on the Volunteer efforts of Americans and the Civil Responsibility of "Citizen Soldiers" during a period of National Emergency called World War II. Each of you will be assigned a group and you must be ready to present your case to the class on Tuesday. As each group presents, students will be filling out their Citizen Soldiers Contribution Sheet - The other groups will teach you about the other topics and you will not have to fill them out until Tuesday's class presentations. Additionally, we will discuss the individual groups that contributed to the war cause and the aftermath of civil rights movements based on major discrimination acts that took place during World War II in America.
- You must create digital content on your own topic with your groupmates and present it in class on TUESDAY! Over the next few days our focus is going to be:
A. How the National Government initiated War Productions and then communicated to the American citizen? and
B. Pick one other essential question above and how it applies to your specific group.
C. PLEASE Find a song from World War II on your topic and include it for your presentation on WWII home-front contributions. Please bring in the hard copy and a electronic soundbite of that song to share with your classmates (I will set up a Google Document for your guys to put it all together in one document for the class. We will explore the most popular songs and themes found within those songs after the presentations.
-Focus on Large corporations, volunteer groups, etc (NOT on Women!!)
2. Communication
-How did the US government communicate the message of volunteerism and selling the war to America?
3. Women
-What did women do to contribute to the war effort, both at home and abroad?
4. African Americans AND Mexican-Americans and any other minority groups
-What did African Americans and other minority groups do to contribute to the war effort? What was their experience like during the war, both at home and abroad?
2. Please read, analyze, watch, and discuss as a group the following resources - You must use them in FOR YOUR RESEARCH AND PRESENTATIONS:
A. American Troops in World War II
B. America's Home-front during World War II - Pages 769-774 AND 796-801
C.The Smithsonian - Home front Propaganda - What are the main ideas of the posters use pages 4-9?
D. Home front Documents - Photographs and Various Documents
- Each group must take ONE photograph and ONE document to analyze.
-How did WWII affect the lives of women and African Americans?
-Explain the meaning of Executive Order 8802?
-How did Executive Order 8802 lay the foundation for the upcoming civil rights movement in the years after WWII?
E. A series of short video clips on various topics involving Women, Food, Investments, and other subject. Look at the title of the "Playlist" and click on the video that would apply to your subject.
3. If time permits, we will review the World War II Photography Gallery from Time Magazine:
-Please look at the perspective of the photographer and evaluate ONE PHOTOGRAPH in detail. You should be looking for the following: What is the theme(s)?, What emotions are seen? What emotions does the photograph want from the viewer?, Why do you think it was created?, What does the document convey about life in World War II at the time it was created?, What questions does the photograph raise for you?
4. U.S. in World War II resources:
World War II Slideshow "The Road to War"
World War II - American at Home - PBS special
U.S. Home-front During World War II
The National WWII museum - lots of images, primary sources, outline of WWII, and WWII by the numbers!
Library of Congress - World War II Primary Sources
American Women in World War II
America's WWII in Color - PBS special
America's Homefront in World War II
World War II - Poster's on the American Homefront
World War II and America's Civil Responsibilities
2. FOR TUESDAY'S PRESENTATIONS - PLEASE also find a song from World War II on your topic and include it for your presentation on WWII home-front contributions. Please bring in the hard copy or post an electronic copy and the electronic soundbite of that song to our shared folder on this mini-project so that everyone can share with their classmates (I have set up a Google Document for you guys to start researching, just look in the shared WWII HOME-FRONT MINI-PROJECT.) We will explore the most popular songs and themes found within those songs after the presentations.
Modern America Class - Period 7
Essential Questions:
1. How much do popular trends reflect and/or shape American values and traditions?
2. Does our entertainment reflect society, or does our entertainment shape our society?
3. What is Pop Culture?
4. How do we know if something is Popular Culture?
Themes: Pop Culture, Top Charts, American Exceptionalism, American film, Hollywood, All about that Bass
1. Quote Reflection and class share WILL BE MONDAY!
2. Please download the Class Syllabus to your electronic notebook.
3. Please review some more song from the Grooveshark 1960's Playlist and as you listen to the 1960's playlist, jot down some basic notes...
-What do you notice about the music?
-What about the rhythm or tone of the song?
-What kinds of instruments do they use?
-What are they singing about in the 1960's?
-Do you like the songs?
4. Please review The 1960's Overview - A very brief overview on Pop Culture and Art in the 1960's please answer the question:
A. What patterns do you see in the artwork?
B. What does the artwork of the 1960's reflect about Pop Culture? Another words, if the artwork could speak about the 1960's, what would it say?
C. Do you like the artwork? Why or why not? Pick a favorite piece please and be ready to discuss on Monday!
5. On Monday we will review The 1960's Slideshow - Politics, Sports and Toys!
1. Just finish the assignments above under #3 & #4 on Music and Artwork of the 1960's. Otherwise enjoy the Super Bowl!
-Does state or federal government have a greater impact in our lives?
-Was the Monroe Doctrine a policy of expansion or self-defense?
-Was the Monroe Doctrine a disguise for American Imperialism?
Themes: Founding Fathers as Presidents, State Rights vs. Federal Government, James Monroe and John Q. Adams Presidencies.
1. Please watch the Presidents' Videos on President James Monroe and John Q. Adams using pages 2-5 on the Themes from 1812-1860 Packet below.
James Monroe Video
John Quincy Adams
2. Please read the Missouri Compromise Debate, and then complete the Missouri Compromise Primary Source Examination in partners. What is the tone? Whose perspective is it? What is the main argument?
4. James Monroe Resources:
Monroe's Domestic Affairs
Monroe's Foreign Affairs
5.The Monroe Doctrine - The Seventh Annual Speech, December 2, 1823
-Monroe Doctrine DBQ
6. Transportation Revolution - See the difference!
1. Please make sure you have watched BOTH Presidential Videos and completed all questions and submitted them on Google Classroom BEFORE class ends.
2. Please make sure you have DOWNLOADED the Nationalism and Economic Development packet and save in your Binder for Friday and next week to work through. NOT DUE until next Thursday!
U.S. HISTORY II - Period 4:2. Please make sure you have DOWNLOADED the Nationalism and Economic Development packet and save in your Binder for Friday and next week to work through. NOT DUE until next Thursday!
Essential Questions:
How does volunteerism demonstrate civic responsibility?
-How did America utilize it's home-front during World War II?
-How important was the home-front to the United States's victory in World War II?
-How did World War II serve as catalyst for social change in America?
1. You will have today's class period to really put a dent into this project by SHOWING ME PROGRESS! YOU MUST have a Google Doc in the Student Folder I shared with you yesterday, and illustrate that everyone is contributing to the management, research, and execution stages of your project.
-Remember that your project is about the Volunteer efforts of Americans and the Civil Responsibility of "Citizen Soldiers" during a period of National Emergency of World War II. As each group presents, students will be filling out their Citizen Soldiers Contribution Sheet, so please download this sheet.
- WAR PRODUCTION, COMMUNICATION, CONTRIBUTIONS, CIVIL RIGHTS are the major themes. Over the next few days our focus is going to be how the National Government initiated War Productions and then communicated to the American citizen. Additionally, we will discuss the individual groups that contributed to the war cause and the aftermath of civil rights movements based on major discrimination acts that took place during World War II in America.
-At home you should please continue researching on the Volunteer efforts of Americans and the Civil Responsibility of "Citizen Soldiers" during a period of National Emergency called World War II. Each of you will be assigned a group and you must be ready to present your case to the class on Tuesday. As each group presents, students will be filling out their Citizen Soldiers Contribution Sheet - The other groups will teach you about the other topics and you will not have to fill them out until Tuesday's class presentations. Additionally, we will discuss the individual groups that contributed to the war cause and the aftermath of civil rights movements based on major discrimination acts that took place during World War II in America.
- You must create digital content on your own topic with your groupmates and present it in class on TUESDAY! Over the next few days our focus is going to be:
A. How the National Government initiated War Productions and then communicated to the American citizen? and
B. Pick one other essential question above and how it applies to your specific group.
C. PLEASE Find a song from World War II on your topic and include it for your presentation on WWII home-front contributions. Please bring in the hard copy and a electronic soundbite of that song to share with your classmates (I will set up a Google Document for your guys to put it all together in one document for the class. We will explore the most popular songs and themes found within those songs after the presentations.
*Group Categories:
1. Contributions and conservation-Focus on Large corporations, volunteer groups, etc (NOT on Women!!)
2. Communication
-How did the US government communicate the message of volunteerism and selling the war to America?
3. Women
-What did women do to contribute to the war effort, both at home and abroad?
4. African Americans AND Mexican-Americans and any other minority groups
-What did African Americans and other minority groups do to contribute to the war effort? What was their experience like during the war, both at home and abroad?
2. Please read, analyze, watch, and discuss as a group the following resources - You must use them in FOR YOUR RESEARCH AND PRESENTATIONS:
B. America's Home-front during World War II - Pages 769-774 AND 796-801
C.The Smithsonian - Home front Propaganda - What are the main ideas of the posters use pages 4-9?
D. Home front Documents - Photographs and Various Documents
- Each group must take ONE photograph and ONE document to analyze.
-How did WWII affect the lives of women and African Americans?
-Explain the meaning of Executive Order 8802?
-How did Executive Order 8802 lay the foundation for the upcoming civil rights movement in the years after WWII?
E. A series of short video clips on various topics involving Women, Food, Investments, and other subject. Look at the title of the "Playlist" and click on the video that would apply to your subject.
3. If time permits, we will review the World War II Photography Gallery from Time Magazine:
-Please look at the perspective of the photographer and evaluate ONE PHOTOGRAPH in detail. You should be looking for the following: What is the theme(s)?, What emotions are seen? What emotions does the photograph want from the viewer?, Why do you think it was created?, What does the document convey about life in World War II at the time it was created?, What questions does the photograph raise for you?
4. U.S. in World War II resources:
World War II Slideshow "The Road to War"
World War II - American at Home - PBS special
U.S. Home-front During World War II
The National WWII museum - lots of images, primary sources, outline of WWII, and WWII by the numbers!
Library of Congress - World War II Primary Sources
American Women in World War II
America's WWII in Color - PBS special
America's Homefront in World War II
World War II - Poster's on the American Homefront
World War II and America's Civil Responsibilities
1. Please continue your research AND organize your presentations. You need to manage this project effectively as individuals and a group and it will be due on TUESDAY, FEB. 3RD. Check out the rubric on the shared folder. 2. FOR TUESDAY'S PRESENTATIONS - PLEASE also find a song from World War II on your topic and include it for your presentation on WWII home-front contributions. Please bring in the hard copy or post an electronic copy and the electronic soundbite of that song to our shared folder on this mini-project so that everyone can share with their classmates (I have set up a Google Document for you guys to start researching, just look in the shared WWII HOME-FRONT MINI-PROJECT.) We will explore the most popular songs and themes found within those songs after the presentations.
Modern America Class - Period 7
Essential Questions:
1. How much do popular trends reflect and/or shape American values and traditions?
2. Does our entertainment reflect society, or does our entertainment shape our society?
3. What is Pop Culture?
4. How do we know if something is Popular Culture?
Themes: Pop Culture, Top Charts, American Exceptionalism, American film, Hollywood, All about that Bass
1. Quote Reflection and class share WILL BE MONDAY!
2. Please download the Class Syllabus to your electronic notebook.
3. Please review some more song from the Grooveshark 1960's Playlist and as you listen to the 1960's playlist, jot down some basic notes...
-What do you notice about the music?
-What about the rhythm or tone of the song?
-What kinds of instruments do they use?
-What are they singing about in the 1960's?
-Do you like the songs?
4. Please review The 1960's Overview - A very brief overview on Pop Culture and Art in the 1960's please answer the question:
A. What patterns do you see in the artwork?
B. What does the artwork of the 1960's reflect about Pop Culture? Another words, if the artwork could speak about the 1960's, what would it say?
C. Do you like the artwork? Why or why not? Pick a favorite piece please and be ready to discuss on Monday!
5. On Monday we will review The 1960's Slideshow - Politics, Sports and Toys!
1. Just finish the assignments above under #3 & #4 on Music and Artwork of the 1960's. Otherwise enjoy the Super Bowl!