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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 45 - Tuesday

U.S. History II  - Period 1: 
Essential Questions:

-Has rapid industrial development been a blessing or a curse for Americans?
-Did America fulfill the dreams of immigrants?
-Can reform movements improve American society and politics?

1. Sorry that the internet connection was totally off at school yesterday and sort of changed the plan at the last minute.

2. We are going to watch The Presidents from The History Channel and focus on the Politics of the Gilded Age - Rutherford B. Hayes, James. A Garfield, Chester Arthur, and Grover Cleveland.

3. If time permits we will quickly review the American Cities in the late 1800's slideshow.

4. Urbanization at the turn of the nineteenth century:
City Life in the late 19th Century
Industrialization and Urbanization Overview - Terrific graphs and info
Urbanization during the Progressive Era
Urbanization/Immigration Outline
Urbanization and Immigration Slideshow
Chicago "The City of the Century" - A PBS special
Urbanization in American - Effects and Problems

5. America - The Story of US - Growth of Cities

6. The story of Urbanization - TedTalk


1. Please read and review pages 480 - 487 and answer the following questions in bullet point, BUT complete sentence format:
A. How did technology impact cities and city life? Give at least 3 very clear examples.

B. What was the "Chicago Plan"? What made Chicago unique and interesting?

C. Which scientific or technological development described in this section had the greatest impact on American culture? Use evidence from the text to justify your answer.
U.S. HISTORY I - Periods 4, 5, and 6:
Essential Questions:

-Does state or federal government have a greater impact in our lives?
-Does the system of checks and balances provide us with an effective and efficient government? 
-Is a strong federal system the most effective government for the United States? Which level of government, federal or state, can best solve our nation's problems? 

Themes: Mercantilism, Independence, Revolutions

1. Period 4 - Please hand-in the Shay's Rebellion: America's First Civil War Test with the complete Multiple Choice Test (66 questions = 1 point each = 66 total points & ONE essay question worth 34 points). Mr. Parkin will hand out a paper-copy in class AND YOUR ESSAY # 9.

2. Two short video clips on The Constitutional Convention and The Ratification of the Constitution and the New U.S. Government.

3. The United States Government Slideshow + Current U.S. Government Slideshow

4. Create a visual on "What does every STRONG gov’t NEED?" + What methods do governments use to get this strength? + How are YOU affected?
-Think about successful governments or an ideal government
-Make connections to what every government SHOULD have
-Create a visual representation that illustrates how an ideal government works.

1. Please read/review 142-144 AND create a thesis statement that is well developed and arguable on was the decision to create a system of checks and balances justified? Please be able to give 3 bullet points either supporting your thesis (main argument).

2. Please read Chapter 5 - Section 2 on "Ratifying the Constitution" and complete the rest of the small packet from yesterday.

3. If we do not get to watch in class today, please finish for homework - Two short video clips on The Constitutional Convention and The Ratification of the Constitution and the New U.S. Government.

4. Period 5 ONLY - Continue to brainstorm ideas and have a plan ready to:
-Create a visual on "What does every STRONG gov’t NEED?"
-What methods do governments use to get this strength? 
-How are YOU affected?
-Think about successful governments or an ideal government
-Make connections to what every government SHOULD have
-Create a visual representation that illustrates how an ideal government works.

International Studies - Period 3 
Essential Questions:
1. How do we think about POWER in the 21st Century?

2. How do we define our interest as a country?

3. What does "hard power" and "soft power" capability and how does it impact foreign policy?

4. How is power distributed?

Themes Global Awareness, Global cooperation, Foreign Policy, Soft Power, Hard Power

1. I am going to check off the Robert Cooper's "Hard Power, Soft Power and the Goals of Diplomacy" questions.  Pick 3 questions you want to discuss as a class.

A. Is Robert Cooper a reliable source? What is the author's point of view? Proof it please!
B. What are his views on America and Europe regarding hard power and soft power?
C. What does America want to maintain in the 21st Century?
D. What do you think Robert Cooper means when he says "[The European Union] It relies on law, on negotiation, on multilateral organisation."?
E. Who are the "Realists"?
F. What spreads American values? Why?
G. What cases or claims (situation/country study) do you think is the most important Robert Cooper makes? Do you support it or disagree with it? Why
H. What is the most important form of legitimacy in International relations?
I. What does the European Union (EU) offer for soft power?
J. What should all governments do in order to be legitimate?
K. Does Robert Cooper support hard power or soft power? Cite SPECIFIC evidence!
L. Why do you think Robert Cooper wrote this article?
M. Is the source believable? What pieces of evidence are most believable or not believable?
N. What words or phrases does Robert Cooper use to convince me that he or she is right?

2. Using your timelines you created yesterday please try to look for patterns on soft power and hard power concepts:
3. Students will begin their case study (identifying a problem in American Foreign Policy) after they agree upon an series of events, region, or decade of study. See homework below...

4. Hard Power and Soft Power Readings and Resources:
1. Review your timelines carefully - reviewing hard power and soft power events/actions by the U.S. in the 20th and 21st century and build a case study on a decade of Foreign Policy. You guys need to analyze an EVENT, REGION, OR DECADE you want to debate on the subject of hard power vs. soft power politics. Students should focus on events or a series of events with a decade or region that are related to a theme.  Remember the key is to find something you like that is controversial and debatable on the issue of hard power vs. soft power. Below are some examples of themes.

Debate Question: Did "they" make the right choice using hard power or soft power?

Examples of themes:
1. American Exceptionalism

2. Containment and bi-polar Superpowers (U.S-Russian Relations + U.S. - China Policy + Reagan Doctrine + Collapse of the Soviet Union)

3. Self-government vs. Interventionism - Democracy vs. Stability of Human Rights (Central America Revolutions + AIDS Crisis)

4. Global Security and Defense Cooperation (Israeli and Middle East Relations/Arab - Israeli Peace Talks)

5. Disarmament (Nuclear Disarmament + Strategic Arms Reduction Treaties)

6. Arab Spring (Arab Democracy in the Middle East)

7. Islamic Fundamentalism

8. Global Health

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