Essential Questions:
*Did the United States foreign policy during the 1930's help promote World War II? OR: Could the United States have prevented the outbreak of World War II?
*Should the United States sell arms to other nations? OR: Should the United States have aided the Allies against the Axis Powers? OR: Does the American security depend upon the survival of its Allies?
* Was war between the United States and Japan inevitable in World War II?
1. Pass back the Great Depression Test from before the February Break.
2. What did your research using the BHS Library Databases and textbook Chapter 24 - page 732- 741 tell you about the MAJOR CAUSES of World War II?
How did America respond in the early 1930's-mid-1930's? Meaning, what was our foreign policy plan in the 1930's to what Germans and the Japanese were during in Europe and Asia?
3. Gallery Walk of your ONE political cartoon that depicts the causes of World War II or the spirit of American's foreign policy in the 1930's and everyone will walk the gallery and analyze the different pieces of cartoons. Be ready to share it with your classmates and me today! It needs to be printed up! Everyone must have a HARD COPY of their political cartoon!
Things to look for:
Caption messages/ A Hook?
Why was the document created?
Questions raised?
Whose perspective is NOT shown?
Axis vs. Allied Map
Map of Europe
Map of Asia
1. Please read pages 756-763 and outline these pages into 4 sections: The U.S. Musters it's Forces, "The Great Arsenal of Democracy", FDR Plans for War, and Japan Attacks the U.S. You should have at least 1 full page and a maximum of 2 pages for your outline. Additionally, find ONE newspaper article about this section 1939 to December 7, 1941 and be ready to share it with your classmates and have it analyzed BEFORE you come to class.
2. You were supposed to complete this entire World War II packet over your February break. It will be checked!!
U.S. HISTORY I - Periods 4, 5, and 6:
Essential Questions:
-Does the United States have a mission in the mid-19th century? If so, was it expansion of freedom, economics, imperialism, etc? Why?
-Can political freedom exist without an economic foundation?
-Has rapid industrialization been a blessing or curse for America?
Themes: Industrial Revolution, Transportation Revolution, Economic Revolution, Immigration, Regional Specialization, and Nationalism
1. Period 6 only: I am checking your homework on your Nationalism and Economic Growth packet pages 1-8 on Economic foundations, the on "The New England Cotton Mills: Location Pays" and the New England Cotton Mills Chart/Questions.
2. Transportation Revolution Slideshow
3. Industrialization Slideshow
4. You will have time today to continue working on and asking me questions about your Advertisement Campaign Project:
Create an advertisement campaign for one of the following themes in American History from 1816-1860 for Mass Production (you can use a specific industry), The American Factory System, Transportation Revolution (any mode of transportation from this time period), working conditions (think of mills, plantations, farms, shipyards, etc), entrepreneurship/business opportunities, Economic Revolution, Immigration, or Regional Specialization (pick a region, city, state, or specific location). You can create a poster, billboard, electronic propaganda, or political cartoon as a visual representation. You need a Primary Source. You need to show analysis of the primary source and connect it to an argument and the theme illustrating how it has impacted American society in a written paper.
a. You must have a visual representation
b. You must have a slogan on your visual representation.
c. You must have a specific theme of American growth, American Economy, Nationalism, Sectionalism, or Immigration.
d. You must be either promoting or damaging a cause.
e. You must have a cause worth fighting for.
f. You must have some sort of caption or words that represent a purpose/argument/controversy.
h. You must use creativity and ORIGINAL THINKING - NO copying of the web!!!
i. You must have an accompanying PRIMARY SOURCE on your specific theme that should be attached to you poster, billboard, propaganda, or political cartoon that connects to your message.
g. You must show analysis of your primary source by writing a paper of no less than 1 page double-spaced, and not more than 2 pages (Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1 inch margins), that show you have successfully interpreted the truthfulness of your primary source, how your primary source connects to your visual representation of the time period in American history, and the impact your topic had on American society.
h. A works cited page in Chicago-Style Citation (Here is a Chicago-Style Citation Machine to help!)
1. Please read pages 756-763 and outline these pages into 4 sections: The U.S. Musters it's Forces, "The Great Arsenal of Democracy", FDR Plans for War, and Japan Attacks the U.S. You should have at least 1 full page and a maximum of 2 pages for your outline. Additionally, find ONE newspaper article about this section 1939 to December 7, 1941 and be ready to share it with your classmates and have it analyzed BEFORE you come to class.
2. You were supposed to complete this entire World War II packet over your February break. It will be checked!!
U.S. HISTORY I - Periods 4, 5, and 6:
Essential Questions:
-Does the United States have a mission in the mid-19th century? If so, was it expansion of freedom, economics, imperialism, etc? Why?
-Can political freedom exist without an economic foundation?
-Has rapid industrialization been a blessing or curse for America?
Themes: Industrial Revolution, Transportation Revolution, Economic Revolution, Immigration, Regional Specialization, and Nationalism
1. Period 6 only: I am checking your homework on your Nationalism and Economic Growth packet pages 1-8 on Economic foundations, the on "The New England Cotton Mills: Location Pays" and the New England Cotton Mills Chart/Questions.
2. Transportation Revolution Slideshow
3. Industrialization Slideshow
4. You will have time today to continue working on and asking me questions about your Advertisement Campaign Project:
Create an advertisement campaign for one of the following themes in American History from 1816-1860 for Mass Production (you can use a specific industry), The American Factory System, Transportation Revolution (any mode of transportation from this time period), working conditions (think of mills, plantations, farms, shipyards, etc), entrepreneurship/business opportunities, Economic Revolution, Immigration, or Regional Specialization (pick a region, city, state, or specific location). You can create a poster, billboard, electronic propaganda, or political cartoon as a visual representation. You need a Primary Source. You need to show analysis of the primary source and connect it to an argument and the theme illustrating how it has impacted American society in a written paper.
a. You must have a visual representation
b. You must have a slogan on your visual representation.
c. You must have a specific theme of American growth, American Economy, Nationalism, Sectionalism, or Immigration.
d. You must be either promoting or damaging a cause.
e. You must have a cause worth fighting for.
f. You must have some sort of caption or words that represent a purpose/argument/controversy.
h. You must use creativity and ORIGINAL THINKING - NO copying of the web!!!
i. You must have an accompanying PRIMARY SOURCE on your specific theme that should be attached to you poster, billboard, propaganda, or political cartoon that connects to your message.
g. You must show analysis of your primary source by writing a paper of no less than 1 page double-spaced, and not more than 2 pages (Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1 inch margins), that show you have successfully interpreted the truthfulness of your primary source, how your primary source connects to your visual representation of the time period in American history, and the impact your topic had on American society.
h. A works cited page in Chicago-Style Citation (Here is a Chicago-Style Citation Machine to help!)
1. Your Advertisement Campaign Project is due on Wednesday, February 26th when you get back from February Break. You must work on your project over the break and my recommendations are to get the advertisement and research on your primary source done over the break, that way when you get back you can write your 1-2 page paper connecting your topic to your argument made in your advertisement and your primary source together.
2. Your Nationalism and Economic Growth packet should be 100% completed by Friday. Please make sure you complete the remaining pages (9-14) this week.
International Studies - Period 2
Essential Questions:
-How do the modern Olympics differ from the Olympic Games prior to 1900?
-Are the Olympic Games a waste of money?
-Do the Olympic Games serve a greater purpose than just an international sporting event?
-How has Power Politics in the 20th and 21st Century played a role in the Olympics?
Themes: PEGS (Political, Economic, Geographic, Social)
1. We will continue our study on Culture and Politics in the Olympic Games - A focus on the modern Olympics (1906-1936)
2. What is Peacekeeping?
Peacekeeping videos -
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4
Number 5
3. TED Talk - The United Nations "Natural Resources and Peace-keeping: Is the United Nations really United"
4. TED Talk - Tanya de Mello - "Here's how you get the job done at the UN?"
2. Your Nationalism and Economic Growth packet should be 100% completed by Friday. Please make sure you complete the remaining pages (9-14) this week.
International Studies - Period 2
Essential Questions:
-How do the modern Olympics differ from the Olympic Games prior to 1900?
-Are the Olympic Games a waste of money?
-Do the Olympic Games serve a greater purpose than just an international sporting event?
-How has Power Politics in the 20th and 21st Century played a role in the Olympics?
Themes: PEGS (Political, Economic, Geographic, Social)
1. We will continue our study on Culture and Politics in the Olympic Games - A focus on the modern Olympics (1906-1936)
2. What is Peacekeeping?
Peacekeeping videos -
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4
Number 5
3. TED Talk - The United Nations "Natural Resources and Peace-keeping: Is the United Nations really United"
4. TED Talk - Tanya de Mello - "Here's how you get the job done at the UN?"
1. What is going on in the Ukraine? Did this start before the Olympics? Should Ukraine get what they want? What does the image below tell us about Ukraine?
Resources to help:
BBC Report on Ukraine
The Guardian: Ukraine Protests
National Geographic Interview

2. Over the February Break, I want to know: Where is Sochi? Are there any controversies going on in the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games? How do the Olympics affect the global community? Please continue to research and keep up-to-date with the 2014 Sochi Olympics. Is there more to it than just sports? Poke around online or in local newspapers, what are you finding out about the Olympics? Is there some type of political power play going on because it's in Russia? I want to hear your thoughts. Make sure you WATCH THE WINTER OLYMPICS @SOCHI!!!!
Resources to help:
BBC Report on Ukraine
The Guardian: Ukraine Protests
National Geographic Interview
2. Over the February Break, I want to know: Where is Sochi? Are there any controversies going on in the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games? How do the Olympics affect the global community? Please continue to research and keep up-to-date with the 2014 Sochi Olympics. Is there more to it than just sports? Poke around online or in local newspapers, what are you finding out about the Olympics? Is there some type of political power play going on because it's in Russia? I want to hear your thoughts. Make sure you WATCH THE WINTER OLYMPICS @SOCHI!!!!
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