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Monday, February 10, 2014

Day 97 - Monday

U.S. History II  - Period 1: 
Essential Questions:
-How did the Great Depression affect the lives of millions of Americans?
-What affect did the Dust Bowl have on Americans during the Great Depression?
-What was the New Deal and how did it affect the American people during the Great Depression?
-What affect did the Stock Market Crash of 1929 have on the American people during the Great Depression?
-What were the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), The Works Progress Administration (WPA), and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and how did the affect the American people during the Great Depression?
-Who was Herbert Hoover and how did his leadership affect the American people during the Great Depression?
-Who was Franklin Delano Roosevelt and how did his leadership affect the American people during the Great Depression?

1. On Friday we completed the Digital Storytelling Projects and I thought you many of you did a terrific job!!! Dan Sherry and Blake Redfern you both need to present your project after school as I mentioned in an email you both on Friday.

2. We are going to review the Great Depression causes, leaders, hardships, Relief, Reform, and Recovery plans using the New Deal Programs.

1. Here is your packet on the Great Depression.  You should complete the rest of the packet, which means pages 7-14 needs to be completed tonight.  The focus will be on New Deal Programs and evaluating FDR's second term.  As you read, review, and outline Chapters 22-23 you should complete the questions, graphic organizers, and I will provide you with a Presidential Video for the last few page.  Remember that this entire packet will count as 6 homework grades!  Additionally, you will be tested on the Great Depression on Wednesday.

2. Your packet on the Great Depression should have pages 1-7 completed from this weekend and last week on Wednesday, (during the snow day) I asked you to please read the 2 short articles on "A Struggle to Survive" and "Population Change in the 1930's" and complete the 3 questions at the very end of the handout.  If you have not already done so, then please make sure you are outlining and reviewing Chapter 22 and Chapter 23 on the Great Depression and the New Deal.  Yesterday I asked you to review the Great Depression Causes Outline I did for you and the Great Depression Slideshow to help you get started on some of the major themes of the Great Depression.  We will of course review for a day or two, but then you will be getting your test next week. Once you have completed the outlining, readings, and review of Chapter 22 and Chapter 23, then please watch the Crash Course videos below to get your attention on the major themes of the Great Depression. I will give you a test next week on these chapters.

3. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU SUBMIT - Once you have presented your Digital Story, please PRINT UP and FILL OUT your Self-Evaluation on your Digital Story Telling Project.

4. Crash Course Great Depression Video


Crash Course New Deal Video:

U.S. HISTORY I - Periods 4, 5, and 6:
Essential Questions:

-Why did Americans feel so compelled to expand the country westward?
-What might 19th century Native Americans have said about Manifest Destiny? 
-How might the country have developed differently if no gold or other precious minerals had been discovered in the West?
-Does war cause national prosperity?
-Is economic, social, or physical coercion an effective method of achieving our national interest in domestic affairs

Themes: Westward Expansion, Manifest Destiny, Expansionist Presidents, Nationalism, War with Mexico

1. Your Debate on the Mexican-American War will be conducted today in class. Please make sure you work with your partners and your team effectively to complete this debate. The google document you all have for your individual classes and the Debate Rubric should be carefully reviewed. 

2. If you are absent on Monday and miss the debate, then you will be writing me a 1 page minimum paper arguing your side's perspective utilizing the major arguments you would have used during the debates.  You should be sure to include the debate question, a thesis statement, and research that will help support your arguments using in-text citations and a Chicago Style Works Cited page.

3. Manifest Destiny Resources:
War with Mexico 1846-1848 - PBS special
Primary Sources from PBS - Using the timeline, explore the Primary sources on Texas Independence, The Whitman's exploration of the Oregon Trail, War with Mexico, Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo, The "Diggings" in California, Massacres of the West, and more.

The Gold Rush and the Donner Party - Powerful and impactful story about cannibalism in the West.

The Gold Rush - Great facts, maps, and timelines - Covers The Westward Expansion and has 9 videos on various topics as well.

Trails to Utah and the Pacific - How did people migrate out West + Primary Source/Interactive Maps

1. If you are absent on Monday and miss the debate, then you will be writing me a 1 page minimum paper arguing your side's perspective utilizing the major arguments you would have used during the debates.  You should be sure to include the debate question, a thesis statement, and research that will help support your arguments using in-text citations and a Chicago Style Works Cited page.

2. None otherwise.
International Studies - Period 2 
Essential Questions:
1. What does international studies mean?
2. Should we enforce the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in countries not our own? If so, how? If not, why?
3. Is the world safer today with the United Nations than it was in 1945?
4. Is the United Nations an effective peace-keeping organization?
5. What should be done to improve the effectiveness of the United Nations?

Themes: PEGS (Political, Economic, Geographic, Social)

1. We will finalize our examination of the United Nations using the UN Website,  UN slideshowUN Global Issues, and other UN Resources:
United Nations History
United Nations Multimedia Room
United Nations School bus Virtual Field Trip
United Nations Research Guide A-Z on EVERYTHING you can imagine!
United Nations Peacekeeping Missions
University of California organized a UN resources guide - Honestly, the BEST and more ORGANIZED I have seen yet on how to research issues concerning the United Nations.

2. Ban-Ki-Moon - Secretary-General of the United Nations

3. What is Peacekeeping? We will watch in class today.

Peacekeeping videos -
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4
Number 5

4. TED Talk - The United Nations "Natural Resources and Peace-keeping: Is the United Nations really United"

5. TED Talk - Tanya de Mello - "Here's how you get the job done at the UN?"


1. What have you seen about the Olympics?  Is there more to it than just sports?  Poke around online or in local newspapers, what are you finding out about the Olympics? Is there some type of political power play going on because it's in Russia?  I want to hear your thoughts. Make sure you WATCH THE WINTER OLYMPICS @SOCHI!!!!

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